The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 246 - First Products

Clearly not all of the people keeping an eye on his factory were guards sent by the Fog House, as there were a few trying to find out what this place would be used about, and its owner.

It was logical that many people would get curious about the new arrival and his intentions, as this was the industrial zone of the City.

Which of the people owning a place or a factory in this place weren't wealthy and influential? Furthermore, this was also a way to prepare for possible future competition.

They would rather destroy the bud before growing, than sharing the land, water, and minerals once it was grown. No one would be willing to lose a part of its pie, no matter how rich he or she was.

Roy was no different, if he had the chance or the opportunity to get rid of the competitors he would surely do so. After all, in monopoly he could place the prices however he wished.

At the same time, he wouldn't get out of his way to actually destroy other people's business and make enemies to himself.

With those thoughts in mind, he quickly entered his own factory in order to check up on the artisans, as he found them working on the second floor, with bags under their eyes.

"Huh!? What happened to you all, why do you seem so sleepless!?"

Hearing that question, the artisans had an urge to vomit blood and scream at the guy, 'just who do you think is responsible for that?'.

After all, it was Roy and his mistress that had left them sleepless at first, and their thoughts about Roy's activity later.

How could they possible not be shocked after all the moans, and sounds they heard. Whoever was the one to have faced Roy's techniques and skills was most certainly blessed by Gods.

At the same time, it was impossible for these Masters to accept doing something as shameful as peeping and eavesdropping him, so Blake coughed to clean his throat and said,

"Since we had the opportunity to work with so many good materials, we were unable to sleep and decided to work all night!"

"Is that so!? Well, this better be the first and last time you do something like this! I need you to work productively as much as you can, not die to overwork!

You better be careful from now on!"

"Yes boss we understand!"

Even though they were basically lying, the Masters couldn't help but get happy at Roy's words. In this world there were few owners who actually told their workers to not overwork.

In fact, even in their own shops there were many times when they needed to overwork in order to not lose a customer, or a deadline.

It was precisely these small details that actually helped workers do their job more sensibly, and happily. Hearing those words Roy didn't linger much on the topic, and just continued,

"Very well, now show me the fruits of your hard work!"

"Right this way boss, we managed to finish two necklaces and one dress during the night! We have yet to set the array formations on top of them, as we thought to first show you the product!"

Looking at the direction that Blake pointed, Roy was able to see 2 beautiful necklaces cast out of shiny gold and ornamented with some small decorative stones.

The specialty of these necklaces was surely the mana stone used as the main jewel that was not only case in special covering, but it also worked as a generator to the necklaces formation.

In a time where most of the formations were inscribed in rings, and were mostly one time use, Roy had managed to create a continuously used artifact, that also looked extremely exquisite.

Which lady would be able to resist an artifact that it would protect her life, and at the same time look enchanting to the eyes of the people surrounding her.

It was nothing short of hitting two birds with one stone. Not to mention that this branded product would even serve as a demonstration of standing, wealth, and prestige.

Just thinking about all this it made Roy salivate at the possible income he was going to receive from it.

"Very well, I like them you can proceed with the formations!"

"Boss, its like this, while we can inscribe formations on top of them, we can only do so for formations up to Rank 3.

If I am not mistaken Boss wants to sell these things at a high price and to higher society right? Then our formations wouldn't be really useful!

It would be the same as having a golden carriage pulled by a donkey! For that reason, we think that it would be best for us to buy ready formations, until you hire a better formation Master."

Blake's words threw Roy into deep thinking, as he understood the main point as well. The truth was that he had been looking for a Formation Master, but it was just too difficult to find one.

But there was something that caught his attention from Blake's words,

"Buy ready formations? How does that happen, how do we buy them?"

"Huh!? Boss doesn't know about ready formations!?"

"If I knew I wouldn't be asking you don't you think Blake!?"

"Right, right, sorry for that Boss! Let me explain it like this, there are two ways to inscribe a formation, the first is to inscribe it directly into the artifact, that is also the way to bring better results.

The second way is to have a ready formation, that will be later glued to the artifact. This second way preserves the possibility of making mistakes to the formation and damaging the artifact.

But since its glued artificially artifact isn't capable of using the formations full strength, and once the 'glued' formation comes off, the artifact loses all its functions!"

"If our customers know about our 'glued' artifacts, would they be willing to buy them?"

"While customers would prefer a true formation inscribed artifact, the manufacturers would mostly decide to use the second method when mass-producing as its more cost and time effective!"

Once again Roy had to think about the two options for some time, before saying,

"Is there any Formation Master we can hire in order to directly inscribe the formations!?"

"Well, most of them are even tied up to powerful merchants or are too proud and arrogant to believe in our undertaking. So I would say that there is almost no one!"


"Well, there is one, but that guy is extremely weird and crazy! He is always experimenting with all kinds of formations and requires really expensive conditions to work.

As long as someone is able to provide him with what he wants, he would even work for the demons!"

"Oh!? This guy seems really interesting!? Do you know where he is, can you take me to meet up with him!?"

"Boss are you thinking of hiring him!?"

"Yes, why not!?"

"Well, to hire him one would need to spend at least a few hundred mana stones in a month!"

"Hahahaha~! If he is worth that much, I wouldn't mind it in the least!"

Roy's laughter and words clearly surprised the artisans, who had just thought that perhaps they had accepted their job too cheaply.

Noticing that Roy looked at them and he said,

"Once we are open for business you will understand that a few hundred mana stones per month will be just cheap change for us.

Don't worry though, I don't intend of taking advantage from you, as beside your fixed salary I will also give you 1% for every piece of work you will produce.

This might look small right now, but it will certainly grow a lot when we start selling!"

Those words managed to entice the artisans, who for some weird reason felt that Roy wasn't lying to them. The confidence in his voice was easily distinguishable.

"Well now you prepare for the trip Blake and wait me at the entrance, I have some business to take care of upstairs!"

Hearing that last part, the poor artisans couldn't help but have some weird expressions on their faces, as Roy just made his way to the third floor.

As soon as he reached there, he took out Valery, Gidella, and three other beauties from Gaia to rest and stay guard in this place.

After all the good treatment these beauties had received in Gaia, they were all close to Rank 3 in their respective cultivations.

While they wouldn't be a big force in this Badona City they were certainly not a bunch to be underestimated, as they would work good as guards for this place.

"You need to stay here and guard this place at the moment, until I find you some identity tokens, so that you could move freely around the place!

Don't get outside, and don't cause trouble! You will only endanger and complicate your own lives!"

"We understand Master!"

"I know that you might still have some desire to run away, but this place isn't your father's dominion, and you will only make things more difficult for yourself!

I don't want to threaten you, but you should know me well enough already, was I clear!?"

These words were directed to Valery, even though she didn't show it much on her face, there were bound to be difficulties on her heart.

She was bound to have some wishes of running away, returning home, and then dealing with him.. Roy just wanted to make sure that she didn't cause trouble for both of them.

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