The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 249 - See You Next Time

"You bastard stooppppp~!"

The moment that the guards appeared at the entrance, the one leading them screamed in a loud and powerful voice that would make anyone think that they had angered a god.

Unfortunately, this Badona City didn't have such a scene and the one who was screaming was no one else but one of the vice-commander under Cyclops, a knight, and the poor wastes that started this, father.

From the moment this all had started, someone had gone to report him about the situation, as he had run here with everything he had.

He had no idea of how things had reached up to this, and where his son was, but he couldn't allow something like this to happen under his watch.

Unfortunately, Roy didn't seem to hear him, as he continued with his treatment towards the 12 people that were now trying to protect their bodies while falling on the ground.

Seeing how the hooded person in front of him had completely ignored him and his shout the vice-commander felt that he had just been humiliated and that he couldn't accept something like that.

Once he was far enough to launch an attack, he jumped from his mount, sending a powerful looking palm towards Roy, and screaming,

"You bastard, I told you to stoppppp~!"

Even though this was a sneaky attack without understanding the situation, he had still placed all the strength he was able to, in that attack.

No matter what kind of demon or God Roy was, he was sure to suffer heavy injuries if not death with that attack, but he felt that this was something that Roy deserved.

This bastard dared to act pretentious and cocky in his City, then he most probably had a death wish that he was more than happy to fulfill.

On the other hand, Roy was caught by surprise at the sudden attack towards him, but he had been kind of expecting for that to happen.

After all, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Looking at what kind of an idiot his son was, it would be close to impossible for the father to be any good and sensible person.

For that reason, Roy continued with his playing, until the vice-commander entered his range, then he suddenly made a turn mid-air and his left foot slipped like a snake towards the guy's torso.

'Banggg…, Swoooshhh…, Booooooommmmmm~!'

Under the eyes of the shocked audience, Roy managed to kick the vice-commander just like a sack of potatoes, sending him flying and crashing to the pavilion's walls.

Each and every one's mouth at that moment seemed big enough to shelter an egg, as this hooded guy was just too strong for them.

It was at that moment that they regretted ever messing with this demon and that their lives seemed to be in quite the predicament.

The guards behind the vice-commander were shocked as well, as they never thought that their vice-commander would be sent packing with just one kick.

If that was the case for him, then what could weak guards like them even amount to. They would be nothing more than fish on the chopping board.

Roy could easily chop them down and make some soup with them as ingredients while he was at it.

It was a good idea that Roy had told Blake to go and hide into the crowd from the beginning, as it would be too difficult to escape with him behind him.

"It seems like the vice-commander is here to condemn this old man for the robbery of 1 million gold coins from his house, that God knows how he was able to collect with his work.

So, this old man needs to apologize to him heavily as well!

Whoever finds their own money amidst the coins that this old father brought out, you can just tell me, and I will apologize to you as well, depending on the amount stolen!"

The guards that just came to the place didn't understand what was going on, and they were about to let their greedy side take over, but seeing the rest of the people pull back, they understood that something was amiss.

It was only when Roy started apologizing heavily to their vice-commander that they finally understood what he meant, as their vice-commander looked nothing more than a slapping bag.

If there ever was one such!

While he was getting more and more satisfied with his apologies, Roy just looked towards the beauty that had tried to welcome him, as he said,

"Where is the Manager of this place, why doesn't he come out even after all this!?"

"Responding to Sir, the Manager is right over there beside Young Noble Troy!"

Looking at the Manager, or what was made of him anyway, Roy just made an 'Oh~!' sound to tell that he understood and then turned to another one beside her and said,

"Take the list from her hand and arrange everything carefully, you have just 5 minutes!"


The poor beauty was one of the first to have pointed her finger at Roy, and perfectly understood the consequences of her actions, so she wasn't that willing to allege.

"Oh~! Did I ask for something too difficult? Then allow me to apologize to you as well!"

"Ah!? No, no, Sir it won't be necessary I am going to take care of your list!"

With that said the poor beauty quickly took the information stone and ran towards the storehouse like she was afraid that she was going to be killed if she didn't!

It wasn't her fault though, Roy had already shown quite a few terrifying scenes to her as even the guards vice-commander could only accept Roy's beating without doing or saying a word.

On the other hand, Roy was just satisfied with her professionality and effectivity as she had prepared everything in less than the time given, and Roy could feel Cyclops and more of the guards approaching.

Taking the space ring with all the materials he had requested, Roy's hoarse voice sounded through the crowd as he said,

"Well thank you for your hospitality, it was a great opportunity for this old Master to deal with you today!

All the gold coins on the floor are my payment, I have even left 2 gold coins as a tip! Farewell, see you next time!"

With that said, he quickly run towards the entrance and then disappeared among the alleys. Not more than 10 seconds after he had left, Cyclops appeared at the entrance with his guards.

Seeing the situation around him he couldn't help but get extremely angry as he screamed at the crowd,

"What the hell happened here!? Who did all this?"

The people inside the pavilion were still extremely shocked by what had happened, so they didn't have the time, courage, or wish to complain about what had just happened.

Only the guards who had come with the vice-commander proceeded forth and tell him what happened.

Cyclops couldn't help but get extremely angry at the situation, but most importantly at the escape of the guy responsible for this.

"Check the area! I want you to not leave stones unturned to find that guy!"

The guards immediately spread around to check for clues of the whereabouts of the hooded guy, while the person responsible was waiting for Blake at a corner not far away from there.

Certainly, in order to not suffer from the guards, Roy had removed his hoody and was revealing his handsome face to everyone.

Things would get messy if Cyclops actually saw him there, but right now he didn't have to worry about the guy as he was more concerned with the gold coins and situation inside the pavilion.

After some heavy questioning and reasoning, Blake managed to get out of the pavilion and was searching for him, before Roy actually appeared behind him threw his hand over the guy's shoulder, and said,

"Let us go, friend!"

Startled and surprised Blake tried to escape his grasp, but he couldn't and could only ask in fear,

"Wh-who are you!?"

"I am your boss, weren't we headed towards that Array Formations Master!"

"What boss, what array formations Master! I don't know you! Release me, or I will scream to the guards!"

Hearing that Roy couldn't help but appreciate this artisan Master even more, as he said,

"Well stop with the bullshit, you must recognize this right!?"

As he said that, he took out of his space ring one of the necklaces that were produced that night from the artisans that were supposed to be on the boss's hand.

"Boss!? You truly are boss!?"

"No, I am a city guard, we finally caught you, you mongrel!"


It would be an understatement to say that Blake was terrified by those words from Roy, but seeing the smile on the young man's face, he couldn't help but understand he had just been played.

Still, he would have never thought that his boss was actually a young man, and what was even more amazing was the strength and power he possessed.

Just considering these two points, he could easily come to the conclusion that his boss was no one simple and that his future would be limitless.

As long as he managed to hug the thigh of such an amazing genius he would be able to reach heights beyond his imagination, as long as he didn't die.

With those thoughts in his mind, he made an inner oath to serve his boss at the best of his abilities and follow behind him for as long as he could.

Arranging his thoughts and feelings, he said with a weak and still shaky voice,

"Please boss don't play such jokes with me again, otherwise I will die due to a heart attack…

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