The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 211 - 211: Little Bet & Assassins

Roy seemed extremely serious with his words for a moment, which made Alma startled and seriously ponder for a moment.

But if he had such an identity as he said, then what was the need of him being in the Death Forest, and even more so becoming a mercenary.

At the same time, she couldn't categorically reject the idea, thinking of the possible expert behind him that had helped him all this time, or thinking about Gaia.

Still, many questions were left unanswered, and many doubts didn't seem to even get an answer, so she could only look deeply into his eyes as if trying to find deep inside him whether it was the truth or not.

"Hahaahha~! I was just joking wifey, you don't have to be so serious! If I truly were such a wealthy prince, then I would be spending my days making love to beauties, and not come in such a place!"


Alma was taken aback by his reaction, as she couldn't help but snort a bit in displeasure. For some reason though she couldn't help but think that it might be true.

Roy noticed her expression and look but he didn't say anything more, he just continued to chuckle as a kid who had succeeded in his little play.

As the two 'lovebirds' were talking to each other, the dance of Young Noble Timothe and Young Lady Aura seemed to have come to an end.

The crowd was applauding loudly, and showering them in compliments, but the couple themselves felt like they were being mocked instead of praised.

Even though they were arrogant, and selfish, thinking that the world should revolve around them, they still were able to see things clearly, they weren't idiots.

Their dance could be compared to that of Roy and Alma but that was as wide as the difference in the standing of a high noble and a slave or a lowlife commoner.

They were far from being able to actually reach even 1/10 of Roy's and Alma's dance majesty. For that reason, the applause seemed even more of an insult to them.

Roy and Alma seemed to join with the crowd as well. In fact, Roy was one of the people that applauded the most. It was a clear and naked provocation to the couple.

Young Noble Timothe could be seen clenching his fists and teeth as he saw this scene, but he still didn't give in to his anger and rage.

Even though he seemed to be burning in rage, he still managed to control his emotions and feelings. Young Lady Aura wasn't much different, as she was looking at Roy like he had offended her Ancestors.

Well, most probably her anger was related to her crush, who despite his calm and cool look seemed to be harboring quite the killing intent towards Roy.

As for the man himself, he just saw all this happen without much of an expression on his face, as he couldn't help but think how fun things were going to be from now on.

After that dance, the party got even duller, as no one dared to take the dance floor anymore. People only drank and ate the delicacies of the party.

Finally, when most things had finished, Earl Clark stood up and then said in a solemn tone,

"Friends, I hope you have been entertained and pleased tonight with this humble party! Since it has become quite late, I would love to retreat and have a good sleep!"

With that, he took the hand of his wife, and once again disappeared into his Castle, giving permission to everyone who wanted to leave the Castle.

Not much later after Earl Clark left the party, Roy pulled Alma out of there to leave as well. He had reached his purpose of coming here tonight, so there was no need for him to stay longer.

Getting in the carriage the couple was just looking at each other without saying a word, as Roy finally broke the silence,

"It's boring like this! Let us make a bet, how many assassins will there be, and what strength? The one who gets closest wins!"

"Oh!? And what will we bet upon?"

"The loser has to do one thing that the winner requests, no matter what it is!"


"Yes, anything!"

"Very well, then I say that there are going to be 8 assassins, with strength late Rank 3 or early to middle Rank 4!"

Considering the strength that Roy had demonstrated at the Sparrow Merchant Guild's plaza and combined with the fact that most people thought that he used artifacts it was quite a good estimation.

What the blue-haired beauty didn't know though, was the fact that Eric had been fighting with assassins all this week, and his enemies had certainly gained some information in his strength.

Well, even then, they had no idea what he was truly capable of, but still, they wouldn't be as stupid as to send cannon fodder.

On the other hand, Roy had no intention of losing this game, so without losing time he quickly spread his 'sense area' to have a check before saying,

"4 of them, each of them at late Rank 4!"

"You… You just used 'sense area' now didn't you?"

"Yes, I did, and?"

"It doesn't count! That's cheating!"

"How is that cheating? I never mentioned that we couldn't use it, and neither did you add that as a condition!"


'Crackk…, crack…, clanggg…, clankkk…'

Too bad that the beauty didn't have time to continue speaking, as suddenly all kinds of arrows, knives, and even a spear cut through their carriage and turn it into a porcupine.

Right after the arrows had struck, a giant ball of flames fell upon the carriage with the intention of burning it to ashes.

What wasn't visible to the eye though was most probably the fact that most of these arrows and knives were coated in poison.

It was clear that whoever hatched this plan had the intention of killing both of them. But before the giant ball of flames could land and burn the carriage, it was turned into a chunk of ice that exploded in pieces.

Then under the surprised eyes of the 4 assassins, Roy and Alma walked out of the carriage with different expressions on their faces.

Not only that, but Roy seemed to even find the time to actually act like a gentleman and let the beauty get off the carriage.

They were in a dark alley, quite a bit away from the Castle of Earl Clark, even if they send help as soon as they saw the ball of flames, they would still need 10 to 15 minutes to arrive.

And that was if they truly wanted to arrive and save the duo, as most probably they were ordered to stand by and not move.

Looking around the alley, and at the heads of the two people below looking at them with lust, and viciousness, and the two guys on top of two houses alongside the alley, Roy said with a happy tone,

"My win!"

"You cheated, it doesn't count!"

"How did I cheat? We never set any rules to this!"

"Still, it doesn't count!"

"Come on don't be a baby, just accept you lost!"

As the couple were quarreling about their bet together, one of the assassins that were on the ground with them, seemed to have lost his patience and attacked, while saying with a hoarse voice,

"Oy brat, how dare you ignore us, and act lovey-dovey?"

The guy used a knife as the main weapon and was quite fast. It would be difficult to keep up with his speed.

Before he could arrive and enter Roy's and Alma's close-quarters combat area though, Alma used her body as the center to spread frost around her in a two-meter radius.

While the frost wouldn't kill the guy, or endanger his life, it surely slowed him down by freezing his reactions, and nerves.

'Bangg…, Crackk…, Booommmmm~!'

At the same time, Roy took advantage of the chance created, landing a square punch to the guy's face and sending him flying back as he said,

"How dare you interrupt my moment with my wifey? Are you tired of living?"

Roy's punch was quite overbearing and strong, but Alma who had already fought quite a few times by his side knew that this was just half or at most 60% of his strength.

'Why didn't he kill him?'

On the other hand, Roy just acted like his hand had been injured as he said,

"Damn~! He had such a thick skin that even my hand hurts! What about you guys?"

The sudden situation clearly had startled and shocked the other three assassins, but Roy's words managed to wake them perfectly.

Without wasting any second more, the two guys on the top of the buildings gathered mana to create another giant ball of flame, and a ripping tornado as they hurled them towards Roy and Alma.

At the same time, the other guy who was on their level ground took out a bow with 5 arrows readied in it and then launched them towards Roy and Alma as well.

One look at the scene and one could tell that Roy and Alma weren't in a good position. In fact, one could even claim that they were screwed.

Still, neither of them looked any worried with the current situation, as Alma said in a solemn and heavy tone,

"Courting Death!"

'Swooshhh…, swisshhh…, swooosshhhh…'

In no time the attacks landed in the spot where Alma and Roy stood a moment ago, covering the place in dust, debris, and dirt…

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