The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 250 - Flaws & Failed!?

Roy certainly wanted to continue a bit longer with this joke, but he understood that if he did so then Blake would surely suffer some heart attack, so he just said,

"Well, let us return to our main topic and reason for being here! What is that guy's weakness!?"

No matter in what world one lived, or what kind of person someone was, they would always have their own special price.

For example, even a powerful goody-two-shoes hero might fall in love with some damsel or princess, and he would endanger the world's peace and happiness for her.

Everyone and everything had a price, and as long as you found out what it was when you could easily trade for it and make it yours.

Blake seemed to perfectly understand his boss's question as well, as he immediately answered,

"Not many people know this, but there are words that he is an extremely perverted and greedy guy!

The biggest reason why people try to stay away from him is that they are afraid of him trying to do something to the females in their family.

There are many rumors among the artisans about how many disciples, lady clients, unrelated young girls, and women he has defiled!

Still, his most desired conquest is no one else but Earl Clark's first wife! If it weren't for his great recompense to that wish, he would be dead by now!"

"Whoa~! This seems much more interesting than I thought! What kind of recompense are we talking about though?"

"In every 5 jobs he does, Earl Clark's mansion will receive the payment for 4 of them!"

"Damn he is being skinned alive isn't he!?"

"That's true, but right now he can only accept that with a smile on his face, as that is the only way he is able to stay alive!"

"Well, that doesn't matter to us anyway, I just thought of an amazing plan!"

Blake heard the words of his boss and didn't understand why but he felt a chill course through his body, as he knew that it wasn't going to be anything simple.

Without losing time, Roy and Blake appeared at the gate of the Array Formations Master, where some clearly high-nosed guy was sweeping through the yard in front.

Passing the entrance without putting any airs, Roy approached the guy with Blake on two, and asked,

"Brother is Master Abyan inside!? I would like to request his help in refining a few formations!"

The guy looked at Roy and Blake from head to toe, as they didn't seem to be any extraordinary. In fact, while they didn't look like poor people, they didn't look rich either.

They looked like people that were just doing better than some others. With this conclusion reached, he just coldly snorted and said,

"Hmph~! Nowadays everyone thinks they can meet Master and ask for Formations, and Arrays! This world is filled with too many idiots!"

With that said, he continued doing his job and sweeping the ground. Blake was afraid that Roy might get angry and start acting as he did at the Pavilion Lotus once again, but fortunately, his worries didn't happen.

In fact, Roy did something that surprised even him, as he took out a low-quality mana stone out of nowhere as he started playing with it, and saying with a sigh,

"Sigh~! It looks like the big deal that Young Noble handed us won't happen! Well anyway, let's return to the Castle!"

Seeing the mana stone in Roy's hands, and hearing his words, the guy sweeping the ground seemed to have changed attitude 180 degrees, as he almost jumped to take the mana stone from Roy's hands.

"Big brother, big brother, please forgive me for having eyes and failing to see! It's my great mistake to have mistaken you for those bastards that come to disrupt Master's rest.

Please come with me and enter inside! Master will surely help you at the best of his abilities!"

Blake couldn't help but have a dumbfounded look on his face, as he saw the definition of shamelessness in front of him.

He would have never thought that a person would change so much, and so deeply when he was shown just a low-quality mana stone.

In fact, he wouldn't be surprised if the guy in front of him started calling Roy his father, or ancestor. If Roy's accepted him, he would surely agree to it!

On the other hand, Roy seemed to have been expecting this, as he just looked at the guy with a bit of surprise and hesitation, as he said,

"Are you sure little brother!? After all, I wouldn't want to disrupt Master Abyan's rest and risk him getting angry! My Young Noble would peel my skin off should I do something like that."

"Of course not, big brother, don't be silly! It's Master Abyan's great luck to work for someone like your Young Noble!

By the way, who exactly is your Young Noble big brother!?"

"Young Noble told me to not reveal his identity lightly, but since little brother is Master Abyan's disciple then I can reluctantly say it to you!

My Young Noble is Young Noble Timothe, Master Clark's third son and also the main candidate to inherit the dominion!"


It looked like for a moment the poor guy's head had gone into a short circuit and all his software had crashed, as he couldn't help but show a stupid happy face.

Roy didn't let him be like that for long, as he pulled and shook him a bit saying,

"Little brother you shouldn't let anyone know about this, as it is a secretive issue! Otherwise, we are all risking our heads in this deal!"

Hearing those words the guy's senses seemed to return a bit, as he quickly checked the surroundings before taking Roy and Blake inside Master Abyan's abode.

The moment that Roy and Blake entered inside the place, they were able to immediately understand that the rumors were just not doing justice to the guy's nature.

He wasn't just a pervert, he was a sick bastard!

Forgetting the many ladies on his bed, there were a lot of them tied or chained up to different areas of his house, with many of them suffering different injuries and wounds.

As he entered inside the place, Roy had a burning desire to give this guy a good beating and throw him on the road for everyone to do the same, but he couldn't.

Right now he needed this trash to work for him, and he didn't have much of a choice. Furthermore, none of the people there were related to him in any way, so the desire wasn't that great.

Of course, Roy didn't see any of this with his own eyes, as he was still waiting in the lobby with Blake by his side, but his sense area didn't lose even the slightest detail.

The beast was still enjoying the body of a young girl when his disciple entered inside and told him about Roy waiting in the lobby, and he quickly threw something over his body and came to greet him.

"Welcome to my humble abode little brother! Sorry for being unable to treat you better, but you caught me by surprise!

How may I help you!?"

Roy took a breather for a moment, as his face seemed to just be checking Master Abyan carefully as he said,

"Well, I originally came here due to my Young Noble telling me to recruit in his side, and request for your help, but it seems like he has misjudged this time!"

"What do you mean little brother!?"

"What I mean is clear Master Abyan, I think that you are more concerned about your depraved desires than actually having the skills of an Array Formation Master!

So, I am thinking of turning back and telling my Young Noble to find someone else!"

The truth was that both, Master Abyan and his disciple were actually thinking of playing hard to get and take advantage of Roy.

They were caught unprepared when Roy actually reversed the scales in front of them and made it look like they were unworthy of the job.

Still, an old fox who had lived close to a century already would know how to deal with the current situation, as Master Abyan said,

"Little brother surely jests! While this Abyan truly has some shortcomings he is nonetheless a great Master of Arrays and Formations.

Otherwise, your Young Noble wouldn't have sent you here despite knowing my flaws, and my shortcomings!

So, please let us forget these displeasing thoughts, and talk about our possible cooperation!"

"Sigh~! If it weren't for my Young Noble ordering me I wouldn't be here! Well, let me come clean with this.

My Young Noble is thinking of developing a big business in the near future and organizing a great event. So he has employed quite a few artisans in different fields to prepare.

He is going to create some high values accessories and clothes that are inscribed with different formations and sell them all into an auction.

He is willing to give you a pre-payment of 10 low-quality mana stones, and also 20% of the selling profits!

If Master Abyan continued to help and cooperate with him in the future, he wouldn't mind giving you a taste of your Goddess as well!"

The offer came upon Master Abyan's head just like a bolt of lightning in the clear sky, as he couldn't believe his good luck.

It was just too good to be true. Perhaps finding out that there was something wrong with the offer, he got angry and looked at Roy with killing intent as he asked,

"Who are you!? Who sent you here!?"

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