The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 36 - 36: Enslaving The Fiery Beauty

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Well, even though he was thinking about it a bit more, the fact was that he had already decided the way to deal with her.

And that decision was set in stone the moment she became a Rank 2 fire Mage. Leaving aside the fact that he was already planning to have her as a woman, she held a higher value as a Mage.

Normal ways of convincing her to obey him, and work for him would either take too much time or were too dangerous due to the fact that he couldn't really trust her.

After all, the reason why she was inside that illusion right now was most probably because she had tried to kill him the moment she woke up.

There was no way that Roy was going to let such a valuable toy rot in some place, or too free for her own good, so he was left with only one option.


This choice was a bit against his morals, and education as a human being coming from Earth, but he was much more used to the idea as he had written so much about it in his novels.

It was truly surprising as most of the times humans would start accepting everything as long as they were confronted with it enough in their daily life.

At first, Roy was just like any human being, he despised slavery, and it looked like it was a serious crime, but slowly he had started to accept it.

Even though the world he lived in abolished slavery, and preached against it, the truth was that people had become slaves of the society.

While it wasn't as apparent as in ancient times, slavery was still there. As long as one had enough money, he could force some poor guy to do whatever he wanted to.

There were people who would kill others for money, there were people that would work themselves to death for that money, and themselves for money.

As long as one offered enough, or could spend enough he could do whatever he wished to do on Earth, and Roy had been faced with something like this more than once.

For that reason, even now that he was thinking about it, and was about to actually use it, he didn't feel as despise as he thought he would.

It still wasn't at the point where he would feel comfortable with it, but he didn't despise it that much either.

Making up his mind like that, he immediately pricked his finger in order to get blood out of it, and then started making a few symbols in the fiery beauty's chest.

Her skin was silky smooth despite living with barbarians, which surprised him a bit, and her melons were even softer than he thought, as his finger was certainly poking deep, but he didn't stop.

At that moment the fiery beauty had an unhappy face, and it seemed like she wasn't inside the illusion anymore, but the fact was that she hadn't come out of it even for an instant.

This showed that in fact she didn't really like a man's touch on her body, and she most probably despised all men, but Roy didn't have time to lose with such thoughts.

He had to complete the seal as soon as possible in order to relax after all this that had happened to him.

These days had been truly rash, and eventful for him. He had gone from a hunter in the forest, hunting for animals, and wild beasts, into the Head of a barbarian tribe, and just defeated another.

The next days wouldn't be any better either, as he would have to go capture the other tribe and place it under his control, but at the same time even plan for the future.

There were many things he would have to do from now on, and that would start from teaching these barbarians to build a home for themselves, and not move through the forest of Death anymore.

He had many plans in his mind, as he wanted to go even deeper into the Forest of Death in order to find stronger beasts and animals, but also more resources.

He also wanted to get outside the Forest of Death in a near future and learn about the situation outside the Forest of Death, as well as start building his strength to the outside of the forest.

He had no plans of staying in this Forest of Death for long, he would build a structure in here and then leave them to develop on their own.

Certainly, that wouldn't be all, as he was planning to take a part of those barbarians inside Gaia, in order to form a big settlement but that would require some time.

He would take inside Gaia only the ones he truly trusted and were willing to follow him wherever he went. Everyone else would have to stay behind and develop to become useful for him in the future.

As he was thinking like that, and continuing with the slave seal, he had reached the last symbols he needed to draw, and for that, it would require the beauty's blood.

It would be a bit painful for her, and she might even wake up during the proceedings but he had no other option, so he sent a few instructions to his beasts, and the fox, as he started cutting through her skin.

Inside the blood, and mana symbols he had to drown with his own blood, he was curving, and cutting through her skin the same identical symbols.

The slave seal was nothing more than a seal that made the target's body, and miens abide by what was craved in its body as more powerful than them.

It was similar to sending a kid to school, only that they weren't able to refuse their teacher. They could only abide by every instruction and order of the person in charge.

The moment that Roy started cutting through her silky skin, red blood was coming out of every cut, as the constant pain, made the fiery beauty escape that illusion slowly.

Even though she gained control of her body, she still managed to bear the pain, and the startle, as she thought of waiting for an opportune moment to kill Roy once and for all.

She knew she had been able to break through to Rank 2 because of his teasing, mocking, and pushing, but she still didn't like him.

She still thought of him as a stupid brat, who had judged her and her decisions. She couldn't allow someone like him to live.

But before such an opportune moment could present itself, she was introduced to the fact that she had no way out.

Each of her limbs, including her neck, were on the mouth of a beast. One small movement and the beast would get startled, and bite into her limbs and neck as she might die.

As if that wasn't enough, she even heard that detestable, arrogant kid in front of her say,

"I know you are awake, so don't try anything stupid if you value your life. If you don't, then just die!"

His words were calm and cold it seemed like he didn't care what she chose either. If she lived she would be his slave, if she died then she could just die, and become food for the beasts.

But did she have the resolve to die? If she had it, then she would have died so many times until now, she would have escaped all that r*aping, and suffering, but unfortunately, she didn't.

She could only look with hate, anger, and rage as Roy slowly craved the slave symbol in her chest, without releasing a sound.

When he was finally done with the symbol, Roy released his mana inside the symbol, making the symbol illuminate, as his Soul Avatar seemed to seek a connection with hers.

He didn't know how or why it happened though, he only knew that the next moment he felt like he had a miniature version of the fiery beauty inside his Conscience Sea.

This version of hers was truly cute, but it seemed like it was lifeless, but one thing was for certain he felt like he could control it however he wished, and give it any order he wished.

There was no way for her to escape his grasp, as all her memories, her life, and her will were his to do whatever he wanted with them.

The wounds in her chest closed and healed as well, but the shapes he had cut in her skin formed some kind of tattoo in there, confirming the fact that she was now a slave.

Happy with his work, Roy immediately got to business, as he ordered her the basics like she wasn't allowed to kill him or do anything that might cause him harm.

Her life depended on him from now on, and she would follow him, his orders, and his whims. From now on she was officially his property.

As Roy did that the barbarian warriors were looking at him with weird and complicated faces, as they didn't understand what he was doing.

It didn't seem like he was having fun with that woman, but he wasn't killing her either. Then just what was he doing? They had no idea!

But they didn't have much brain matter to think either, as they only thought about it as a weird custom or action from their white devil tribe Head.

Roy on the other stood up from his position, looked at them with a cold and heavy look, as he said,

"8 of you will go back to gather the camp, and bring everyone to the destination, while the other 8 will accompany me to take control of the other tribe!

You have one week to reach the new tribe premises! Was I clear!?"


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