The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 5 - 5: Spirit Sense, Soul Avatar, & Conscience Sea

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With his 2nd tier Magic Power, he should have had no problem checking his own body, especially with the memories, and the instincts left behind by the body's previous owner.

But it was much more difficult than he thought, and much more amazing too. He felt like he could feel his blood moving through his veins.

He could feel his beating heart inside his chest like he was literally looking at his heart, and not only that but every organ of his body.

He felt like he could have a colorful x-ray view of his whole body, which was something so crazy, and bloody amazing at the same time.

Even though Roy was a novel writer and had a really good imagination and fantasy, he had never actually seen something like this.

Earth was more of a technological planet rather than a magical one, after all.

Certainly, there were stories about vampires, mages, werewolves, and a whole other bunch of abnormal abilities, and people, that he believed in, but they were nothing more than that, just stories.

He had no real fact or evidence of their existence, and even less to have experienced something like that himself. It was impossible.

But right now, he was looking at his own organs, veins, bones, and everything else that was big enough for him to see.

He couldn't yet see his tissues, cells, or what was inside them, but he had a feeling that the more he advanced in his magical cultivation, the more he would be able to look at his body in more detail.

He found out that at the moment he could only look at things, or objects inside his body at the size of that blue pearl, but no matter how much he looked inside his body, there was no sign of it.

Well, it wasn't that unbelievable, after all, he had lost his body in the spatial channel while passing to arrive here. It wasn't much of a surprise to think that his blue pearl hadn't been able to come with him.

As he was looking at the inside of his body though he was kind of lost in the view, and kind of forgot about that blue pearl.

As he was slowly checking up his body, he was going from his toes to his pelvis, then his stomach, chest, neck, head, and finally entered a misty space.

Everything in there seemed to be covered in some kind of fog, there was almost nothing visible besides a shining light deep inside.

Not being able to contain his curiosity, Roy immediately started flying towards that area, but it was only now that he found it weird that he was leaving a shape behind while passing through the fog.

Looking at the shape it looked like it was certainly some kind of miniature human figure, but looking down at his 'body' he wasn't able to see a thing.

The truth was that he was able to make a shape, but it felt so unreal, and impossible, as it looked like he was a little tiny miniature human, with some kind of a transparent plastic or glass body.

There was nothing really material about this shape of him, and if one looked at it would think that it was more non-existent than existent.

At least this was the way Roy could describe it to himself, this was his first time seeing something like this, after all, it was completely breath-taking.

How many times, in how many novels had he written about the Soul Avatar, or spiritual sense, without even having proof of their existence, and right now he was seeing their existence.

It was probably one of his biggest dreams to have a look at those two, and right now not only was he able to prove them, but they were something his, something he could feel in himself.

Taking a moment to appreciate this fact, he then started once again moving towards that light inside the fog.

Since this was supposed to be his 'conscience sea' he guessed that there would be no danger for him to go towards that light.

He had never heard of any person being killed inside his own conscience sea by its own conscience sea. It just wouldn't make sense.

He had to fly for quite a while since even his speed of flying in there seemed to be slow, it seemed stupid but it was true, even inside his own conscience sea, his Soul Avatar flying speed was slow.

The important thing was that he finally arrived there though, but he couldn't stop his jaw from dropping once he saw what was in there.

Well, it wasn't like someone could see him with his jaw to the floor, as he was transparent, and he couldn't even watch it himself.

But, with how amazing everything in front of him looked, he guessed that that should truly be the case.

He had never seen something like this, in front of him floating there in the middle of the fog was some kind of throne-like structure.

The throne had no legs, as it was just like some kind of seating pillow with a magnificent rail on the back composed of some tree branch-like structures.

The back rail came into a pointy shape at the top, as two branches were curved in an upside-down curvy P shape, and in the middle of the two, there was a small blue pearl.

Without trying to exaggerate it in the least, everyone looking at that throne would think that this was the most majestic throne in existence.

Even that throne of swords in Game of Thrones wasn't as majestic as this one in front of Roy's eyes.

In that big-looking throne, that little blue pearl was the most attention-grabbing feature, and the most unnoticeable feature at the same time.

It was attention-grabbing because differently from the green to grey color of the branches, that was the only part that had a different color, blue.

But its size was so small, and its look was so normal compared to the beautiful crisscrossing branches of the throne rail that it didn't seem like it was anything special.

In Roy's eyes though, that small blue pearl was the most precious thing on the whole throne. After all, something that had been able to follow him through that spatial channel was certainly not something ordinary.

That must definitely be some kind of artifact, he didn't know what level but certainly it wasn't some low-level thing.

Recollecting himself from the stupor he had been until now as he looked at the throne structure, Roy immediately flew forward once again as he reached for the throne.

Since this was his own conscience sea, and his own personal space, then certainly that throne in front of him it belonged to him without a doubt, so he just went straight ahead, and sit down on it.

It felt like he had finally found his unique and perfect place to be, as immediately a lot of information on his condition was slowly passing through him.

It was formation about his own body, its state, its pain, and everything else. He finally felt like he had finally been connected to his whole body.

There was some scary pain coming through his scratches, a few broken bones, and many bruised areas.

Even though he had been through a lot of shit in his previous life, this was the first time he was filling such a pain course through his body.

He felt like some kind of heavyweight had gone over his body many times. Now that he had a better sense he could feel that he had more than 7 broken bones, 13 bruised areas especially his shoulders.

And last but not least scratches all over his body that were bleeding right now. This was truly a bad and painful condition.

But considering the fact, that the previous owner of this body was treated like a pampered princess, having everything handed to him, and never suffering pain, this was still rather 'good condition'.

According to his memories in this world existed mages, and warriors, the first batch had a powerful Soul Power and could use magic, the second group had a powerful body, and could kick the hell out of any opponent.

In a clash between a mage and a warrior of the same level, the mage had the advantage in the long-range attacks, while the warrior in close quarters, but either way the result depended on experience and skill.

The previous owner of this body had been trained to become a great mage, but in terms of physical abilities, he was even weaker than a little girl.

Roy wasn't some kind of muscle fanatic in his previous life, but since muscles and physical abilities were needed for his explorations and safety, he had trained quite a good body.

Right now, he felt like he was even weaker when he started training in his previous life, and that was something that had to be noted, at the start of his previous life he was nothing more than a shut-in otaku.

He felt like the previous owner of this body had lost too much by being so weak, but considering his parents, and family that was more than understandable.

This was the first time he had thought about family, and the first time he felt a warm stream of energy pass through his whole being as he thought about them.

Perhaps they weren't his real parents, but one thing was for sure, that feeling wasn't fake. After living through those memories, they had become his family, and his parents.

But he didn't have much time to reminisce about them, as suddenly a blue hue covered his whole Soul Avatar…

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