The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 6 - 6: Another Spatial Trip (Unknown World)

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It only started with his Soul Avatar though, as it spread through his all foggy knowledge sea, then beyond it, and covered his whole body.

It seemed like something was scanning his whole body, from the end of his toes, to the end of his hairs, he was being completely scanned.

There was nothing he could do to stop this scan from happening, he could only stay seated on his throne, looking at the source of all this.

It was that little blue pearl at the top of his throne, it was scanning his whole being in depths that even he himself couldn't at the moment.

This made him even more aware of that blue pearl, it was incredible. He felt like this scan was even surpassing his cellular level.

But he felt no danger from the scanning, or even from the blue pearl, in fact it felt like the more that the scanning went the more intimate he felt with the blue pearl.

He was feeling like slowly he was integrating with that little blue pearl, like their essences were being mixed together.

He still couldn't understand what was really going on, but he was sure that this wasn't disadvantageous to him in the least, it felt more like a great opportunity.

As he was thinking like this, the scanning finally seemed to have finished, as everything turned just like normal once again.

That was only for a fleeting moment though, as the next moment, he felt like some kind of spatial hole, or fissure was opened behind his body, and was pulling him inside.

Damn he had just lost one body due to something like this, and yet he was once again dragged into the same shit.

It seemed like his luck had run out for real this time. All those feelings about his new life, his new body, and his new family had just gone straight out of the window.

What the fu*ck had he done wrong in his previous life to deserve such a shitty fate. He had just transmigrated, and now he was about to die once again.

Damn did he hate his shitty luck right now!

But no matter how much he tried to resist to that spatial fissure, no matter how much he tried to resist his sure death, he didn't make it.


For many reasons actually, first of all, he had just woken up and taken control of this new body of his, he had difficulties moving his arms and legs, even less his whole body.

Secondly, he had been overridden with injuries all over. His body right now felt just like some pasta drainer pot, where blood was flowing out of every possible hole.

He had Magic Power inside his body, but he didn't know shit about how to sense it, and even less on how to use it.

No matter how he looked at it, it was a lost battle even before it started so finally he decided to just go on with it, and let himself be carried away by that spatial fissure.

While he truly left the spatial current pull him away, he didn't close his eyes, as he wanted to face his death, his end with a clear face.

His life hadn't been totally in vein, even though just for a few moments, he had been able to discover the existence of another planet with life on it, just like Earth.

He had been able to sense his spirit sense, conscience sea, Soul Avatar, Soul Throne. Even though nobody on Earth would know about it, he didn't really care.

It was enough for him to have felt that himself, so he felt like he had all the right to look at his death with his eyes open.

All of a sudden all he could see was darkness, and then some light passing by him in a terrific speed. He felt like that speed was even faster than light, but he didn't dare to think about it.

After all, there was that relativity theory on Earth, and he didn't know what would happen, but thinking deeper that worked on a stable curved space, right now he was passing through space itself.

The more he thought about that the more confused he got, so he decided to just forget about it and enjoy the view, but when he finally made that decision, he found out that he had stopped.

He wasn't in that spatial channel anymore, no he was in someplace else. There was concrete below him, well in fact it was just a big stone, some big and large trees surrounding him, and a big altar in front of him.

In fact, the altar was nothing more than a really tall stone, like an obelisk passing through the crown of trees, and then aiming for the blue sky.

But he didn't care about it right now, he still couldn't understand what was going on with him, and his entire situation.

The first time he had gone through the spatial channel he had been ripped into shreds like he was some kind of paper going through a paper cutter.

While right now, when his body was way weaker compared to the one he had, he was completely fine. In fact, it felt like nothing more than a good flight home.

Even first class in aeroplanes wasn't as comfortable as his way to this place. Just what the fuck was going on? How was that even possible!?

It took him a while to finally relax himself, and think straight, as his fantasy became useful to him right now.

After all, in order to keep himself, and his expenses he had written far too many fantasy novels, which kept his interests and spirit burning.

Who would have thought that his fantasy would one day become his real life, his reality? Even he who believed so much in fantasy, and incarnations had never thought about it.

Anyway, according to his theory, in his first spatial trip the space should have been disrupted, so his end was what it was.

While on his second spatial trip the space should have been stable, and calm allowing for an easy and smooth travel.

While that clearly settled down his disturbed heart about how he hadn't been ripped to pieces this time, it didn't clear his biggest problem at the moment.

Where the fu*ck was he?

Differently from his earlier place, where he had the memories of the previous owner of his body to ascertain in general where he was, right now he had no idea.

It was surely that blue pearl that brought him here, but he had no idea where this place was, or what he was supposed to do in here.

This place was weird, he was surrounded by those large and big trees which didn't have any spaces in between them. The trees could be as tall as 100 meters, while the stone obelisk clearly surpassed them.

It looked like they were some kind of circular wall surrounding him from the rest of this place, he didn't know what, but he was sure that this place was much bigger than Earth or the planet he had been a bit earlier.

The gravity in this place was 10 times that of Earth! So, it was more than reasonable to think that even its mass was at least 10 times that of Earth.

If it wasn't for his Magical Power creating some kind of antigravity around him instinctively he would most probably have ended up squashed to the ground.

Certainly not a good way for him to die! He guessed he was really thankful to his instinctive response right now, otherwise it would truly be game over.

Now the important part was to find out what he was doing here, and how to return back from where he came from.

Due to him being still injured he couldn't move even a muscle of his body, he was just lying there, trying really hard to raise his head, and have a look at the stone obelisk in front of him.

Even though with great difficulty he managed to raise his head a bit and look at it, but he found out that it was useless as he couldn't make any sense of whatever those symbols were.

If he had to compare it with Earth it was even more difficult that trying to understand Japanese, or Chinese as a European, or American, maybe it could be the same as those hieroglyphs' difficulty.

Well this was just perfect! He didn't know if he should laugh or cry at his fate right now. It was truly difficult to understand.

The only good thing coming out of this place, was the fact that his regeneration seemed to have grown by more than a few times.

In fact, he felt like he could feel his own body recuperate there, like he was feeling his scratches close, his bruises heal, and then his bones patching up.

It was most certainly something incredible! The more time passed the more and more lucky he felt to feel and witness these things happen with his new body.

And as that happened, he hadn't seen how a few drops of his blood came out of his clothes, and touched the stone where he was lying down right now.

He didn't see, or sense that happen, but he certainly witnessed the miraculous change that happened to the stone he was lying, and then to the obelisk in front of him.

Everything started shaking, the stone, the trees, the obelisk, everything. He felt like a huge horrifying earthquake was taking effect right now, as the stone obelisk even started changing color.

But that wasn't all, as even the symbols on top of it started changing, turning into his mother language, English.

But that wasn't even the most important change, as he was left breath taken by the first line written on that obelisk…

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