The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 30 - 30: Threat Or Opportunity

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With that out of the way, Roy looked at everyone else, and said in a loud and clear voice,

"Now prepare for war!"


With the excited cheers of the warriors, everyone got down to work and prepare for the upcoming war, as Roy made way towards his tent with the 5 ladies in tow.

Since he had already taken care of the general situation of the tribe, it was time for reconnaissance on the enemy and preparing a strategy to deal with them.

The only person who had knowledge of his enemy would be his enemy's own daughter, and his woman, Gidella.

The moment he entered inside, he sat at his wide chair covered with a sort of kilt on top to make it more comfortable, called Ileana, Alena, and the two other women by his side, as he asked Gidella,

"Now, tell me everything you know about your father's army, his strength, and your mother!"

Gidella was expecting that question, but there was still one part that surprised her, the part about her mother. Did Roy have some kind of weird fetish about daughters and mothers?

But he didn't seem like the kind of guy who would ask for that reason only, either. Still, since she had already decided to obey and him from now on, she knew she had to tell him everything so she started,

"My father is the tribe Head of the Grey Cat tribe, which consists of around 310 barbarians, where 50 of them are warriors, and the rest are children, women, and old people.

The warriors on his tribe are slightly weaker than the old tribe Head, as their tribe Head's strength is just a slightly bit stronger than our old tribe Head.

The only difference between the two tribes is in the numbers, as they have around 3 times more warriors than we do.

But their tribe's biggest weapon isn't the warriors, it's their shaman, my birth mother. She was captured and brought to the camp after the tribe had attacked a white devil's group.

She was really a young fire mage when she was brought in there, at only 16, and she was a beauty as well, so she was raped, and birthed me the next year.

She hated me from the moment she gave birth to me, as I was her connection to the barbarian tribe and the reminder of her suffering, so she taught me logic, but not magic.

Then she got rid of me the moment she could, as she convinced the tribe Head to marry me to his strongest opponent and let us create our own tribe.

Even 20 warriors of the tribe weren't a challenge for her before we left the tribe, and that was 16 years ago. I don't know how strong she could have become now!"

Roy was hearing all her story with real attention, as this was really important information for him. Especially the information on her mother, and the fact that she was a fire mage.

Until now Roy had become a double Rank 1 Mage of water, and earth, but he was still having troubles with fire and wind.

He had started to feel their presence but was still far, far away from being able to rank them up. So, he would most certainly need someone like her if he wanted to move forward with his Magic Power.

So, what he needed to do right now was not only to win the war that came knocking on his door, but at the same time capture her, and take control of the other tribe.

He would need a lot of human resources and power if he wanted to take control of the whole Death Forest, and build his own Empire, in order to conquer the whole Navita.

More than a threat, this whole war situation thing seemed like an opportunity for him, as he would be able to increase his tribe's numbers, and also his strength.

But this move would have its own negative effects coming along though, as he would now have to think about the organization, food, and staying of more than 450 barbarians.

He had just become the tribe Head of a tribe with more than 100 barbarians, and he was already having a headache in leading, and controlling them, then what about more than 450.

Furthermore, he couldn't spend much time on ruling them either, as he would have to train, meditate, cultivate, and have fun with his ladies at the same time.

Considering all this, no matter how he looked at it they would be a headache, but he already had a way to deal with this, and he just kind of confirmed it.

Gidella, Ileana, and Alena would be perfect substitutes for him, and they would be able to take care of the basic needs of the tribe.

He would only need to take care of the most concerning issues, and he would be able to be a laid-back tribe Head of more than 450 barbarians.

It didn't take much intelligence to lead a barbarian tribe though, as they were used to live in the wild, as long as they had food, and a place to live everything was perfect for them.

Difficult it would be to get them educated, but that wasn't necessary immediately, as he could start with the younglings.

These were all plans for the future though, as he finally got out of his stupor, looked at Gidella with piercing eyes, and said,

"How confident are you of taking care of 450 barbarians as my representative, when I have other things to do!? Certainly, you will have Ileana, Alena, and these two, to help you out!"

Gidella was left mouth opened, while Ileana, Alena, and the other two ladies were looking shocked towards Roy's face as if to understand that he was being serious, or just joking.

But there was no trace of a smile on his face, he was being completely serious about it. He was truly asking such a question.

"But the Warriors won't accept it!"

She was taken by surprise but she could still reason, the only way to make some barbarian do as they were told was if one could overpower them, otherwise, it was impossible.

"Let me deal with that, and answer my question!"

Of course, Roy knew that, but he had these beautiful beasts around him, just one of them was enough to make all the barbarian warriors kneel in front of it.

So, he wasn't that worried that those guys would oppose his instructions, furthermore, he was already planning a way to make his ruling eternal.

He was from the 21st century of Earth, and he had written in quite a few of his books about brainwashing, which he had to research upon, and had learned how to use it.

So as long as he had enough time, he was sure that he would be able to turn all these muscle-heads into his death loyal subjects.


"Stop with the excuses and give me an answer!"

Gidella was about to find another excuse as she found this whole situation too hard to believe, but she was stopped in her tracks by Roy.

But, she still couldn't answer, as she asked,

"What makes you sure that I won't betray you, take control of the tribe, and then kill you!?"

She made a serious question, but Roy didn't seem to take her seriously, as he laughed at that question of hers, and then said in a cold and calm voice,

"Because the moment you start thinking about that, would be the moment that you will start hating yourself of thinking it, for every second you will be breathing!

And I don't plan on killing you fast either! Does that answer your question?"

The fact that Roy could keep a calm, and cold face as he said something like this made the threat, and the situation even more frightening.

Every woman inside the tent fell a chill course through their whole bodies like someone had suddenly thrown them into some ice pool or something.

Silence reigned for more than a few moments as if they were stuck in the terror of those thoughts when Roy broke the silence again,

"Today was special, and I will pretend like it didn't exist, but only for that one occasion. Was I clear!?"

He said that while he was looking at the faces of each of the 5 ladies inside the tent with him, and it was clearly written on their faces that they completely understood what he meant.

None of them would dare to do something as stupid as that. Their lives depended on their attitudes, if they lived as they should, then the sky was the limit, but if they didn't, then even earth wouldn't accept them.

They knew that they had no escape from this either, as Roy had already told them that they were only his for life, only death could separate them from him, and they didn't want to die.

So, left with no other choice, they immediately answered as soon as they could,

"Yes, tribe Head!"

Hearing that, Roy felt a bit weird, as he said,

"From now on don't call me tribe Head when we are in private, call me Master!"

The ladies were a bit surprised but immediately recollected their selves and said,

"Yes, Master!"

"Very well, now once again I am waiting for your answer Gidella!"

This time Gidella didn't ask any more questions, but she decisively answered,

"90% Master! I am 90% of leading the tribe under your instructions while you have other things to do!"

90% was said taking into consideration any possible mishap on the way, and it was a really good figure which made Roy feel satisfied with it…

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