The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 49 - 49: Merge

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He knew that it was childish of him to do something like that, and totally not to the profile he had going for him, but the truth was that he didn't care at that moment.

He just wanted to let the water refresh his whole body, his mind, and his thoughts, as the transition to the man he was forced to become wasn't easy.

The change wasn't against his wish and his logic, but even then, it wasn't something simple, as it was a big hit to his character.

He was changing as a person, he was changing from a middle-tier character to the protagonist of his own life, and that wasn't something that everyone could do.

Not to mention that someday he might even doubt himself as who was he supposed to be, his Master that had died already, the old Roy who gave his soul for revenge, or the one who wanted the top.

He understood perfectly that there were three sets of memories and characters inside his conscience sea, and it would be impossible to become one while dispersing the other two.

If he did something like that he would lose not only the deep knowledge of those two but also those warm feelings that he felt for the first time, the warmth of having a family.

At this point, he was trying to put these thoughts on a scale, and try to see which had more importance, and weighed more for him.

On one side was his original self, on the other hand, was the warmth of his family, the knowledge to reach for the peak, and the burden that came with those memories and feelings.

What should he do?

As he was thinking like that, the cold water of the river started to cool him down, making him feel comfortable and forget everything around him.

He was concentrated only on the flow of water, the water surrounding his whole body, slithering through every nook and cranny of his body, making him feel like he was in its embrace.

In his previous life, he had always been so emotional underwater, as he felt that underwater was the only place where he could feel like his entire body was being embraced.

It had been his favorite 'thing' in his previous life, every time that he felt burdened by something he would jump and stay underwater, and he would be able to find a solution.

But right now, he felt that he couldn't get the same feeling that he always did. It didn't have enough warmth or enough emotion to it.

He wasn't feeling as comfortable as he would always be. He had already changed, the moment he thought of an embrace, his mind either went to the embrace of his mothers, or his women.

The fact that his Master had been a playboy didn't help either, and he couldn't exactly blame him as he was exactly the same as him.

It hadn't been more than a week since he left Gaia in order to make some progress in this world, and he had already created a small harem of 9 women around him.

What left the biggest impression on him though, continued to be the warmth of the embrace coming from his mothers, or to be more exact from the old Roy's mothers.

He could feel that every moment he thought about that his whole body started trembling like a scared little kid, and goosebumps would spread all over his skin.

He had become addicted to it, for someone like him who had been an orphan in his previous life, that was nothing short of some high-end drug.

Once his brain, his mind had tasted the embrace of a mother, or that of a father, he felt like it would be impossible for him to give up from that.

He couldn't return to what he was anymore! All the atrocities he had done until now were heavy, but in comparison to that, they were worthless.

Not to mention that he had already decided to live his life according to his wishes, instincts, and desires in this world so that he could have no regrets.

This was a big gift that he had received, to come into the world of his dreams, where magic existed.

It was something that other people could only wish or dream, and yet he was living it. There was no way he was going to give up on something like that.

So, no matter how much he thought about it, no matter how many nightmares he was going to see throughout his life, no matter how much of his humanity he was going to lose down the road, he wouldn't give up.

This was his decision, and this was going to be his new life. He had decided to accept the new him with the merge of all three personalities and memories.

Until now he had treated them as foreigners, only looking at their memories as movies in a cinema, well with the exception of the old Roy's memories.

But from now on he had decided to merge those memories together and welcome the new him, that would still be him with extra experience.

No matter how much the memories changed him, at the root of all he would be the same, as it was his Soul Avatar that was occupying his Conscience Sea, there was no one else in there.

The moment he finally came to this conclusion he felt like his breath would suddenly stop, and he wouldn't be able to take any more air inside him.

He felt like he was drowning, so he immediately panicked opened his eyes, as his limbs were moving erratically to help him get out of the pinch he was in.

Everything happened so suddenly, as he wasn't even able to control his strength, as a huge water explosion happened at the position where he was, and reached more than 3 meters above.

It was quite the show, but it scared the hell out of the ladies that were there with him, trying to wash their bodies as best as they could, completely naked.

They were just like some startled rabbits as they turned their looks towards that place looking at Roy breathing heavily.

It was only now that he was reminded that he had been underwater all this time, and if he wasn't mistaken it had been for a good 20 minutes.

That was the maximum he could do at this moment, with his strength as Rank 1 Warrior. He felt extremely ashamed at that moment.

How could he suddenly forget that he was underwater and that if he overstayed his limits then he would die, drowning under the water?


Just what kind of kid would forget that he was underwater and get obsessed thinking about important things, and then come out with a bang.

He was extremely ashamed and embarrassed by himself at that moment. Most probably his profile as a strict, and cold lord had been completely erased on the heads of those women.

But on the other hand, he started feeling much more relaxed, and there was a much better complexion on his face.

These minutes he had passed thinking underwater seemed to have been perfect for him to clean his conscience and tiredness.

From now on he might change a little, as traits of his character would slightly differ, but he had accepted that fate.

Those memories were part of him, and he had to honor them, and give them the correct weight, as those memories would help him to reach his goals and his dreams.

He didn't truly understand what the merge would bring to him, but now that he had decided upon it, he had no intention of ever turning around.

This was the path he had chosen, and he would follow this path until he ceased to exist. He also understood that he had tied his life and his fate with people that he didn't really know.

People that were present in his memories, and the lives of the two people whose memories he had received.

Some of them would be his life and death enemies, while some of them were his family and his friends.

Even though both of those guys he had received the memories from weren't known for their friends, one of them was a playboy whose only acquaintances were women, while the other was a shut-in geek.

None of them had a wide range of friends, or what Roy was mostly concerned of, male friends. Otherwise, he would be forced to turn his 'friends' into eunuchs, and that wasn't going to go smoothly.

The truth was that he wasn't the only one to think like that as his 'Master' was the same, and even more so than him.

But he had no idea why as he had no idea on how he died, or anything deep and important about him, at the moment those memories were completely sealed to him.

Anyway, he was once again turned with his feet on the ground, when he heard the voices of his women,

"Is everything alright? What happened Master?"

He was too ashamed to tell them the truth, so he just looked really mysterious as he said,

"Nothing, it was nothing!"

But as he was answering them, his eyes finally feasted upon them, their bodies, and their features.

He had had three of them in his bed for two nights, but this was the first time he was actually looking at their bodies from afar, and he had to say that he was left breathless.

Not only those three but even the two young girls that he had decided to make part of his harem just a while ago, were smoking hot bombs!

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