The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 34 - 34: Trick That Destroyed The Enemy

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They were truly finished, it was only now that they had understood what had happened, as all this time they were fighting the wrong enemy.

The situation was quite easy actually, the moment that their tribe Head had fallen into the trap together with his horse, and the whole warrior entourage was startled, they had fallen into an illusion.

It was the work of the only Rank 2 beast by Roy's side, the illusory fox. Since she was clearly at least one Rank above everyone in there, her ability was truly useful.

No one was able to understand what had truly happened, and especially these muscle head barbarians.

To most of them, their enemies appeared amidst them, and while they were a bit shocked how at first, they started fighting against the 'enemy' to the death.

Certainly, unable to understand that the enemy they were trying to kill was none other than their closest warrior comrades.

The warriors at the back were in a completely different situation, as they were truly fighting with Roy's warriors, but that was because he wished to see their skills, and how they would fare.

He had no intention of giving his warriors an easy win, even though he could do so. There would be no meaning in it.

Without giving a shit about their pride as warriors, if he did such a thing and always gave them easy victories they would be useless fighters in the future.

He was planning to make them fight for him, no keep them just to reproduce, and give birth to soldiers for him.

They and their children would be his soldiers, and as soldiers, they had to be strong, and courageous, so they would fight as they should.

The moment they fought and killed their first enemy, he had instructed his beasts to find them, other opponents.

He wanted to know the limit of their strength, skills, and abilities. Only like that would he be able to concentrate on the right soldiers.

That was the messiest part of the battlefield, followed from the middle where those few warriors were fighting against their own, and finally the front.

The front was the cleanest, but also the most gore battlefield as well. Around 6 or 7 people were fighting together against one.

But even though it was 7 against one neither side seemed to get the upper hand. The one person fighting those 7 was a true beast warrior.

While he couldn't block all of their attacks, he surely knew how to take a hit. Even though almost all his body was bruised at that point, he still could jump up and fight his opponents like a damn beast.

This guy was the tribe Head on the horse, while the seven warriors in front of him were his son-in-law and 6 of his strongest fighters.

But neither side seemed to recognize the other, as their eyes were full of hatred like they were fighting with their lifelong enemy, and not their tribe Head, or his warriors.

No one was able to see or understand what was happening to the others, as they were all concentrated on the enemy in front of them, and their movements.

Each and everyone was doing whatever they could to take their enemies down, as they fought like true savages against each other.

By the time that the attack of the five fireballs had reached Roy, to create the shock it did, in order to awake them from the illusion, everything was close to the end.

Roy's 17 warriors had become 16, but they had taken down 23 opposite warriors. That one guy who died, did so due to his carelessness, and stupidity.

Still, the rest managed to take down their target, and more than a few of them took out more than one enemy in their fight, dwindling the enemy's numbers.

10 enemy warriors had killed or were about to kill their neighbor warrior due to the illusion, as even they themselves weren't in the best conditions possible.

The remaining seven, including his tribe's old cuckolded Head, had been fighting the other tribe Head.

They had managed to cut a hand from him, and even cause him some serious damage on the back, and on the legs, as he had killed 4 of them, and injured the remaining 3.

Everyone in there couldn't believe their eyes, they all felt like what they were looking at now was the illusion, and not what they had lived up until now.

It was truly devastating, especially to learn that you were fighting against the wrong guy all this time and that there was nothing honorable in their fight.

This made each and every one of them furious, as they thought that it was the fault, and magic of that white devil.

He had tricked them into killing their own kin, their own brothers. How could they not be furious and angry with him, as they tried to find his shadow all over the place?

At the same time, they were all shocked by the great fire in the forest, and that explosion that happened, everything was just too incomprehensible at the moment.

As if that wasn't enough, before they could have a sight of their target or what was going on, 8 beasts appeared in front of them, 6 titanic cats, and 2 sharp-toothed wolves.

Foxy was hiding in the surroundings according to Roy's instructions. But the animals seemed to be not in a good mood, as they were all looking with worried eyes towards the source of the fire.

Roy was there, holding his own against those hellish-looking flames, but they could still feel that he was alive.

Their connection with Roy had yet to go off, so they all knew that he was still alive in there, even though he might be suffering quite a bit in that hell of flames.

The barbarians were clearly wary of the beasts, but they also wanted to find the white devil they had come here for, the white devil that caused all this and kill him, but it was clearly impossible.

They weren't able to see him, and he wasn't coming out either, the beasts seemed to be just looking at the situation, while the other tribe's warriors, were having complex looks towards the fire.

In that form, a new stalemate was formed, as each side was just looking at the action, and movements of the one in front, and trying to recuperate.

They stayed like that for more than 10 minutes, when finally, the fire seemed to stop, and die out, as a structure made of earth appeared in front of them.

It was a bit weird, it seemed like some sort of star-shaped structure with holes all over the place and a big hole over the top.

The earth it was made of had become like some sort of dried clay, but clearly over dried as the moment the fire died out, it crumbled in pieces, revealing Roy who had been there inside this whole time.

He seemed really weak like he was about to faint from overexerting himself, and there were burns all over his body, but he seemed to have a happy face at that moment.

It was a truly strange view, as everyone was shocked for a moment or two, but the next moment the warriors, and the Head of the other tribe immediately went on rage mode, as they run towards him.

Their goal was clear, they wanted to shred in pieced this damn white devil that had made them kill their own.

It was unforgivable, and he would have to suffer for each and every one of them, he was their target.

But the moment they jumped and run towards Roy, so did the beasts that were surrounding them, as the two sharp-toothed wolves who were closer to Roy stood guard in front of him.

While the titanic cats immediately went to attack the idiots that were trying to attack their Master, no one was allowed to do that in front of them.

The warriors and the tribe Head were clearly surprised by this reaction, but they didn't seem like they would give up, as they continued running forward.

As long as they took down Roy, they would be satisfied with their death, but they had forgotten one important thing.

Roy still had 16 warriors together with him, and not only the beasts, before those guys could even make their way towards Roy, they were blocked by the 16 warriors.

Seeing this, the barbarian tribe Head seemed to get incomprehensibly enraged, as he screamed in the top of their lungs,

"How dare you pride barbarians obey, and try to protect a cheating white devil!? Traitors!"

The barbarian warriors seemed to be a bit startled at first, but the next moment they strengthened their resolve, as one of them said,

"We are protecting our tribe Head and our leader! The Leader of all forest barbarians!"

Now it was the time of the attackers to be startled, but before they could even reach the 16 barbarians' position, they were caught up by the titanic cats, which showed no mercy.

The moment they arrived, the titanic cats jumped on the enemy, and each attack meant the had of a barbarian warrior.

Completely breaking their spirit, and their formation as most of them got so afraid that they either stopped where they were or tried to escape in different directions.

Even these forest barbarians were able to feel fear, the only one who continued to run on his way was their tribe Head, who seemed to have a steely resolve.

He had decided he would kill Roy no matter what…

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