The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 7 - 7: Gaia & Master

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'Welcome to Gaia!'

Roy found it really weird that he had suddenly started to understand the writings and symbols in front of him.

Just what and how happened in that short amount of time. He had already tried once but he had no idea what language or symbols they were.

How was it possible that in but a moment, everything had changed like that, and now he was more than able to read whatever was written there!?

He had no answer about it, but that didn't matter much right now, as he continued to read whatever he could.

'Inheritor of Gaia! Gaia is my inner world, is the world I created inside me in order to reach Divinity!

Gaia is a product of the 'Seed of Life' a special seed that grows on top of a 'Divine Dragon Flower' only once in a million years.

By a stroke of luck, that seed landed on my hand, and I was able to create Gaia with the hope of surpassing this Realm and joining the Gods beyond.

As fate had it I was unable to pull it off, I wasn't able to reach Divinity as I was betrayed by my closest kin. I was poisoned and killed right before I reached Divinity.

They killed me for Gaia, so I made sure to throw it away in the current of space and time, for the fated person.

Now Gaia belongs to you, please take good care of my Gaia!

But be careful, the poison used on me was an evil magic power poison, and it seeped into Gaia as well.

I am sure that by the time you have founded it, the Gaia you will found will be much different from the Gaia I created.

I don't know what will be different, or what you will experience in my Gaia, and I can't help you much with that. All I can do to help you is hand you over my life memories!

Make good use of them, and perhaps one day, you will find out who I was, and will help me return my debts!"

While Roy was reading those words from the Stone Obelisk, the place where he was lying started to illuminate with perfectly white light, as he felt information enter his head.

The moment he felt that happen, he immediately retrieved his senses and entered his sea of conscience.

As soon as he entered inside though he was completely stunned by what he saw in front of him, his Soul Throne was illuminating, as the branches were releasing green leaves.

That white light was piercing its way towards his sea of conscience without any troubles, as it looked like whatever kind of obstacle he might place in front of it, would be useless.

His Soul Avatar's eyes had turned completely white, and he could see information being overwritten there like he was some kind of computer.

Everything was so fast that he couldn't even feel it happen, and even less have any idea about processing that information at that moment.

He could only wait for that to finish before having any thought of processing or looking through that massive amount of information.

This time everything was different, he wasn't living through the memories anymore as he did with the previous owner of the body he was using.

No, this time the information was directly inscribed inside his Soul Avatar and conscience sea. Looking at the amount of information he was getting, he was kind of worried if it was truly okay?

Would his still underdeveloped, Soul Avatar, and conscience sea be able to contain all that information that was pouring inside him?

But it wasn't like he had any way of stopping this either, so all he could do was just do his best for everything to work out smoothly.

Like that, seconds became minutes, minutes became hours, and hours became days. It was only after what he perceived as 3 days that whole the information was finally transferred to him.

Finally, he thought that his nightmare was over, but he was clearly celebrating before time, as less than a minute after the transfer was over, he was hit by a head-splitting headache.

It wasn't the first time that he was experiencing a headache, but this one he was feeling right now was truly unique and frightening.

His hair all over his body had risen to attention, standing even straighter than a steel spear, as he was feeling like his skull had split into two parts, and someone was overly cooking his brains.

He couldn't even compare it to the headaches he had when he was on earth, as he wasn't able to bear it for long and passed out then and there.

Just because he passed out didn't mean that the headache had stopped though, as the next moment he woke up terrified, with the same headache coursing through his head.

His Soul Avatar was in no better shape either, as it seemed to be shivering, and trembling as it had fallen into the coldest pits of abyss.

Roy had a clear sense only on the first three times he passed out, after that the pain seemed to have been too much for him, as he couldn't remember or realize what was going on anymore.

When he woke up he had a lost look on his eyes, as he was even unable to realize where he was, or what was doing then and there.

But slowly everything started to get back at him, as he slowly but surely was once again regaining control of himself, and his body.

It wasn't easy, as there were now three different kinds of memories inside his head, his own, the Roy of the previous world he had been to, and the memories of Arcane, one of the greatest mage-warriors.

His own memories, his essence came from Earth, but it seemed like the memories of Roy, and Arcane were from the same world, called Nativa.

The only difference between the two was that one of them was 100.000 years into the past, while Roy was at the present.

Most probably due to his theory he had been able to come here because the spatial passage that Arcane had opened to throw Gaia had remained open for some strange reason, and he had stepped upon it.

Even though his body was quite well maintained in his previous life, he had no chance of resisting a 'rusted' 100.000 years old spatial channel.

It was no wonder that his body was ripped in pieces, as his Soul Avatar was protected from the blue pearl, or it would be better to call it Gaia, as he transmigrated to Nativa.

Call it pure fate, or pure coincidence but the moment he had stepped into Nativa, the previous owner of this body had activated that special magic of his, sacrificing his own soul.

It was once again Gaia, that pulled him over to the place, and then mixed his soul with that body. He didn't have any sort of decision or selection power about all this.

But it had turned out that Gaia hadn't done him wrong. After all, not only had found him a royal bloodline body, but it had also given him such opportunities.

This was probably the third time in such a short time that he truly, truly felt himself lucky. Not only had his dreams become a reality, but he had also been given a great goal, family, and power.

Certainly, his path was going to be a thorny one, as there were too many known and unknown enemies ahead of him, but he didn't really care.

He had written so many novels and fantasy stories about these sorts of scenarios and now he was finally, by a wild stroke of luck, eligible to live it through himself.

As a matter of fact, he didn't even need these sorts of goals in order to try his best in this new chance and the life he had been given.

From the moment he had found out that something like this had happened he was more than determined to walk on this road until he couldn't anymore.

Right now, he felt that for many nights he might wake up in the middle of the night, laughing out loud at this opportunity he got.

As he was thinking like this, his eyes fell on the stone obelisk in front of him, as he was once again reminded of Arcane.

He didn't know or understand if it was fate or coincidence that brought them together, but the fact that he had inherited Arcane's most treasured thing was a fact.

In all the novels he had written, there had been many characters who had found the inheritance of some great figure, and then had bowed their heads to them, in gratitude acknowledging them as Masters.

He had written those lines many times, but never truly believed them. After all, what sort of link could one create with a dead body or person.

But right now, he was overflowing with gratitude towards the person who had created this blue pearl, this inner world called Gaia.

For the first time in his both lives, he bowed down in front of the stone obelisk saying,

"Master, thank you for your gift! Even though I am unworthy now, one day I will certainly fulfill your dream of becoming a Divine.

I can't give you anything in exchange for what you have given me, as they are priceless, but I swear that your debt is my debt and that your revenge is my revenge!"

Who would have ever known that so many people and Divine's were sentenced to death by just these simple words, but that is a story for the future…

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