The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 31 - 31: Marching To War!

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Satisfied with the answer, Roy looked at her with a dignified look, as he said,

"Well then, from this moment on you will be the deputy tribe Head, and you will be responsible for the future development plan.

Your wild lives as nomads will be put to an end, from now on there will begin a new Era' about the forest barbarians, but we will talk later about this.

Now it is time to go to war!"

Since he knew that he would be facing a war with a much stronger opponent, it was just stupid to wait for the enemy at your home.

If you are going to fight with your neighbor you don't wait for him at your house, as there is a high chance of your own house being ruined during the fight.

That certainly isn't a smart thing to do considering that you want the best results, so even Roy wouldn't wait for the enemy to attack him.

Furthermore, since his enemy didn't know that he knew about their arrival, he had the element of surprise in his hands, and it would be even more stupid to not use it.

For that reason, he had decided to take his warriors, and his beasts to go and meet up with the enemy on their way.

The ladies were still a bit shocked as they heard his words, but he didn't care, they would have to get used to it.

He already had a general idea on how to make these guys develop, as he wanted them to build a settlement, and slowly develop from there.

There was one thing that the Death Forest offered to them in the meantime, and that was safety, and privacy from the outside, and a lot of resources.

As long as he had the numbers, and made the necessary delegation of works, and his priorities he would be more than able to turn them into a small fief really soon.

But everything on its own time, first of all, he would have to deal with the inevitable war that was in front of him.

So, he immediately got up from his chair and got outside, where his barbarian warriors were waiting for him with their shields, and their cubs.

Since these tribes were wild nomad tribes, they didn't have much knowledge of iron, or other metals.

It would be safe and accurate to say that they hadn't reached the iron era yet, as they were still on the wood era'.

Everything around them was made of wood, there were no metals, except some piercings over their bodies, but even those piercings weren't that popular.

They would mostly use animals' bones, or fish bones to stuck in their bodies, but that was mostly done by the Warriors in order to show their power or their wins in fights.

Even the tribe Head's crown was nothing more than a dirty pile of feathers, that they had collected from different kinds of birds.

So, Roy already expected their weapons to be only cubs and wooden shields that weighed more than 100kg.

His enemies should be better though, as those guys had already captured, and robbed more than a few adventurers' groups in this place.

It was more than natural for them to have a few swords, or better metal shields, or any other equipment.

Now that he could have a better look at them, his barbarian warriors looked like nothing more than some lunatic strongly built fighters, that were ready to kill.

He had quite a long, and difficult way to turn them into a real army, that would help him conquer the whole Navita, but still, this was a good start.

Each of the warriors had some savage, and exciting looks on their faces, as this was not only a chance for them to show their strength but also receive many benefits.

In a war between the barbarians, the loser was forced to obey the winner, as they lost everything in their possession, including their women, children, and household rights.

While they were a bit worried because the opposite side was clearly stronger than them in numbers, and even had a shaman, they still believed in their new tribe Head.

There was no way they were going to lose with that strength of his that could destroy their shields in two.

Roy was clearly satisfied with their faces, as they seemed like they were more than ready to go, as he said,

"My brave warriors, today is the day where you prove your worth to me! So, fight with everything you have, as I will certainly reward all those who deserve it!

In fact, I want to announce that from this moment on, for every enemy you defeat on the battlefield 40% of their freedom, household, and everything they possess will belong to you!

Certainly, as tribe Head, I have the right to select first if I like anything, but I promise to pay you equivalently if I ever wish for something that is yours!"


How could the warriors not be excited by those words, normally the tribe Head could just easily take what he wanted, and most of the time they would take all of it.

But Roy was giving them 40% of everything, which made them truly enthusiastic for the upcoming future.

As long as they defeated one or two warriors on the battlefield, they would have new women, new children, and more food.

So Roy's words were like a big boon to each and every one of the warriors, as they were getting more and more convinced and excited that they had decided to follow him.

Roy wanted to give something to the others too, especially to the ladies and children, but he guessed it was too soon, as first, he would have to earn their loyalty and obedience.

When suddenly a thought appeared on his mind, and he turned towards Gidella and the others as he said,

"Your first task will be to convince all these people here to be loyal and obedient to me, and start working on making some clothes, and collars."

Gidella was a bit surprised by the sudden directive, but she was able to recollect herself quickly, as she said,

"I understand tribe Head!"

Satisfied with the answer, Roy made a simple sign to his beasts that immediately split into two groups, 6 titanic cats, the 2 sharp-toothed wolves, and the illusory fox came at him while the rest went for Gidella.

Those 3 titanic cats left behind would be their security in case of any emergency, as they were instructed that Gidella, Ileana, Alena, and the two other ladies were a priority.

With everything taken care of, Roy announced in a loud voice,

"Let's go!"

Immediately he started walking towards the direction from where the enemy was supposed to come, as he sent the two sharp-toothed wolves for scouting and reconnaissance of the place.

They looked like a bunch of weirdos trying to walk together, as Roy was followed by one fox, 6 titanic cats, and 17 warriors behind him.

To some normal guy, this whole place would be nothing short of a natural maze, as they would most probably lose the sense of direction, and way in this place.

Everything seemed to be the same, tall trees were everywhere, bushes, grass, insects, birds chirping, animals, everything looked like some copy-paste action.

But with the presence of the forest barbarian warriors, the titanic cats, and his foxy, Roy had total confidence that he wouldn't get lost in this enormous forest, as they walked towards their target.

The other tribe seemed to be more than a little bit far away, as according to the barbarian's words, it took around a full day to reach there, and get back to their tribe.

That made Roy a bit angry as he thought that he had left the tribe too rashly, he could have waited a little bit more for them to approach more, and be a bit more tired.

But this didn't mean that he couldn't do the same thing now, as after walking for an hour or so, he gave the order for them to sit down and rest.

The barbarians didn't understand much this order of his, as there was no way they would be tired just by walking less than an hour, but still, they didn't dare to oppose his order.

They all sat down on the ground resting like some kind of wooden statue, who had no idea what to do, after all the only things they did during the day were either hunt, fight, fu*ck, eat, pee, shit, or sleep.

There was nothing else in their normal lives, there was no games, no entertainment, no fun, no job for them to take care of, nothing.

They only knew how to operate based on their instincts, and basic needs. As long as these two were fulfilled they were happy with their existence.

While this was certainly a good thing for Roy, as he didn't have any expectations they might have for him to fulfill, it also reminded him of how difficult would be for them to develop.

After resting for around 30 minutes, Roy once again gave the order for them to start moving for another hour, and then rest for another 30 minutes doing nothing.

The barbarian warriors were getting more and more confused with his orders, but they still followed them diligently.

It was finally when they were on the end of their third break, that one of the two sharp-toothed wolves came back running towards them.

Roy immediately understood that the enemy wasn't too far away from their spot, as a grin crept into his face, and he said,

"Everyone prepare for the fight!"

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