The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 217 - 217: Roy Awakens

Roy had a faint idea of what might be going on, but he surely had no idea of just how rotten, sly, determined, and evil these guys really were.

Well, in fact, one couldn't actually call them evil, as they were only acting upon their instincts of survival and greed. They wanted wealth, power, and a good living just like any other human being or animal out there.

Roy was the same, he wasn't some kind of saint that was actually striving for world peace or helping the poor.

No, he was striving to have the strength and power to have his revenge upon the enemies that destroyed his family and live a long beautiful life alongside his close people.

Just like all of those guys he had his own plans and schemes to work upon and if he had the opportunity he would surely kill each and every one of these guys.

The only good side of all this was that none of the people in front of him were innocent, or clean. Each and every one of them was a bastard who had his hands and conscience covered in dirt.

But that didn't matter right now, as he was lying unconscious on a king-size bed inside Alma's courtyard while he was being attended by Alma and two of her personal servants.

Alma seemed extremely tired and disturbed by everything that had happened that day, so she was in a dire need of good sleep.

Even the relaxation she received from her passing out earlier in the day had completely gone out of the window once she had woken up.

The mess she, her father, and their guild were, was becoming more and more complicated the more time passed.

By now she had totally lost sense of direction and didn't know what to do anymore. She was all alone in a fight against the devils surrounding her.

She had thought of making Roy her weapon and cut through them with his help. But her weapon had been destroyed and rusted even before she took a swing with it.

Life and Heavens had truly been unfair to her! Just what should she do in order to get out of this mess it was created around her.

From the start she had never wanted to be anyone special, she just wanted to live her life reading in peace, quiet, and happiness in the presence of her parents.

But now, her mother was dead, her father was using her as a tradeable piece, and many idiots were trying to turn her into their possession.

Just because their cheap feelings of pride couldn't afford hearing no from a beautiful woman and wanted to try the sensation of conquering her.

Roy wasn't much different from them, this guy was supposed to be her weapon, but even he was surpassing his bounds trying to make her his.

The only difference was that Roy was actually someone with a bright future ahead, as his talents, skills, and abilities were out of the world.

It was a wonder how he had managed to make that prideful and arrogant friend of her fall for him, but she wasn't going to end up like her.

Still, Heaven's were truly cruel, before she could even have a chance to use him, he was actually bedridden and fell into a hopeless state.

"Mistress perhaps you should go and have a rest, we are going to stay here and take care of Young Master!"

One of the maids seemed to have seen the tiredness reeking out of the beauty's body and said those words to her. Which the beauty couldn't help but consider seriously.

The truth was that she was extremely tired, and emotionally unstable at that moment. Furthermore, it felt like a waste of time to just sit beside Roy.

The truth was that she had made her oath just so that she could escape the pressure, and following of those guys behind her, using Roy and his condition as a shield.

Since she couldn't use him like a sword, then at least she was going to use him as a shield. No one could blame her, in the situation she was in, she had to do everything to survive and win.

"Very well, take good care of him! Inform me immediately should something happen!"

"Yes, Mistress!"

After some thought, it felt logical to go and rest a bit, as she left Roy under the care of the two maids, who seemed extremely attentive to her words.

Once she got outside the door, and the door of the room was closed though, the two maids looked at each other in the eye carefully, before one of them suddenly made a quick move.

She used a small needle on her hand to actually hit the other maid on the neck. Even if the needle didn't kill her it would certainly put her in an unconscious state.

"Sorry, but there are some things that you shouldn't see! Master will take care of you later!"

The other maid seemed to be quite surprised and startled with what happened, while the unconscious Roy finally opened his eyes at that moment saying,

"Good job, now wait for me here!"

With that said, he disappeared under the clear and calm eyes of the maid who seemed to have been used to this and went to restrain the other maid.

As for Roy he immediately appeared inside Gaia, and more accurately at the Stone Altar inside Gaia. He hadn't thought that it would take him this much time to actually be left alone.

From the start he had actually not been in any danger, while he was a bit tired and emptied of stamina, he was still in perfect condition.

Why the act?

Well, if he acted too cool and showed this to these vultures, then they would find other ways to deal with him.

They would either send someone much stronger to take care of him or even plot some other trap. No matter what, it would be too troublesome to deal with.

So the best way to stop all that was to make himself a useless chess piece, that no one would want to deal with anymore.

Like this, he would have all the freedom to act in the dark and create disturbance and conflict amidst the existing parties.

From the fact that the two-faced Mr. Knight had appeared to help them, he could understand that he had ambitions on Alma and the Sparrow Merchant Guild.

Since Young Noble Timothe was in the same position as well, that meant that there was bound to be a little bit of friction amidst the two-faced Knight and the Young Noble.

Furthermore, during the all party, and even as he lay on the bed at the two-faced Knight's courtyard, he couldn't help but feel a strange alertness towards his father-in-law.

That wasn't something that he would have from sensing some old warrior that had been poisoned and was on his last strands.

No, that felt like the aura of someone who had bottled up quite a bit of stress, feelings, and ambitions.

In fact, from the moment that they left the part and Earl Clark's Castle, he had decided to exercise more precaution as this place wasn't as simple as he had thought.

Each and every one of these guys was a wolf in sheep's clothing, and the smallest mistake would put him down, so he had to make sure that something like that didn't happen.

When he was 'being treated' by the honored doctor and alchemist, for example, he had been injected with a large quantity of 'Mind Forgetting Poison'.

While this thing was only a Rank 2 poison produced from the blades of the 'Forgetting Grass' it was still a dangerous poison against him.

Normally a Warrior or a Mage of his Rank would have been completely erased by that poison, as while he still existed he would have lost all sense, memories, and sentience.

And while his immunity towards poisons was impeccable, the quantity that they actually stuffed into him was overwhelming.

They say that even a tiger uses his full strength hunting a rabbit, but these bastards surpassed even that.

They injected so much of it inside him that he felt like they were trying to change his blood for this damned poison.

For that reason, he had decided to play along and he was fully focused on dealing with the poison inside him all this time.

He was sure that Alma wouldn't be that lightheaded as to let him rest in that place, even though he had a backup plan for that as well.

For that reason, he had to actually wait until now to finally act. The problem with this situation though was that too much time had passed.

Most of his injuries had started to close down and recover. But no matter how good his recovery was they were still going to leave scars and traces.

Furthermore, the poison was something that he couldn't control as he should anymore, so he needed to enter Gaia, and especially the Stone Altar.

Only that place could actually help him recover in a quick time, and with no problems. Everything was ready and prepared for him.

Like the moment he reappeared at the Stone Altar, he took out a knife and started cutting the area around his wounds, if he wanted to recover he had to create wounds covering his previous ones.

It was crazy for sure, but it was a price that he was more than willing to pay. As for outside, it was completely entrusted to the Maid as she was…

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