The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 52 - 52: Losing Control

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The moment foxy released her out of her illusion, Mila felt a bit strange, like there was something wrong with what was going on, but she wasn't able to make much sense.

Furthermore, her mind was focused somewhere else at this moment, as she immediately stood up, and ran out of the tent.

She ran like her life was depending on it without stop towards the thick tree part of the tribe's camp.

Her sudden moves managed to startle awake the ladies by her side, as even Roy stopped pretending and followed behind her.

He was truly curious to know what she had in mind, as he followed her through the camp and finally amidst those trees behind the camp.

This place was a bit more populated in trees, as the branches, and big leaves served as a good cover from the prying eyes.

It was a perfect spot of rendezvous for lovers, or people that wanted to have some fun during the day, where no one could see them.

Mila was running towards this place, where a shadow could be seen. It was a shadow that Roy was able to recognize with just one look, as he had already seen it the previous morning.

After becoming a Rank 1 Mage, and Warrior, and starting the merge of his soul with the memories of the other two people inside him, Roy's senses, and memory had taken a huge boost.

Right now, he was like some kind of monster that would be able to memorize a full book page with just a look, just like that photographic memory thing.

The truth was that the moment he saw something like that happen he felt a wave of terrible anger, and rage inside him.

He couldn't believe that he had been betrayed not even one day after he had taken her chastity. This was something that he couldn't accept.

It was a painful, and enormous hit to his pride and arrogance as a man. He couldn't allow something like this to happen.

This damned bi*tch and that fu*cking bastard who still hadn't understood their places. How the hell could they do something like that?

Just the other day they had sworn their everything to him, and the next day they do something like this? There was no way he would ever forgive something like this to happen.

He would fu*cking torture, and kill these damned traitors, and then burn them in the stake. He would make sure that they remembered this in their 10 next lives.

The anger and rage had completely clouded his mind, and logic, as he got up and started walking towards the spot with the steps of an approaching devil.

Before he could even take the second step, a lithe body jumped in front of him, as her head almost exploded on the ground, and she said terrified,

"Master, please calm your anger! It's not what it looks like, please Master! Mila is not betraying your trust, Master!

Please Master calm down!"

At that moment, Roy had a truly dark and terrifying aura around him, he seemed like some kind of devil, or demon wanting to crush everything on his path.

There was a terrifying killing intent coming out of his body, making him even more terrifying than he already was.

That aura had startled and shocked even the two people having their rendezvous behind the trees. In fact, since that aura was directed at them, they couldn't even move or shake from their spot.

It was like something had frozen them in time, and they weren't even able to move their eyes. Their whole being, including their souls, were in a frightening shock at the moment.

Even Mena who had thrown herself in front of Roy a moment ago was so scared and terrified, that she had difficulties breathing, she still couldn't understand how she had said those words.

At that moment she had only thought of saving her best friend and nothing more. She was even ready to sacrifice herself to save her, or at least give her a bit of time to escape.

But she could do nothing more than that, as the next moment she felt like the air around her became stagnant and she was unable to breathe.

She was terrified, she had never thought that Roy had such strength and power inside his body. It was just beyond her expectations.

Thinking that everything was finished she could do nothing else but close her eyes and wait for that attack that would take her life, that never came.

The truth was that even Roy himself was unable to understand what was going on with him at the moment, this was completely different from the usual him.

Of course, he would be angry and enraged, but still what he was going on was a bit over the top. There was no way this was him!

This must be one of the changes of his character, that happened after the merge had started, but just what, and who would make him this angry, and enraged.

It was like he had seen something that even Heavens wouldn't be able to accept, just what had caused him to lose control of himself for a moment there.

Probably if it wasn't for the fact that his soul was extremely strong after that interspace travel, then most probably he would have gone into a rampage.

He would have lost all reason, and control, and would go on a killing and destruction spree, which was clearly not what he wanted to do.

This whole state of his lasted for a single moment, but it was surely felt by everyone inside the camp. There was no way that any one of them hadn't been able to sense that.

The next moment he himself was breathing heavily as he tried to calm down his racing, and madly beating heart.

He was also able to understand the reason why this happened, and the truth was that he couldn't exactly feel that it was a mistake.


That was what suddenly lit this strange anger, hate, and rage inside his body. Putting him in a trance, and then rampaging like a brainless monster.

This small event had happened because had thought that Mila and that damn 'eunuch' were going to betray him, but he was able to escape it quickly as he heard Mena's words and Mila's warning.

Mila wasn't trying to betray him, she was trying to warn him not to try anything stupid, and that from now on to obey Roy's words, and orders.

She told him to forget anything about her, as she was now his woman, and she had no intention of leaving his side.

If it wasn't for those words, and his strong soul then most probably the small tribe where he was right now, would have disappeared from existence.


It was something that neither one of the souls he had received the memories from was able to forgive. It was taboo to both the old Roy, and to his Master.

They had both seen betrayal before their death, and none of them was able to forgive them, and the one he was as an orphan wasn't able to forgive betrayal as well.

He took the fact of being abandoned as a kid in front of a church, as an act of betrayal from his parents that brought him to life.

Why did they have to give birth to him, if they had decided to throw him away as soon as he was born? It was the deepest form of betrayal he could think of.

Before he didn't have much power, or even killing intent inside him to manifest, and disrupt the surroundings, but after starting the merge with those two, and gaining strength, everything changed.

Earlier his rampage would just make him dizzy for a moment, and then he would just fight with his fists, but now that rampage involved quite a bit of strength and power.

He would have to deal with this in the future, otherwise, it may happen in a difficult spot, or position and he would most certainly die.

Still, he had to say that he was quite a bit surprised by Mena's action, it was something that reeked of the opposite of what happened to him.

He felt like his look upon her had changed quite a bit, as she had passed quite a few steps in his loyalty hierarchy.

If he was able to make her totally loyal to him, he felt like he would have added quite a jewel to his crown, and he couldn't help but want it.

With these thoughts in mind, he slowly lowered his hand towards her head, as if a feather falling in the wind, and then slowly patted, and cared her hair, as he said,

"You did pretty well!"

The moment that Mena felt that light touch, that light pat on her head, and those words, she wasn't able to hold back anymore as she broke down in tears.

"I was so scared…"

Roy just continued to pat her head lightly, without caring about those weird looks around him. After having that terrible frightening awakening the whole tribe was gathered around him.

His ladies were no exception, as they even had been witnesses to whatever had happened. That scary aura, that scary killing intent, that scary rage.

They had been witnessing to it all, as their hearts had almost stopped when they had seen something like that.

They still weren't able to believe that it had truly happened, as it all looked like a freaking nightmare. As it was burned in their unconsciousness to never betray this man, otherwise…

They didn't even want to think about it!

Slowly Mena started to recollect herself and stop crying, as Roy stood up looking towards the people responsible for his self-control loss…

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