The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 48 - 48: Going For A Bath To The River

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He was okay with them being around him as long as they had nothing standing in between their legs, and their only thought to live was serving to him.

Certainly, this was going to be extremely difficult to be done, but as long as he used modern psychology on them, he would be able to easily brainwash them.

He wasn't planning for just simple brainwashing either, he intended to make them believe that he was the God that had created them, and it was their life's purpose to live and die for him.

Thinking was so much easier than actually doing something like that, but he was determined to make it happen.

But he could do all that only if he had their trust, so the first step he needed to make was to earn their trust.

Surely the girls' deal was a minus point on his side, but since it was only a budding, and one-sided love, it wasn't that big of a deal.

With those thoughts in mind, Roy looked at the two of them, and suddenly said,

"Since you guys have sworn to take me as your Master, and have already proven it, then I will keep my end of the word as well, and let you work for me.

But, the problem is that right now you are just too weak, and too few to be of use to me. For that reason, I need you to grow stronger, and in number also!"

Pausing for a moment to let them process his words, he then continued,

"Today go through the tribe and select other people like yourselves, whether they are girls or boys it doesn't matter, and bring them to me in the morning.

From tomorrow morning I will personally train each and every one of you, so one day you may become the strongest that this forest has ever seen!"

Once again, he paused on his words and took a look at their faces. Even though it was not easily visible he could tell that they were really excited and looking forward to it.

Well, that would do his job much easier, so he decided to close his monologue, and say,

"Well this is all for today, I want you early tomorrow morning, when the first sun rays shine in front of my tent, now you can go."

The two boys immediately acknowledged their order, and then turned around and left, but one of them still couldn't help but turn his head back and have a look at the tent.

That look kind of pissed Roy off, he felt like a kid whose favorite food was suddenly ogled by another kid, and that was something he didn't like or hated to be more accurate.

He would have to quickly work with his magic, otherwise, he would have to kill this promising young barbarian.

Well, that was a topic that belonged to the future, right now he had more important things to care about, as he turned towards his tent.

On the way, there was Bran and Bog, who were now officially his bodyguards. Looking at them, he said in a calm, and natural voice,

"Bran, Bog, we will go to the river to have a bath, you two will accompany us as bodyguards, and will keep an eye on the surroundings.

Also, tell the others that in 3 hours they should all be ready in two groups, for training, and for hunting. It is time that you get stronger, as our path from here will be much rougher."

The two of them didn't dare to even question his orders and instructions as one of them immediately went to give the news to the others, while the other stood guard in there.

Entering inside his tent, Roy was able to see that his ladies had met with each other, as each one of them was looking weirdly at the others.

It was quite the situation, as firstly they belonged to different ideas and races, but at the same time, they even had some degree of hatred towards each other.

Especially if one looked at Valerie, and the fiery beauty. There were sparkles felt in the air due to their enmity for each other.

The truth was that it was Valerie's anger on the fiery beauty, but there was nothing she could do about it, as she didn't dare to dissatisfy Roy.

The events of the previous day were still fresh in her memory, and there was no way in hell that she would want to suffer the same thing as those women.

Roy pretended to not be able to understand what was going on, as he said with a natural voice,

"Get ready we are going to have a bath at the river. A nice fresh bath should help us all recollect ourselves, and understand our paths from here on!"

While it seemed like he was just talking to himself, he was also giving a message to those who were smart enough to understand.

'You better accept and work towards your new reality!'

With that said, in a short time, the ladies were ready, as they immediately set for the river. The camp itself was built close to the river, and this area was relatively quiet.

There weren't many wild beasts around this place, the water was relatively much cleaner in there, and also there was a higher number of wild animals that were easier to hunt, and capture.

As he was walking out of the camp perimeter Roy could feel his other beasts having a look around the camp and guarding it against any inside or outside danger.

At that moment, the whole tribe was under military order, without anyone knowing about it. No one was allowed to enter or leave the tribe, or the camp without Roy's permission.

With the idea of giving the ladies behind him a little warning, he intentionally called one of them to him, as he started cuddling it, and giving it instructions.

Needless to say, that while the fiery beauty and the two guards didn't act much to that scene, Valerie and the two girls were really shocked.

As if understanding something, Mila looked at Roy with a weird look, as she was contemplating whether she could ask or not, when Roy startled her with his words,

"Do you have something to ask me, Mila?"

Mila was startled by the sudden question, but she quickly gathered herself, and asked with a shy, and agitated voice,

"Master, may I ask how many titanic cats are there around our tribe, that you control?"

"6, why!?"

Roy pretended to not understand where she was going, as he asked her back with a surprised and confused tone.

But Mila didn't seem to pay much attention to his expression, as she continued to ask,

"Then all those people that were sent as messengers towards the other tribes?"

"They were all eaten, with no proof left behind! I can't attack and keep control of the other tribes without increasing my strength, and my army first, don't you think?"

Roy's voice was normal but really cold, it looked like he was warning her, and the whole tribe through those words.

No one who had any negative intentions towards him would be allowed to live around him, he had already decided this.

Since he had been able to bear what happened the other day, even though he still hadn't surpassed the trauma he received, he knew that he had already taken the second step towards steeling his heart.

After that small premeditated warning show, Roy got up and started walking towards the river once again.

When they were around 50 meters away from the river yet, he turned towards Bran, and Bog and said,

"You guys can stay guard in here, make sure to not try anything funny, or looking towards us, otherwise you are going to lose your head!

Was I clear enough!?"

"Yes, Leader!" x2

The two of them immediately acknowledged those words, as none of them wanted to die just because of a peek.

They already had quite a few women of their own, especially with the death of a few of their warriors, and capturing of the new tribe, that was yet to be distributed.

Even though their leader was taking the best beauties for himself, they didn't have much objection and jealousy, yet!

They had yet to believe that they had just captured a new tribe, and even less the commodities that this thing entitled to them, and the greed that came with having more.

They were at the beach, but until now only their fingers were soaked into the water, the rest of their body was still outside in the sun.

Even though they would be slowly walking towards the sea, at the moment they didn't feel any danger, and just abided by the order of their leader.

With that taken care of, Roy continued to walk towards the river followed by his ladies. His steps weren't light, but weren't heavy either, he seemed to be contemplating a bit about his past.

The life he had left behind, the planet he had left behind him, the people he had left behind him. Even though he didn't have many attachments to that life, it was still a comfortable one for him.

The one he was living now was filled with many discomforting things, many choices, many troubles, and way many more people!

But at the same time, it was filled with passion, action, excitement, love, and most importantly magic, and supernatural, that he missed from his previous life.

This was a life where his wishes and his dreams were fulfilled, and he couldn't complain about everything else that came with it.

Thinking like that, he suddenly screamed just like a barbarian would, and then run towards the river, and jumped into it headfirst…

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