The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 45 - 45: Fear & Horror (First Crying Barbarians)

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Hearing those words, the warriors were startled for an instant, but the next one they started pulling out and ramming once again without the slightest hesitation.

Immediately after the screams and shouts of the pain of the two ladies pierced through the place, making everyone tremble in fear once again.

The two of them seemed to be in so much pain at that moment, and their slowly fading voice was enough proof of that.

They had screamed and shouted so much in pain, and fear, that even those other four that were under the illusion were frighteningly awakened from their stupor and illusion.

They were still unable to understand what was going on around them, but one thing was for sure, whatever it was, it wasn't a good thing.

Everyone was horrified of what they were hearing and seeing, as two small ponds of blood were being formed under the bodies of the two ladies really soon.

They were unable to scream anymore, or make any type of sound for that matter, their vocal cords had most probably crashed, nothing was coming out of them anymore.

But the pain was still visible in their eyes, and the trembling of their bodies didn't stop even for a single second.

The tribe of barbarians that was supposedly used to every kind of barbarity, and suffering couldn't control themselves from shaking, and shivering in fear.

They all felt like for the first time in their life they were shown that there was a much bigger tree than what they had seen their whole lives.

As for the weak-hearted, they were mostly vomiting on the ground, as their usual tanned completely had turned completely whitish-yellow.

Even Roy himself was unable to bear this scene, as it had already raised every hair on his body to stand as straight as steel poles, and his whole skin was covered in goosebumps.

But he couldn't stop this here, otherwise, they might still think that he was soft-hearted, so he had to let this horrifying show continue for another two hours, as no sign of life was coming from the two women.

They weren't dead yet, but they were probably wishing they were at the moment, even if it was inside their nightmares and bad dreams.

Roy forced himself to look through the whole show without blinking his eyes, as a cold and detached look was plastered in his face.

He looked like some kind of demon, that was enjoying this scene in his own way, making those tribe people even more afraid of him.

But that wasn't the end of the show yet, as until now he had only punished the two women, there were still the 2 boys, and the 2 girls waiting for their punishment.

While they hadn't been able to understand that at first, the realization of what was going to happen slowly passed through their minds, and they couldn't stop shivering the moment they did so.

No matter how much did they tried to lie to their selves that the same thing wouldn't happen to them, the reality they were looking at made them much more sensible than they thought.

When the two ladies weren't showing any more signs of movement, Roy just made a sign towards his warriors to stop and let them on the ground, but this was the sign that it was now their turn.

Even though the previous night they had all been powerful, and determined barbarians to take over the mission of getting their honor, pride, and tribe back, now they were all trembling in fear.

The 'assassins' of the previous night, had no relation whatsoever with the frightened wussies of today.

But who would blame them after seeing what happened in front of them, and even more when they heard those screams.

Roy had his own vomit on his throat, and it was taking him a lot of self-control in order to stop himself from actually vomiting in front of these guys.

The worst part was that he couldn't stop things at this moment, he had to continue with the punishments otherwise he would show weakness to these guys.

He couldn't allow that to happen, as he was about to signal for the two girls to replace the two women when finally, they weren't able to resist anymore, as they kneeled in front of him in tears.

In the whole history of the forest barbarians, this was most probably the first time that they were kneeling in front of someone in tears.

It was a shame not only for them but for their whole tribe. But no one from their tribe could actually judge them for doing so.

The scene they had just seen, the screams they had just heard, the shivering they had felt had been just that gruesome for them.

They weren't even able to care if the two warriors 'little brothers' were clean or dirty, they only knew that they didn't want to go through that if it was in their hands.

The two barbarian girls weren't much different they were thinking and wishing the same, the only difference was that they were the next in turn and they would do everything to avoid it.

They didn't care about their arrogance, or pride as barbarians anymore, they didn't care about the fact that they were kneeling in front of a white devil.

Nothing besides themselves, and their wellbeing mattered anymore. The fear of what they had just seen had seeped through their whole beings, not just their bodies.

"Sorryyyy… beg youuuu… forgive…!"

It wasn't only the two girls that came kneeling down in front of him actually, the two boys were doing the same.

They were horrified by what they had seen.

Even now that they were crying, shivering, and pleading, and begging for forgiveness, they couldn't help remember that scene and try harder.

Looking at their reaction, even Roy himself felt that perhaps he had gone a bit too far with his punishment, perhaps he should have reconsidered this earlier.

But there was nothing else coming to his mind that was as bloodless and effective as this. Perhaps he had just turned the whole tribe anal phobic, but it didn't matter anymore.

What it mattered was that he had achieved his goal with flying colors, in fact, it had surpassed all his intentions, and expectations.

The old Roy had read all those books about barbarians, but there was not even a single passage of them ever crying, or kneeling while crying and shivering, he had just made the impossible, possible!

Even though he wasn't really proud of himself, or what he had just done, he still had to accept the results, but the truth was that he himself didn't want to go further with this, as he looked at them and said,

"Well it's not like I am a demon, I can forgive you! But do you think that you and everyone else in the tribe have learned the lesson?"

His goal was to teach the whole tribe a lesson, a lesson that they would remember for their whole lives, a lesson to teach them to never mess with him.

Hearing his words, the 2 girls, and 2 boys that were pleading, crying, and shriveling in front of him, were as if they had seen God for real.

His words about not being a demon were clearly bullshit, as he would even make the demons feel the shame of their evilness, but that wasn't the point at the moment.

The main point was that he gave them a ray of hope, as long as they had truly learned their lesson, and their tribesmen had done the same, they would be able to escape that punishment.

Without losing time, they immediately started to say between their cries,

"We have… we have Master… Leader… God…!"

They were saying whatever they could in order to make him believe that they had truly understood their lesson and the fact that they didn't want to get punished.

Seeing the scene in front of him clearly satisfied his ego, and his vanity, but most importantly because he wouldn't have to go further with their punishment, but things weren't over yet,

"Oh, then what about those guys? Have they learned the same lesson as you did?"

The whole crowd of tribe people felt a shiver course through their bodies at that time, as the demon's eyes had left the 2 girls, and 2 boys and were looking at each of them carefully.

They all felt like some evil existence was looking at them with scary eyes like an evil god was looking at their pathetic existence and asking them a question.

The 2 girls and 2 boys shriveling in front of him weren't thinking properly at this point, all they could do was try and approve whatever he said,

"Yes, yes they have… they have…mercy… please!"

Roy could easily understand that at the moment they were going only by approving whatever he said, but still the fact that their whole being was frightened wasn't a joke either.

Since he had this chance, he decided to make them approve whatever he wanted them to, so he continued,

"What if they have not learned their lesson?"

"They have… they have… please!"

"Well it's good that they have, but I am saying, what if!? Who would deal with them if they haven't?"

His first part of the sentence forecasted trouble for them, but the second part was the same as having rain after a drought, as they immediately jumped to the opportunity,

"We will… please… we will make everyone understand… please… we will!"

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