The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 218 - 218: Slave Seal & Spying

The new maid was actually none other than his only Rank 4 slave that he had been able to get his hands upon. Even now it was a bit difficult to have her obey as he still needed parts from the set.

But it was nonetheless in his hands, and she could only obey to whatever order or instruction he gave. In front of constant pain and life danger, people were bound to break.

He had yet to ask her about her standing and story, but that could wait as right now there were more important things to deal with.

In fact, right now this slave was impersonating the maid, and wasn't the real maid. As for the other one, she was most probably the spy of Mr. Knight in Alma's courtyard.

Why hadn't he told Alma about the fact that he was awake?

Well, despite the little bond created between the two of them, Roy didn't trust her fully. He still had her doubts about her.

Not that she would betray him, but that she was still hiding some stuff from him, and that she wasn't fully sincere.

This might not be a problem at that moment, but it was surely a big obstacle in their relationship and trust formation. Not to mention that right now she was unstable emotionally.

If she found out suddenly that there was nothing wrong with him, intentionally or unintentionally she might slip and expose his plan.

A secret was easier to keep when few people knew about it. The more people learned of it, the higher were the chances of actually getting found out.

It took Roy around 4 hours of constant pain and suffering to finally subdue the poison inside him, and at the same time recover all the injuries in his body without leaving even the tiniest scar.

Surprisingly as he did so, he even got a huge perk that he didn't expect to get, as not only had his Venom Mage Rank reached the peak of Rank 4 Mage, but even his poison immunity had been boosted.

It was quite a surprise, or to be more exact it was an estimation as the poison immunity core he had obtained from the Rank 5 Green Horn Snake was showing a better color, and slightly bigger.

He didn't know whether his theory was actually correct, but it didn't kill to actually believe that it was the truth.

With that done, he quickly left Gaia as he came, and reappeared inside the room where Alma had left him a while back.

His slave was actually sitting in lotus position while keeping a check in his surroundings, while the other maid was actually tied up and secured beside the bed.

"Did you try to make her talk?"

"Yes, Master I did! According to what she said, she is indeed one of the spies that Kayden has in this courtyard, and she is instructed to even increase the dose of the poison inside your body.

That was done with the intention of securing that you never wake up!"

"It seems like that idiot truly has some brains! Actually not killing me but keeping me alive. I could even work as a talisman to keep Young Noble Timothe at bay!

Too bad that his plans, and his hypocrisy are just too visible for me! Anyway, I should thank him for the gift, a Rank 3 Warrior lady isn't easy to come across!"

With that said he quickly pricked his finger and started drawing a symbol on the captured maids face, and when he was finished his blood was sucked inside her head.

It was just like a sponge sucking water, as in a matter of moments the blood disappeared, while the captured maid started shaking and trembling.

She was in a deep and insupportable pain, as this was a slave seal upon an existing one, and in order for it to take root, the previous seal had to be destroyed.

The pain perceived during the old seal destruction was the same as having her body ripped into pieces, and then reassembled again.

Roy didn't want to do something like this, but if he didn't than this woman would be willing or forced to say everything she knew to her old Master.

The only thing he could do now, was to actually change the seal inside her, and make it look like someone else had taken her away.

For that reason, once the seal was completed he quickly sent her inside Gaia with a thought. There she would be under surveillance, and impossible to be found.

But that was just the start and the spark, as there were more important things for Roy to do that night.

Without losing time he quickly took off any piece of cloth in his body and then used his camouflage ability to become invisible as he left the room.

First thing he checked was Alma, as despite her not being someone he could fully trust and confide, she was still someone that he considered his.

"No, mother don't go! Don't leave me!"

Hearing her cry, for a moment he thought that she had woken up and seen him but hearing the contents he understood that she was watching some kind of nightmare.

Seeing her like that, it made him feel a bit sorry for her, as he approached and gave her a kiss on the lips, and soon her expression changed. She didn't seem as pained and worried as before.

With that done, he quickly took a look around her courtyard, to specify the maids and servants that were acting as spies, and after marking a few of them he left the place.

It was simple to mark those bastards at that moment, as most probably Mr. Knight was suffering the forceful disconnection of the slave seal as well.

He was bound to try and send the rest to go and have a check on what had happened and who was responsible for that.

It wasn't surprising that he had managed to turn more than 80% of the maids and servants working for Alma into his servants and spies.

Well that was considering a 10% discrepancy, which made the situation even worse. But it didn't matter, this way Roy felt that he would be even simpler to cheat that idiot around.

Once he was outside of Alma's courtyard, his direction and destination were more than known, as he was going to have a short spy on his enemies.

The first in the list would be none other than Mr. Knight with the loss of his slave seal connection that bastard was bound to spill some beans right?

The security around the courtyard, was quite good. Not only did he have quite strong experts guarding the place, but even their schedule and training seemed strict.

Even though they were in their own 'home' this father-son duo certainly didn't lax their guard in the least.

It was a bit difficult for Roy to pass through them, even though he had the best stealth at that moment. Still, the important thing was that he managed to surpass the security and enter inside.

He didn't have to look too much around in order to find his destination, as he could see quite a number of servants and maids coming from the same direction.

It was clear that they were coming from Mr. Knight's room, so he quickly run in that direction. It didn't take him long to finally reach the room, as the last maid seemed to get out.


He was a bit in a hurry to enter inside, so his speed might have caused a little breeze as he entered inside, startling the maid, but she just shook her head and continued her way.

She most probably thought that it was the wind flowing from the window she had left open, so that the Young Master could take a breather.

Inside Mr. Knights room, was left only himself and his father Boris. Looking at his son with a bit of confusion, and solemnity he asked,

"Son what happened!?"

"Someone forcefully broke the slave seal in one of the spies beside Alma!"

"What!? How could that be?"

"I don't know! Its impossible for Alma to make such a move, as she would only alert us more! So, most probably there is someone else behind it!"

"Could it be that guy?"

"No, that's impossible as well! Even though he has some good skills, its impossible for him to actually wake up with a full mind after the Mind Forgetting Poison!"

"Hmm~! Could it be that he truly has a Master behind him, just like the reports said?"

"That could be true! But if that is so then why didn't he react when his life was in danger due to the assassins?

Or why didn't he act when we actually used the Mind Forgetting Poison on him?

This story has too many holes!"

"Then what do you think has happened!?"

"I don't know, but we should be extremely careful from now on. I have already notified the others to be extremely on guard and look after each other.

I also tried to get information on the one whose seal was forcefully broken, but it seems like she has disappeared into thin air!

There is something eerie and displeasing about all this!"

"What is the chance that whoever did this will actually reveal these things to Alma!?"

"While it isn't zero, I don't think its high either! Alma is sleeping right now, and if he wanted to reveal this to her then she wouldn't be sleeping!

Most probably he is acting on his own, as for his interests, and reasons. I have no idea!"

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