The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 54 - 54: Plans And Reforms

Too bad that their enthusiasm wasn't able to last them for long, as by the time they all finished their morning training with Roy they were all on their last dregs of strength.

They would be able to even eat a full dam iron-boar at that moment without any hesitation. They were just that much hungry, and tired.

They could only lie on the ground, and try to rest, and recollect their selves and their strength, but it didn't seem plausible.

In no time they felt like they were in a dream because their noses started picking up some really good smell, and when they tried to raise their heads, they saw some iron boars being skewered and roasted.

The iron boars seemed to have been having quite the fight as most of them were made unrecognizable, but these guys could tell that those things were iron-boars just be their smell.

In a short time after they were cleaned and put over the fire, a nice smell started spreading all over the place, making them even more assured of being in a dream.

But as that smell started spreading through the area, one of them picked a hard kick in the butt by Roy, as he said,

"What the hell are you damned worthless bastards waiting, get up and start helping me, otherwise there will be no food for you!"

Before they could even think again this was just some sort of dream, that guy who had just been hit in the buttocks, screamed in pain, and then in excitement,

"This isn't a dream for fuck's sake!"

That was the signal that woke them all up from whatever was happening, as they found some sleeping potential and strength inside their bodies, and got up from their pathetic lying down.

Even though they were barbarian warriors, at that moment they were truly ashamed to accept that, as they were as pathetic as they could be in front of Roy.

Still, they took some strength from that, as they didn't want to stay as losers their whole life, and they all tried to excavate every dreg of strength they had left and went to help Roy with the roasting.

These guys weren't the only ones who would enjoy the nice meat today though, as Roy had decided to have a full banquet for the whole tribe.

After giving them the stick for two days, and seeding their fear and reverence in him, it was time to give them the carrot, and show them how much better they would be if they just listened to him.

Everything would start with this good meal to all of them, as his beasts had done a pretty good job hunting in the surrounding areas these days.

As a matter of fact, after leaving them the bodies of the killed barbarians from the clash, the beasts were not only filled to the brim, but they were even showing signs of breaking through.

He didn't have much information on the reasons why it happened, but if he had to guess it would be because of the energy they had received from their prey.

It seemed like these beasts were able to not only take the necessary energy from their food, but they could also absorb their inner energy in order to increase in level and rank.

But even after eating more than 50 warriors, they were still unable to fully upgrade to Rank 2 like foxy, the beast closest to the upgrade was a Titanic Cat.

Most probably this one had been the one to eat the body of the old tribe leader of the tribe he had taken under his control.

Even that one though, was only on the verge of upgrading she hadn't been able to upgrade. In order to do so, she would need more energy to absorb, which meant more bodies, or animals to eat.

Still, this wasn't bad news, in fact, it was a piece of great news for Roy because as long as he fed these animals like they needed to, he could upgrade them into true monsters.

Perhaps if he feeds them well enough, they would be able to follow him on his path towards the unknown Realms, alongside his family and his harem.

Thinking like this Roy decided to completely abandon his beliefs about honoring all the dead bodies after the battle, and decided to give them all to his animals.

Well, not all of them, like the ones that he would truly respect, he would give them a proper burial, and respect.

It was just a matter of who was worthy of being treated as a human being, and who wasn't worthy of being treated as even an animal.

Well, that didn't truly matter at the moment, as everyone in the tribe was having a grand festival today. Enjoying their food, and drinking their drinks.

In fact, all they had as drinks were water, and some weird juice that tasted like piss, Roy had tried only one drop of it and he knew it wasn't anything good.

He would have to wait quite for some time until he managed to produce those drinks from his world, like wine, scotch, whiskey, and everything else.

There were quite a few alcoholic drinks in the memories of the old Roy, and his Master, that were similar to the drinks he knew, but he would have to enter a civilized town to get them.

But right now, he didn't have the time, or the strength to visit such a town, as most probably he would be either caught or mugged and killed. Neither of these was good for him.

After the big food celebrations, Roy went along to train his warriors, while Gizella and his other women went ahead to continue with the population registration and their education.

Roy had already prepared a plan for the near future, he was planning to use the still capable elder, and a few of his wives to start educating kids until the age of 13 in logic, literature, and general knowledge.

While the kids from age of 13 and above would be made separated into 3 big groups.

The first group would be the ones that would join his army, and form teams under the lead of the first 14 that would be part of his personal guards.

The second group would become the hunting group, which at the same time would work as a scouting army.

As a matter of fact, Roy was thinking of using 2 of his direct guards to be in charge of these groups, and besides hunting, and scouting, he wanted them to work as a reconnaissance army, or said otherwise, spies.

He would do his best to select the captains of these two teams personally, and make sure that these guys were capable of doing what he wanted.

Last, but not least, it would be the general workers of the tribe, these guys would be joined by the rest of the tribe's women, and old people to work around the camp.

Roy had no intention of living like a nomad, and even less in these small crude tents these guys had. He was already making plans on making this place his base, and build it like a city.

he was planning to make this place like one of those elf villages in anime, or cartoons, he was going to use the thick and big trees around to create houses, and also sentries, and weapons.

On top of that, he would irrigate a few small fields inside to plant edible plants, that were able to grow in this Death Forest together with a few small farms of domesticated animals.

He also had already thought about the possible animals he would place in there, like boars, sheep, rabbits, and some other animals.

In fact, if everything went as he wished, he was planning on going to the closest region outside the Death Forest in order to buy some animals, clothes, and other materials.

The presence of Valerie in this place was enough of an indicator that her father's dominion shouldn't be far from the camp.

Before he headed outside though he had to firm his position, and at that same time start the reforms he was planning inside the camp.

He was only waiting for the arrival of his other warriors, tribe, and women in order to finally start the preparations for what he needed to do.

In fact, this plan had also another bonus stage that he was thinking about. He was starting to think of all the probable and useful people he was going to take inside Gaia.

The way that he saw it he didn't have only one world to conquer, but two. And it was only when he grew strong enough to conquer even Gaia, that he would be able to reach the Realm, his Master couldn't.

But that seemed to be so far away right now that he didn't even want to think about it, the only thing he could do right now was try his best to find capable, and dependable people to work for him.

The rest of the day went normal for a change, there were no strange occurrences, as he was able to train his warriors, and himself, and then go for a bath to the river with his ladies.

The bath was clearly refreshing, especially after he released the last dregs of stamina and strength over his ladies one by one.

It was a bit difficult to do such activities after that training, but the fact that he loved to do them, and his desire to surpass his limits, were always helpful in managing to win every battle in front of him.

It was only after the next day, that the rest of his warriors and tribe managed to arrive with gloomy faces…

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