The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 35 - 35: Taking Down The Tribe Head & Roy Awakens

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The tribe Head seemed to have made his decision, as even his warriors' death didn't seem to disturb his concentration as he ran towards Roy's 16 left warriors.

He looked like some kind of bulldozer who wouldn't stop his run for anything in the world, he had decided to kill Roy, and he would kill Roy.

Those 16 warriors in front of him most probably were nothing more than 16 flowers in front of him, in his eyes, but they didn't seem to waver either.

Perhaps if those 16 warriors weren't there, he might have had a shot at killing Roy, but even then, it was a big might.

His body was already full of injuries, as he had lost an arm at the moment, and there was something stuck on his left side, so he clearly didn't have his normal strength at the moment.

As if that wasn't enough before he could even clash with the 16 warriors, two sharp-toothed wolves appeared behind him, and they bit onto his legs, one each.

Since his mind was focused only on Roy, he hadn't sensed these two beasts in the least when they had attacked him.

No matter how desperate, and how much effort he put into his run to reach his target, he was still brought down by the two sharp-toothed wolves.

Not only that, but the two sharp-toothed wolves bites had been so strong, that they had even managed to break his legs.

That was enough of a view to make all the 16 warriors who seemed to have steeled their selves for the crash, to fill a chill run down their backs, and make a mental note to never mess with these beasts.

Or their owner!

He was even more terrifying than these beasts, he had managed to survive that terrifying fire and explosion earlier, that each one of them, or even all of them would have turned into nothing more than steak.

Seeing that guy taken down, Roy immediately seemed to send a few instructions to the beasts, as the next moment he couldn't bear it anymore and passed out.

The mental and physical drain on his body of the attack he suffered had been much bigger than he had imagined, but at least it hadn't been useless.

He had managed to make contact, and start cultivating fire element particles, and had officially become a triple Mage, even though his fire element was really weak at the moment.

In order to be able to cast powerful, and big magic the Mage needed to complete 2 big requirements.

Firstly, it was the necessary capacity of Magic Power required for the spell, as each spell had the least Magic Power requirement of the element in question.

The more Magic Power one supplied the better it was though, as it would make the phenomena even bigger, and as follow up the magic would be bigger.

Secondly, it was the quality of the Magic Power and the network losses. After some point, the mass of the Magic Power wasn't the only requirement.

Every Mage at this point would have enough Magic Power to complete the bare minimum of that level's magic spells, but a new requirement was born.

The quality of the Magic power, its purity, and the network losses. The network losses were the amount of Magic Power used extensively during the spell, due to the affinity, nerves, or miens.

Miens were the Magic Power veins inside the human body. One could think of them as the streets inside a city.

Depending on the infrastructure, and the route is taken, a 60 miles journey could take one hour, or more than 1.

In order to increase his rank, the Mage had to not only increase his Magic Power, but also the quality of his Magic Power.

Roy knew all this from his Master's, and the old Roy's memories and his biggest trouble now was the affinity he had with the elements, and also the way he would come across them.

For example, he had to stay for a long time inside a bath in order to finally find a connection with the water element and even longer to stay naked on the soil to do the same for the earth element.

He had tried so hard to do the same for the fire element, but it had been impossible all this time. A small fire didn't seem able to help him in the least, so he needed something like this.

As for his affinity, normally he thought he would have the old Roy's affinities with magic, after all this was that guy's body.

But for his good luck, the affinities weren't determined from the body but from one's Soul strength, and soul development.

After passing the turbulent space channel, where his body had been ripped to pieces, and with the help of Gaia, his Soul had become quite sturdy.

He didn't know what exactly he was supposed to do with that, but he would cross that bridge when he came across it.

Right now, he had much more important things to take care of, like making a connection with the elements he wished, and start cultivating them.

At first, he didn't know how many he should choose, after all, the more there is the more pain in the ass they would become.

But since he had decided to be on the top of the food chain he had decided to go all or nothing, and decide on all 5 base elements.

Earth, water, fire, wind, and metal! But they weren't the only thing he was after, as at the moment he was considering the option of their merging.

In many writings of ancient magic and history he had read and written in his previous life, water and earth could merge together and form some kind of 'life element'.

That was clearly something really bendy, if he was able to grow the corps much faster, or make the beasts' growth rate higher, then he would have prosperity faster than others.

But that wasn't its only benefit, imagine if he was able to get so efficient with it, that he could grow a limb if it was cut, or regenerate a vital wound, he would be a cheat character.

As if he already wasn't with the memories of his Master, the old Roy, and Gaia, but that didn't mean that he wouldn't try to go further.

In order to reach the peak of the food chain, he considered these things as the bare minimum. He would need much more if he wanted to accomplish his goals.

It was only after 5 hours that the unconscious Roy finally started to open his eyes and regain consciousness of his surroundings and his state.

He was still lying on the same spot that he passed out, as now the titanic cats, and the sharp-toothed wolves were surrounding him for protection.

They seemed to be only cleaning their selves, and their fur, but in reality, they were all attentive to their surroundings.

None of those warriors was allowed to approach Roy, and if they tried to even move from their place, they would immediately feel a savage killing intent on their selves.

Seeing that their Leader had woken up they all seemed to be overjoyed, as they couldn't hold themselves back anymore saying,

"Leader is great that you woke up! Can you please allow us to go to the loo!?"

Hearing that Roy couldn't help but get shocked, as that wasn't what he expected to hear as soon as he woke up, but he could understand them if he thought a bit.

Since the beasts weren't able to determine his condition, and also the way the warriors would react, they had been keeping them under tight surveillance all this time.

They hadn't been able to move from their spot for a long time, as more than a few of them seemed to be on the verge of breaking.

It was disgusting that he had to take care of this the moment he woke up, but it would be even more disgusting if he didn't, as he immediately gave them permission,

"Go ahead!"

The warriors seemed to be so happy that tears threatened to leave their barbarian's eyes, as they immediately disappeared from his sight.

Well, that should have been expected, after all, he could understand them as a man himself, how difficult it should be to not move, and bear going to the toilet for a long time.

But he soon forgot about all that, as he was reminded of some more important things, like for example the beauty in front of him, who had her eyes opened, and looking in space.

He guessed that it was expected for her to make a recovery before he did, as she was now a Rank 2 Mage, so if it wasn't for foxy, he would have died once more.

Thinking like that, he found the beast lying over his chest, protecting his heart. Even if the beauty awakened, and hit him with a knife he had no doubts that the little fox wouldn't move from there.

He was truly lucky to have this one with him, as they were really rare. Experts and nobility would pay a large sum for foxes like her, even though taming them were as difficult as climbing Everest.

Roy still couldn't understand how he was able to tame the thing, but now it didn't matter, he was just grateful to have it by his side.

The beauty in front of him was also a Rank 2 Mage, but she had just broken through, while foxy was a beast, and a through and through Rank 2 beast at that.

So it was impossible for the fiery beauty to break the illusion she was in, as Roy was thinking how to deal with her…

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