The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 247 - Shopping In The Market (Disturbing Experience)

Valery couldn't fully refuse those words, as deep down her heart there were still some lingering such feelings, but slowly those feelings were being dissolved and dispersed by staying beside Roy.

Even though this guy wasn't a saint or a great knight gentleman, he surely was a true man that cared and took care of her and her close ones.

Not only that, but even her bonds and ties to the other ladies and those kids had grown willingly or unwillingly during this time, and it was at that moment that she understood she couldn't just leave them behind.

In other words, even though she still didn't consider Roy as the center of her world, she wasn't far from it. So, she had no intention of bringing trouble to him.

Not to mention that Roy was the only one who could connect to that Other World, and if she wanted to actually meet her 'mother' and the rest again, she had to be by his side.

"Don't worry, I will never do something like that! I swear!"

Hearing that, and noticing the sincerity in those words, Roy lunged forward and gave her a kiss as he said,

"I know that I have been unfair to you, but you should understand how the real world revolves by now!"

The beauty just felt the kiss prick her heart, but she didn't say anything, as Roy gave the other ladies a kiss each as well, before going to the stairs and leaving the building.

Blake was truly waiting for him at the entrance, ready to lead him towards that Array Formation Master, that he needed to employ.

This was the first time that Roy actually went through this Badona city during the day, so on the way he had Blake introduce and teach all kinds of things to him.

The city was rather bustling and quite good. There were all kinds of people, wearing all kinds of expressions like happiness, gloom, anger, determination, etc.

Generally, people seemed to be on the skinny side, meaning that they didn't have enough to eat, but they were still able to make a rather fair living.

Of course, the reason why they were in this state had nothing to do with the lack of resources, but with the unfair taxing and distribution of those resources.

After all, 8 out of 10 nobles in the party that he had participated in had actually potbelly or were so fat that even their potbellies didn't show up.

For that reason, Roy could feel a trace of pity for these people, but only for a fleeting moment, as it was their own fault they were in that condition.

Even human being choose their fate and their way of living themselves. Whether one wants to live his life as a poor fellow or make money and live a wealthy life is in his own hands.

Life is different from the start, otherwise, all the babies would be born identical, and we would all live the same identical life.

These differences will also decide and fix on our starting points, but they never will be able to block our achievements and our finish points.

The one who has the determination to walk longer and has the will to never stop advancing that is the one who has actually won in life.

All these people are seemingly afraid of moving ahead, so it is no wonder that they are stuck in this place and in this situation.

One look at them enforced Roy's own determination and resolve to do what he dreamed. Reaching the peak and looking at the world behind him in disdain.

Just thinking like that, he and Blake arrived at the Commercial Shopping Street on Badona City which was the biggest vein for Merchants and Shop owners to sell their stuff.

There were a lot of merchants coming from outside the city, with the intention to sell their products, despite needing to pay a higher tax from the local shop owners.

The Market was bustling, there were all kinds of materials, and products displayed for any possible customer, and some things were so good that even Roy couldn't actually ignore them.

Since he had the memories of his 'Master' that were slowly unsealing to him all the knowledge he had, he was able to discover quite a few materials and products that were helpful to him.

In fact, in his 'Master's' memories there was even a great knowledge about arrays and formations, but unfortunately, he was completely ignorant of how to start his journey.

A big reason why he was going out of his way just to make sure that he employed this array Formations Master was precise because he wanted the guy to teach him a bit.

He had no intention of taking him as a Master, as he wasn't worth it, but it would be good if he just guided him a bit.

As they were going through the Market, they finally reached a big Alchemy Shop, and Roy entered inside while Blake was following behind him.

"Hello Mister, how may we help you!?"

At the door, an above-average beauty stopped in front of them, and welcomed them inside, while Roy just took a look around and said,

"Do you have some kind of catalog about the products I can buy in here?"

"Of course, Mister could have a look at this!"

With that said, she passed a small rock to Roy who immediately took it and spread his 'sense area'. This small rock was called an information rock and played the role of an internet webpage.

In there one would be able to find the list with all the products offered by the shop. It was taught to Roy by Blake in the first shop they entered.

After checking it for 5 to 10 minutes, Roy finally retracted his sense and then handed it over to the lady in front of him,

"I would like to take with me the marked products in the marked quantity!"

It wasn't that customers couldn't mark their wanted materials in these information stones, but it was extremely difficult to do so, and one had to be at least Rank 4.

The moment that she realized this the beauty immediately bowed to Roy and said,

"I am truly sorry Esteemed Customer, perhaps my attitude has been not to your liking until now. Allow me to apologize to you in advance!"

"Hmph~! I don't understand some people's thinking that wearing hoodies will make them look strong and mysterious.

But as long as there are illiterate country bumpkins like her to actually believe them, it's not much of a surprise I think!"

A cold voice behind Roy stated the question and then answered it himself, as after the voice of a woman seemed to be following his,

"Young Noble Troy is surely wise and observing! Nowadays everyone could enter this Lotus Pavilion and pollute the air!"

Quite a few people turned their attention towards the situation, while Roy just let out a loud sigh while spreading his pressure as a Rank 4 Warrior.

"Sigh~! Nowadays all kinds of greenhorns and good-for-nothings seem to have opinions over this Master! I wonder if it is because I have left my sword home?"

In a mere instant, the whole lobby was frozen, as they couldn't help but feel a chill looking at Roy's figure in the middle.

Even though Rank 4 Masters weren't that rare, they weren't found in every corner either. After all, even the City Commanders were only Rank 4 peak.

While Roy had the aura of a new Rank 4, the pressure he was emitting was close to a high Rank 4, and that was without his killing intent or sword pressure that he had learned lately.

Unfortunately, some people won't cry until they see their coffin, and the beauty was no different. Wishing to gain favor with that Young Noble, she tried to go against the hooded Roy,

"So what if you are a Rank 4 Master, do you know who my Young Noble is? Do you know who his father is?"

After hearing those words, even that Young Noble guy seemed to have gained a bit of heart, and courage as he was boosted by his stupid proud and arrogance sense,

"You surely are daring! Do you know who my father is? My father is Knight Taro, he is the second in command of Commander Cyclops!

Are you afraid now? Don't worry though, as long as you take this Young Noble's slave seal, you can live a comfortable life serving me!"

Since the situation had proceeded this far, he was thinking of making the most out of it. Surely this hooded idiot was terrified by his background.

"Even a little knight's son dares to call himself as a Young Noble! The world surely has grown senile, it seems like it was a good choice for this old man to live in seclusion!

Anyway, it doesn't matter! Young one just disappear from this elder's eyes in two breaths time, otherwise, I will start telling you about my background, and change your father's name for you!"

As he said that, Roy even intentionally allowed a bit of his killing intent to leak towards the idiot in front of him, as his knees started trembling, and he couldn't even stand up.

As for the beauty beside him, her face was as pale as an ice flower, as she didn't dare to even look in Roy's eye direction.

"Esteemed guest don't you think that you are going a bit too far in my Lotus Pavillion!?"

"You are surely jesting, I was just instructing a few greenhorns on the truth of this world. In fact, isn't you Lotus pavilion who owes this old Master an apology for this disturbing experience?"

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