The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 44 - 44: Pain & Terror [Gore Warning]

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Everyone in the crowd turned silent for a few moments hearing those words, as Roy even had a scary look on his face at the moment.

The normally soft-looking white devil that they had seen until that moment seemed to have completely disappeared.

For some strange reason, they all felt like they had poked and teased a slumbering lion that was now angry at their preposterous actions.

But they had yet to understand how grave of a mistake they had done, as Roy had finally resolved himself to show them true fear and pain.

Everything was happening too fast for him, from his first kill two days ago to this great torture show he was planning to enact here.

He didn't know if he would be able to endure it himself, but he felt that it was necessary if he wanted to walk forward.

To a human from the earth, the saying of having to break a few eggs to make an omelet might sound like it was cruel, or inhuman, but to him, at the moment it sounded genuinely needed.

In fact, the moment that he had decided to start cultivating Magic Power, and reach the top of the food chain he had already resolved himself to break more than a few eggs.

But when it actually came to the action of doing it, he couldn't help but have his own reluctance and reservations, as he was thinking that perhaps he wouldn't have to do something like that.

Just as he was thinking about something like that, there were 7 people that had come to kill him in his sleep.

Even if he tried to avoid killing, the Heavens, the World, or whoever was leading this show wouldn't allow him to.

He had written so many times about these things, thought them happen, and even imagined himself doing them, but the reality was much, much harder than imagination.

Yet, when he was faced with his back against a rock, his potential would fire up, and help him pass through the small hurdles of his character.

The same thing happened that morning, probably if those guys hadn't tried to kill him during the night, he would have tried a different approach of making these people obey him.

But now that it had happened, he had no other choice but to show them that they shouldn't mess with someone they can't afford to offend.

Thinking like that, he was flared up with new determination, and resolve inside him, as he steeled his heart, and told foxy to release the two women from the illusion first.

Foxy immediately obeyed as the two women who seemed to be sleeping standing woke up from their stupor with strange and startled looks.

The truth was that until now they were inside some kind of strange dream, in someplace that they had never seen before.

And it was quite surprising and startling for them to suddenly wake up to their whole tribe looking at them with weird looks, as finally the realization of what they were about to do before sleeping hit them.

Panicking they started looking around them to understand where their target was, and if they had managed to kill him, only to see him standing beside them with a weird look on his face.

They were still unable to understand what had happened in the gap that they were missing from their memories, but one thing was for sure they had missed their shot, their target was alive.

Before they could make sense of what was going on, they heard Roy's cold and scary voice,

"Bran, Bog rip their clothes away, and start fu*cking their brains out!"

The two warriors were surprised by what Roy said, because they hadn't expected something like that, after all, it wasn't much of a punishment for them to do such things in front of others.

But they still walked forward and immediately ripped their clothes, and turned them naked for everyone to see.

The two ladies weren't bad, as they had pretty curvy and juicy bodies, but that didn't matter much at the moment, as the two of them pushed them on all fours, and were about to take them as dogs.

It wasn't hard to pull off their cloth covering their crotches, as they immediately went for the two ladies' secret caves entrances, but just as they were about to enter, they heard Roy say,

"You guys are going for the wrong hole!"

The two of them were clearly dumbfounded, as the hole they were going for was clearly the right one, then why was their leader telling them it was the wrong one?

They didn't have to think about it much though, as Roy continued,

"Ram your way through the other holes, this is an order!"

It didn't seem like they had heard him wrong, as the whole crowd was wondering what Roy was trying to do. After all, it was something that it had never crossed their minds.

How could it cross their minds, after all, that hole was really smelly and dirty, there was no way anything good would come out of it.

With that thought in mind, Bran said in a straightforward voice,

"But leader, that hole is dirty and really small…"

He wasn't able to continue with his words though, as Roy said in a truly threatening voice,

"Did I stutter!?"

Bran and Bog were not only the best warriors that Roy had under him, but also the ones that best understood that they weren't his match, and followed each of his orders blindly.

So, looking at Roy's expression, and hearing his words they understood that they were making him angry, which was something they didn't want to happen, they immediately did as they were told.

The two ladies that were suddenly ripped of their clothes and then pushed on their fours still didn't quite understand what was going on.

Well, it wasn't much of a guess to know what was going on, but that wasn't really much of a punishment for them, was it now?

In fact, they might even think of it as a reward as they were getting something that made them feel really good.

So, at that moment their fear, and misunderstanding weren't that big, but the moment they heard Roy say something about the wrong hole they felt that something was off.

Just what was this white devil planning to do with them!?


But they didn't have much time to think about that, as they suddenly felt a skewering pain from their 'needs' hole.

At that moment the two of them felt like their soul had been suddenly ripped out of their bodies, as an unbelievable amount of pain attacked their whole being.

In one single instant, their eyes turned bloody, and their eyeballs were threatening to leave their eye sockets.

The scream of pain was so loud, powerful, and heartfelt that it made the whole tribe feel like for an instant they all went through that pain.

They were all shocked, they had never thought that something like that would generate that much pain, as they all unconsciously put a hand in their behinds.

But while everyone in the tribe felt that pain only for a single instant, the two ladies were constantly feeling its course through their bodies.

Their painful screams didn't stop even as they tried to breathe, as in a matter of seconds tears and snot started pouring from their eyes, and nose.

"Arrrgghhh, aarrrrgghhhhh, aaaaayyyyyyy…' x2

With just that ram they had fallen from Heaven to Hell, as they weren't even able to think about what they had done, or if it was right or wrong.

All they could feel, or think about at that moment was the pain that was coursing through their bodies, as blood started spewing from their lower bottoms.

They couldn't even plead for the two warriors to take their 'weapons' out, they could only scream in pain, and terror, making all the people in the tribe have a deathly pale white face.

They shouldn't have messed with this devil. They shouldn't have crossed his path. He was even worse than the God of torture.

There was no way the scene in front of their eyes was fake, even muscle heads, and no-brains like them were able to understand that they were looking at the face of true pain.

If they had known about this method of torture earlier they would have never even thought of doing something to him.

Their whole bodies were shivering at that moment looking at the look of terror and pain in front of their eyes, as they were even getting deaf from the screams of pain from the two women.

Roy wasn't unaffected too, he had never thought that it would pain that much. He had heard it was painful, almost as painful as going through labor, but this was the first time witnessing it.

Looking at those faces, and hearing those screams made him truly question himself if what he was doing was right or not.

But then thinking about the fact that they had tried to kill him in his sleep, and they didn't seem to repent for it, in fact, they seemed enraged to not have reached their target, made him furious.

His reason was lost thinking like that, as it was just unacceptable for him. These wh*ores wanted him dead or suffering a fate even worse than death.

Who knew what they might have done with him if they had the chance, he wouldn't even be able to think properly and lose himself in illusions.

Thinking like this made him feel like what he was doing to them was justified, and he found a bit of determination to go forward, as he said in a cold voice to his warriors,

"Who told you to stop!?"

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