The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 53 - 53: Emotionless Doll

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Both of them were looking towards him with terrified expressions, as they still felt a suffocating presence around them.

The fear and terror for them were still far from over, as Mila had a much better composition than that warrior at that moment.

This clearly surprised Roy a bit, as he would have never thought possible, but it looked like that warrior was nowhere near her in courage and self-control.

But right now, he was faced with another problem, how should he deal with the two of them!?

He had no intention of killing the two of them at the moment, as they hadn't truly done something extensively wrong, but at the same time, he couldn't let them escape unscathed.

More than a matter of fault, and true mistake this was an issue of figure, and show he had to put up in order to not show weaknesses in front of the tribe.

Taking a deep breath without anyone noticing, Roy knew that this was going to be a difficult matter to solve, as he released his breath and then said,

"Bran, Bog take Zik to the cages! And you follow me!"

As soon as he said that he turned around and started walking towards his tent, as all the tribe's people opened the path for him, and went hiding.

None of them dared to do something that unpleased, or angered him, as they even took care of their own presence. They didn't want to deal with a devil like Roy, they didn't dare to.

Just as he was taking his second step though, suddenly that Zik kid started trembling once again, and screaming,

"Noo, leave me! I didn't want to! It was her fault! She wanted to come here! Nooo!"

Roy had thought that the kid would have much more composure and courage, but he broke down the moment that Bran and Bog got close to him.

It wasn't really his fault though, as he probably thought that he was being put to the cages in order to get tortured later.

It was something that he couldn't stand, no matter what! He couldn't end up like that. The memories and the trauma were still fresh in his mind.

On the other hand, Mila just lowered her head, released a tear, and didn't say a thing. It seemed like at that moment she had lost a piece of herself.

She couldn't believe that the person she had cared so much about, that the person she had thought to be the closest to her, was pushing her from the peak just because he didn't want to suffer.

This was the second time it happened in such a short amount of time, the first was her mother, and now Zik.

She truly felt like her existence wasn't needed in this world! She was nothing more than a nuisance for everyone around her. She was left all alone in this big damned world.

Why should she keep living if she was just a nuisance to everyone around her? Why should her feeble, and useless existence continue in this world?

Eric was paying special attention to her at the moment, so he was able to notice and understand quickly what was going with her, as he said in a cold and heavy voice,

"Don't think of anything more than needed, I ordered you to follow behind me, and that is what you are going to do!

Don't forget that it was you who sworn your life, and everything else to me, so I make the decisions for you!"

His voice made her shiver and tremble once again, but this time not from fear, but from some different emotion that it was unknown to her.

With her state of mind, and the situation at that moment, obeying Roy's words, and tone was the easiest way for her to escape the pain, and everything else.

That was the best she could do, she should just forget everything and let Roy decide everything for her.

At least like that her life, and existence would have a meaning. But most importantly it seemed like her existence wasn't a nuisance for him.

It's truly strange how brain and psychology work, there are times that a single moment could decide our whole future and that was exactly what was happening with her at the moment.

As he was walking towards his tent Roy was thinking deeply over his situation. With how things were going probably Mila would end up like an emotionless doll by his side.

But there was nothing he could do about her. Even though it was him the one who had created the situations both times, he wasn't the one who had truly betrayed her trust and made her suffer.

It was her own mother, and the man she had probably fallen in love with that had truly killed her trust, and her existence.

The only thing he could do at the moment was trying to keep her alive, by his side. It wasn't like he had any big expectations from her, but this still was a shallow win.

It didn't take long for him to enter the tent with Mila and Mena behind him, and the moment they entered he turned around and said to Mena,

"Take care of her from now on! Don't let her do anything stupid!"

With those words, he went to seat towards his crude 'throne' in order to lie down for a bit and start thinking.

Mena was startled by his decision, especially after what had happened earlier, and his control lose, as even the emotionless Mila could help but get a bit startled,

"You won't punish me?"

"Well, it's not like you were the one to call that meeting right? Furthermore, I know that you didn't betray me, or my trust!"

"But he said…"

"He or even the whole world can say whatever the fu*ck they want, it's their right to eat or sprout shit, it doesn't mean that I will have to eat that too!

What he just did shows just what kind of weak man he is!"

At that moment the emotionless Mila could only feel extreme shock encapsulating her whole. Why!? Why someone that had known her for only one day, cared about her more than her own mother.

More than the man she had lived every day of her life with! Why!? Why this had to happen to her!? What was her fault?

She could only fall on her butt and look at the ground with a lost look. As if she was trying to find meaning in her life.

Like she was trying to fill an empty void! An empty void that showed nothing inside despite her placing everything she had, and she was.

Roy could more or less understand her state, as he looked towards her from his crude 'throne' and said,

"Don't forget, everything yours belongs to me, including your body, heart, mind, and soul, you are mine! You only need to hear my word, the rest of the world could go down the drain!"

In her state of mind, those words were like words said in hypnosis, when the patient would believe, and do whatever it was told to do.

It was at that moment that probably Mila's entire being was reformed in order to serve her only Master.

After saying all that Roy left the tent under the surprised looks of his women and then started walking outside.

Even though this morning had been spoiled by that motherfu*cker, he still had to deal with the group of new warriors that he wanted to train.

Surely, they might not want to train but he didn't care, he was already in a bad mood with what happened, so if they pushed their limits, then he was going to spill some more blood.

Differently from what he expected though, Zak and 13 more young warriors of ages from 15 to 18 were standing in a small formation together waiting for him.

Even though they seemed a bit reluctant, and hesitant after what had just happened a short time ago, they were there waiting for him.

Their presence in there kind of softened his anger, as he looked at them carefully one by one, and then said,

"Very well, from now on I will be responsible for training you to become the best warriors this Death Forest has seen!

You will become my personal guard, and will fight by my side in every war that we will fight!

Prepare yourselves because you will go through hell in order to become useful, and I will not give a damn about your tears, or pain.


All 14 of them were surprised at that sudden announcement, and words, as they didn't truly know how to react to them.

But differently from that scary demon, or devil that he usually was, right now Eric was just like some kind of revered warrior, or general.

There was one thing that all barbarians would always respect no matter where they were, personal strength, and personal power.

As long as someone was stronger than them, then they would respect and revere them, and if he was weaker, then it was their servant.

At that moment Roy not only was the strongest in there, and had also subdued their tribe, but he was also giving them his word to make them stronger.

Warriors that the Death Forest had never seen, it was such a huge temptation for them who were young, enthusiastic, and over-energetic, that they couldn't help but acknowledge in a loud voice,


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