The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 4 - 4: Awakening

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The river stream was truly powerful, as even a tier 2 mage like him wasn't able to straighten himself, and take control of his trajectory.

In fact, things got worse, as he was taken by the stream just like some kind of broken kite, and was sent from one side to the other.

It didn't take him long in these conditions to tire out, and then lose conscience, not knowing what would happen with him from now on.

He tried a lot to keep himself together and try to continue with the dream he was having, but eventually, he wasn't able to.

His fate now belonged only to the Heavens, and he had nothing on his hands anymore, he just hoped that he could see the continuation of this dream another time.

In a small creak, at the side of a wide streaming river, was a small perturbing stone, like some kind of horn, out of water.

The stone was located exactly in the corner and acted like a little bay that gathered a lot of debris that entered there.

Even though the stream wasn't weak in there, the terrain and disposition of this place made it possible for any debris entering that bay to not be taken by the stream again.

The night was calm, quiet, it was perfect for any traveler, or nature lover to just sit down there, and enjoy the beauty of the scenery and the peace it offered.

Then suddenly, a ripple near that rock broke the silence, and quietness, of the night, which was immediately followed by a second.

Something started moving in between the debris, as a black hand seemed to be trying to catch some kind of leeway, or something to stand up, or at least come offshore.

It seemed like a person, like a human being. It was his good luck that he had ended with his face up, when he had clashed with this rock, and could still breathe.

But, no matter how much he tried, the result was always the same, either he wasn't able to catch anything, or it was easily cut off.

Even though the person seemed quite tired, he never stopped trying, as he was finally able to catch on some branch or vine, and used all his remaining strength to pull himself offshore.

Even though it seemed more difficult than scaling Everest, he still managed to do it, and achieve his goal, at least now he would be safe from the stream, and wouldn't risk drowning.

Unfortunately, though he had wasted too much strength, and energy so he could feel that his consciousness was fading once again.

Once again, he tried really hard to not lose conscience, but he was once again unable to do it, no matter how firm he was.

This person was clearly Roy! Or it would be more exact to say that this was Roy in the body of the Prince Alexander XI FitzRoy.

Certainly, there was no way he knew or understood what was going on with him at this moment, as in this mind this was just a continuation of that strange 'Real Dream' he had.

After all, what else could it be? Even though he believed in what he wrote, he still had that last dreg of self-awareness, or doubt that probably that wasn't real after all.

Even at this moment, he could clearly feel his wet and muddy clothes over his body, he could clearly smell the fresh smell of the forest, and the river, yet he couldn't believe it to be true.

In fact, he was thinking that right now, he wasn't able to properly think these things through, and he was most probably a victim of some kind of illusion or delusion.

Still once again he could do nothing more but close his eyes, as his head became light, and he lost conscience.

Heavens knows how much time later, the light coming from the sun up in the sky was hitting hard on his eyes, as he finally regained conscience once again.

He was tired, hungry, and had a terrifying headache. That shitty light was making it even more difficult for him to open his eyes.

Damn, he must have forgotten the shutters open again. And this fu*cking sunlight, wasn't it supposed to be autumn this time of the year, how the fu*ck could it be so hot, and shiny today.

It took him a lot of effort to finally open his eyes a little bit, and adapt to the environment he was in, but he was able to make it, only to be completely stupefied the next moment.

Just how!?

What kind of sick joke was this!?

He had obviously watched the movie 'Hangover' but never thought that something like that would ever happen to him.

At this moment though, he was once again reminded of everything that happened the other night, inside his 'dream' only that this shit wasn't a dream anymore.

His headache intensified at that moment, as all different kinds of memories were coming to him, memories about his life, his relatives, his closest people, as he unknowingly shed two streams of tears.

He felt like all those memories were even his like he had actually been living through those memories with his real soul and body.

It was fantastical, magical, no matter how much he might have tried to describe it in one of his books, he didn't think he would ever find the right words.

In fact, he didn't think that the right words even existed for this situation, as he was overwhelmed by his feelings.

He was so overwhelmed with what he was going through, that he had almost totally disregarded the fact that he had transmigrated to another world.

A world of magic, and magic cultivation, a world of different races, and different beings, a world where the might makes right, a world similar to what he had been writing his all life.

It was only when he had recovered almost all those memories in entirety and had reminisced in those memories that he was finally reminded of this fact.

It was only now that it dawned on him that he was no longer on Earth, that he had left Earth behind and was now in some unknown world, and place.

He had written so much about these things happening, about how his characters felt when it happened, about what they thought, but he had never imagined that one day he would go through this himself.

It was something unique, something unexplainable, his biggest wish, and biggest dream had been suddenly realized.

At that moment he felt like screaming in delight, he wanted to loudly thank the heavens for making it happen!

Even though he knew that it was most probably due to that blue pearl he had uncovered on his last archeological research.

His strong love and addiction for fantasy, magic and the anger to win a bet had made him study archeology, and history to find evidence of their existence.

The truth was that he had almost lost all hope that he would ever find something to prove it, and he had already considered it as a lost bet.

But apparently, he had been wrong, because in his last expedition, as he was researching some site in a god-forsaken place in Eastern Europe, he had found that little blue pearl.

In fact, he had been greatly disappointed by that place, as it was clear that it was nothing more than some kind of bogus since there was no proof of anything abnormal happening here, just some legends.

Still, he didn't have any other lead at the moment, so he just went along, and entered the place, which was full of booby traps.

All the way he was cursing about his bad luck, and this stupid place, and when he finally reached the end, all there was to it was that little blue pearl, that seemed like nothing more than an ornament.

It didn't make sense though if this thing was truly something related to magic, and fantasy, then it shouldn't have been so easy to go through it.

Even though it was difficult, and full of booby traps it was still rather easy, and simple to enter. There was no magical, or fantastical trap along the way.

So, he didn't really hold high hopes when he took that blue pearl in his hands, but the next moment, a drop of his blood fell on it, and it suddenly turned into some kind of black hole vortex.

Everything had happened so suddenly, that he hadn't been able to even react to the sudden thing when he was pulled inside that black hole vortex.

The next thing he could remember or recollect was that 'dream' or to be more exact that recollection of memories.

Everything happening around him was so abnormal, so weird, and so complicated to the normal person, but to him, everything made perfect sense.

Most probably his body hadn't been able to survive the space storm and had been probably totally destroyed.

So when his soul entered this world, he had been attracted by the spell that the owner of this body had activated at the expense of his soul.

As he was thinking like this, he was finally reminded of one more important factor of his transmigration, what happened to that blue pearl after he had arrived here.

That little thing was responsible for his transmigration, and it surely wasn't something simple. Most probably that little thing was some kind of rare and precious artifact.

So, immediately as this thought appeared inside his mind, he started checking on his body about that little blue pearl…

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