The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 29 - 29: Choice, Rule, & Punishment

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He was telling her that if she didn't want her to take responsibility for this, then she would have to help him out take over her father's tribe.

At the same time, he was reminding her of her place, and the fact that she had been totally dominated the previous night.

Roy didn't know what kind of relationship she had with her old husband, but one thing was for sure, he was better in bed than him.

It could be seen as a stupid thing to say, or try to convey, but to barbarian's strength, and dominance ruled the tribe and any relationship.

Roy could even argue that these guys were the most animalistic humans he ever knew, as they mostly lived on instincts and not thinking.

Gidella and her daughters seemed to be an exception to this rule, but they were probably the only exceptions in there.

He didn't know the reason why, but it was most probably related to Gidella's mother, and he couldn't help to meet her.

But that would certainly happen in the near future, right now he had more important things to take care of, as he looked at the tribesmen, and women across him, and he said,

"From this day I am announcing, whoever wants to stay in this village under my lead is welcomed to stay, whoever wants to leave and start his own village can go!

But let me make one thing clear, one day this whole forest, planet, and world will belong to me!

When I face you again I won't be giving you a choice again, as you will stay as my slaves! You have half an hour time to make your choice."

Everyone in the tribe was shocked, none of them expected such a choice to be made available to them.

It was crazy, after all, even if they left the tribe where would they go? How would they live there outside?

Certainly, freedom was great, but the consequences and its responsibilities were greater too. Here in the tribe, they had food, clothing, and a warmer place to live.

But out there they would be alone, would have to fight the animals and beasts alone. Would have to try and survive the weather on their own.

They weren't able to think much, but they knew it was a truly bad idea to leave this tribe. Better than uncertain freedom, they wanted a certain living as subjects.

As for the warriors, they were true barbarians, to them strength was everything. Roy had shown them a strength that they had only dreamt about and had fully won their admiration.

In fact, they were hoping that Roy would help them get stronger and more powerful. They didn't know how big the forest they were was, or how strong Roy really was.

But a guy who could dominate 12 beasts, break one of their shields in two, and dominate 5 women in one night, was certainly not a normal person.

Even though they were muscle-heads, they were able to see this. Furthermore, it was their warrior's instinct that made them think that he was going to be the greatest warrior one day.

For that reason, they didn't need the time that Roy gave them to make a choice, as each one of them had already made his/her choice.

They all kneeled on the ground immediately as they said,

"We greet tribe Head!"

Their meaning was as clear as water, they had fully accepted him as a tribe head, and would never oppose him, even the warrior who had earlier tried to frame him was the same.

Satisfied with their answer, Roy turned around and took a look at the ladies behind him, as he asked,

"What about you!?"

The flat girl and the other experienced babe didn't tarry with their answer either as they immediately got on their knees saying,

"We greet tribe Head!"

Now the only ones left were Gidella and her two daughters. This was a truly delicate, and important moment for the three of them.

It was choosing a side between the man they had known until now, and a total stranger like Roy! At first look, the choice must be easy, but in reality, was really complicated.

They were into a deep-thinking moment right now, when they suddenly heard Roy ask that guard once again,

"By the way, what did the old tribe Head offered you!?"

The poor guy, even though a warrior, seemed still truly scared by that earlier look that Roy had given him, as he didn't dare to tarry his answer,

"He promised me Gidella and her daughters! That was his only property at the moment!"

Roy had done this intentionally, but he didn't expect it to be so accurate. That idiot would truly sell his wife, and daughters as wh*ores to buy his guard.

Normally for another barbarian woman, this wouldn't have been much of a big deal, as they were used to changing their men, but in this case, was different.

Gidella and her daughters were a different breed from normal barbarians, as they had the ability to think more and be a bit more prideful as women.

Just like he expected that was more than enough to topple the tables, as the three of them immediately got on their knees and said,

"We greet the tribe Head, and pledge ourselves, our bodies, and our souls to tribe Head!"

These were Gidella's words, but they clearly included her daughters, as the two of them didn't seem to mind it either.

This was the difference between Gidella, and the other barbarians, as she was able to think, and knew how to make a much more completed oath than the others.

That was one of the big reasons why Roy didn't want to lose her or her daughters. Right now, the tribe he was ruling was small, but one day he would be ruling the whole forest, and beyond.

He would need a lot of loyal, trustworthy, and capable people to rule everything he would conquer, and he didn't want to do it himself.

He had other things to think about, like his Magic Power cultivation, and his Warrior body cultivation, if he wanted to reach the top he didn't have much time to spend on other things.

So, these three women were important to his future, as for their position in the future that would be something that only time would be able to tell.

At that moment the only people who hadn't accepted his rule were the two women that were still surrounded by the beasts, and the scum that was still tied up.

They were the only ones who seemed to want to leave this place, but unfortunately, Roy had no plans of letting them leave, as he looked at them with a mocking look, and then turned to the tribe saying,

"There will be one big rule from now on in this tribe, people aren't allowed to cause harm, directly or indirectly to anyone else belonging to the tribe, without my permission!

Any person who goes against the rule will be punished severely by me, or the people I appoint.

To make an example of this, I will start with the people that tried to cause harm to me!"

Saying that he turned towards the warrior first, as he said,

"From now on your household will be taken down. The women in your family will become mine, and you will have to stay without a household until a second notice!"

This was truly a hard punishment for a barbarian warrior as he would lose everything, including his pride as a warrior, but that guy didn't dare to oppose.

Everyone else felt bad for him, but at the same time, they were happy because their new tribe Head might reward a few of the ladies in his household to them.

They were quite a few of them that would eye his women, and now this was a good chance for them to eat some soup, as the main dish would clearly belong to the tribe Head.

With that decision taken he turned to the two women that were still under the surrounding of the beasts, as he said,

"As for you two, you will be the main prize for the upcoming war. I was trying to make a competition, but this will be even better!"

Then returning to the warriors, he continued,

"Just like you heard, this upcoming war is going to be your competition. Show me your worth on the battlefield, and I will reward these women to you!

One more thing though, I want to see them as your docile cats in less than a week after handing them over, otherwise, I will give them to someone else!"


This was the way barbarian warriors' way of demonstrating their acceptance, and excitement to their tribe Head, as they would just go 'BRRRAA' three times.

The two ladies face went dark, but Roy didn't care much about them, as the only one left on the punishment list was that scum.

Roy truly hated this scum, so he wasn't going to show any mercy on him, so he immediately declared,

"As for this guy, he tried to get his hands on my women, tried to assassinate me, and even tried to run from a battle, he is no man. He is a woman!

I am a generous guy, as I think we should make him look just like he is. So, take him away and castrate him, and then put him in a cage.

There might be times when he will be useful!"

Hearing that punishment every male person in the tribe felt a chill down their back. How the hell was this being generous, as they all felt like their little brothers had gone limp from fear.

There was one thing they understood from this though. Never eye the tribe Head's women, that would cost one their manhood!

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