The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 210 - 210: An Enchanting Waltz

"Who said that I didn't mean those words?"


"Well, while our circumstances of coming together were a bit weird, startling, and unexpected, I don't regret my decision.

From the moment that we both accepted the deal, taking you to Gaia, and even placing that Blood Slave seal upon you, I have considered you as truly my woman.

I thought that what happened on the journey here was enough to demonstrate that, but I guess that I still needed to actually express my thoughts in words at the end of the day!"


"As I said, you are my woman wifey, and I truly meant those words!"

The blue-haired beauty wasn't able to believe her ears at the moment. This answer and these words were totally unexpected for her.

After all, until now she had thought of Roy as nothing more than a tool for her use. Even after what happened in the carriage on their journey to arrive here in Badona city, she was trying to convince herself of that.

That was mostly due to thinking that Roy was the same, he was using her as a tool to get the Sparrow Merchant Guild, so she was going to use him as a tool to exact revenge.

But at this moment, she suddenly understood that the situation was quite a bit different from what she knew and expected.

Certainly, she wasn't a fool to believe that Roy had fallen in love with her and was going to give his life fighting for her.

But this showed that he was clearly developing feelings towards her. Knowing that, could she continue using him as a tool to get her revenge upon her mother's murderers?

She definitely felt complicated right now, and her thoughts and feelings were thrown in a disarray. She would need quite some time to actually regain clarity on her thoughts, and actions.

She was so confused that she even forgot what she was about to do, as she felt Roy suddenly jerk her towards himself, put a hand on her thin waist, and then say with a whisper,

"Don't lose your mind yet wifey, we have a dance to dance! Just follow my lead!"

While the Earthling Roy had never danced the waltz in his life, only hip-hop, or street dance, as that was the kinds of parties he went to, the Navitian Roy was another topic altogether.

As a prince, and furthermore, as one with quite a few loving mothers, he had been trained to Waltz since he was only 3 years old.

Even though he didn't like much the physical training and tiredness, he still gave everything to those moments, as he was able to pass happy moments with his 'family'.

For that reason, the moment that Roy and Alma entered the dancing floor, he seemed to have changed into another guy.

Just like when a swordsman takes his sword out, Roy's aura started to blend in the music and environment as if he belonged to the part.

All the people and nobles around him seemed to sense the sudden change in the aura, as they couldn't help but stop and have a look at him while creating space around him.

Alma couldn't understand what was going on either, as she was just like a beautiful green leaf that had been cut off from her branch and was letting the wind guide her through her fall.



Perhaps even these two words wouldn't be able to demonstrate the beauty of the show that Roy and Alma were offering to the crowd at the party venue.

People that had thought of actually mocking this lowlife commoner for his inexistent skills in dancing, couldn't help but look at him with slightly red faces.

No one knew whether it was from the anger of not being able to pick on Roy later, or due to their shame and embarrassment for not being on his level.

Even Earl Clark and his wife couldn't help but ignore the noise and sounds around them for a few moments, as they saw Roy and Alma waltz through the floor like two majestic swans.

Looking at the beauty and majesty of that dance, even the angry and furious Young Lady Aura couldn't help but be a little bit jealous of Alma.

She had wanted to mock her and Roy for dancing, but right now she couldn't find words to express the beauty of this dance.

What she didn't know, was that Alma herself was shocked by what was happening. She had never thought that Roy would have been such a good partner to dance.

What made things even weirder for her, was that through all the dance was Roy that was leading her, and she had only followed his lead.

How could such a commoner dance so majestically!? How could a man dance so majestically? At that moment, most probably everyone had forgotten that Roy was nothing but a commoner.

The same commoner that they tried to mock and laugh at earlier. As for Roy himself, he was totally submerged into the music and the dance itself that he had forgotten about everyone else.

At that moment, he felt like he was reliving the moments of his past, the moments when he danced with his mothers, and his family.

Even though to the current him those memories seemed nothing more than a beautiful dream, he could still feel the happiness, and love that he experienced.

As those memories surged his mind, he couldn't help for the betrayals he went through, and the fate of those family members as well, so killing intent, love, happiness were all mixed in his dance.

This was probably the first time for everyone in there seeing someone place intent through their dance, as each and every one of the nobles and people in the crowd felt like they were watching a story.

At first, it started happy and beautiful, to continue with anger, rage, and killing intent, and to finish with an unknown end.

The moment that the music finished, Roy and Alma stopped, the whole crowd at the venue, no matter whether they were servants, maids, nobles, or whatever were completely shocked and fascinated.

Each and every one of them could only look dumbfounded, and frozen at what had happened, as if trying to enjoy the fleeting moments, without making even the slightest movement.

Deadly silence conquered the party venue, as people seemed afraid to make a sound or a noise that might disrupt the lingering feeling.


'Clap, Clap~!'

'Clappp…, Claappp…, Claaappp~!'

No one knew who started it, or who followed after. But the moment that the first clapping sound was heard through the venue, the second followed immediately, and then everyone else.

Even his haters and evil wishers couldn't help but stand and applause the beautiful dance. While Roy all this time had kept eyes locked with Alma.

The poor blue-haired beauty felt like she was being enchanted by those blue eyes of his like she was unable to break free from them, as Roy peered into her soul.

"You are so beautiful!"

Hearing that compliment at that moment, Alma couldn't help but feel her face grow hotter, as Roy approached closer and gave her a kiss right then and there.

Only after he felt satisfied with the tasting, did he finally break the kiss, then jerk her once again to his side, and make a slight bow towards the still clapping audience.

"Thank you for your support everyone, I hope to not have embarrassed myself too much in front of all of you!"

For a moment each and every noble, or person that considered himself as part of the high society couldn't help but feel a bit angry towards Roy.

'If that is embarrassing yourself, then what the fu*ck is what we are doing?'

These were probably the thoughts of everyone present, but they would surely not express them out loud. None of them would accept that Roy was superior to them, even if it was only dancing!

At that moment, Earl Clark took the attention of the crowd once again, as he said,

"Young man, you are surprising me more and more tonight! I can't wait to see what else do you have in your arsenal."

"Earl Clark is overpraising me again. I just danced a bit according to my heart, nothing more!"

"Hahahaha~! You shouldn't be so humble young man, otherwise, people might take it for sarcasm!"

"That wasn't my intention!"

"I know, that's why I am saying it. Now let us enjoy the party!"

With that once again everyone started drinking and whispering but no one dared to take the dance floor.

None of them wanted to be the first one to be compared to Roy's and Alma's majestic dance. Well, almost no one as there was someone that couldn't tolerate Roy's fame.

Young Noble Timothe immediately went to ask for his little sister to be his partner into the next dance, and they took the frontline.

Their waltzing was classy and beautiful, but it was nowhere near the one that Roy and Alma just performed.

Forget about putting intent into their dance, the two of them were unable to even blend to the music and the part.

Still, no one dared to say or do something that might displease the two of them, so they all started whispering compliments, and beautiful words to the couple.

In fact, there were a few people who exaggerated everything and started saying that the duo was dancing even better than Roy and Alma.

But one look at the Young Noble himself and everyone would easily comprehend that he understood the difference himself.

In the meantime, Roy and Alma had returned to their quiet corner, as Alma couldn't help but ask,

"Just, who are you exactly!?"

"Who knows, I just might be a rich and handsome Prince of an Empire!"

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