The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 62 - 62: Face Reality

She seemed to have recollected herself quite a bit, as there was almost no sign of worry, and hurry in her face.

Even Roy had to accept that he didn't expect her to be so collected and firm at that moment, but that clearly wasn't a good sign.

By the look in her eyes, he could tell that she seemed decided on what she was about to do, and the worst came to his mind.

If there was one thing he had learned in this new world, was that he should never lower his guard, no matter what happened, or who he was facing.

Perhaps if he found someone he could truly rely upon and believe that would be another story, but right now, no one had that level of loyalty in his eyes.

Still, he pretended to not notice anything as he was enjoying the service of the maid. The situation changed quickly though, as Valerie said in a decisive, and almost cold voice,

"Can we talk alone!?"

Roy just raised his eyes towards her for a moment, and then said in a calm and unhurried voice,

"Leave us alone! No one is allowed to approach this place without my permission!"

The maid that was servicing him was startled by the order, but she quickly did as she was told. No one dared to question Roy's orders or make him unhappy in this place.

Before leaving she threw a look towards Valerie, but she didn't seem in the mood to care about it, as she made her exit.

Left alone with Valerie in there, Roy continued with his calm and unhurried voice,

"Well, now we are alone, what do you want to talk about? Select your words carefully though!"

More than a threat, his words were a warning to remind her of her position and standing. No matter what she wanted to say, she had to say that in accord with that.

Valerie understood that too, she knew that what she was trying to do was about to cross the boundaries, but she had to do it.

The truth was that the two ladies that Roy had captured that night were really important to her. She loved them even more than her biological parents, as they were the women that had always been by her side.

They had taught her the sword, they had grown her, they had been the ones that had saved her life so many times.

Now that they were in such a situation, she couldn't just let them be! She had to help them, however, she could, even if it meant throwing her own life away.

With those thoughts in mind, she strengthened her resolve, as she looked Roy right in the eyes and said,

"You know what I want to talk to you about, right!?"

Roy didn't like her attitude and her words, but he still didn't flare at her, as he said with a calm and dignified voice,

"I might have an idea about it, yes!"

Even though Valerie was sort of expecting it, she still was a bit surprised by Roy's answer, which she tried her best to not show it on her face.

In fact, she put a strong businesswoman expression on her face, as she said,

"Please release the three of them, and I promise that they will never come in front of you again!"

Hearing that request Roy wasn't surprised in the least, he had the same calm and collected expression of always, as he said,

"As I thought! You really know them, and they must be really special to you, since you have come towards me with that attitude, knowing well what I am capable of!"

Pausing a moment for effect, he continued with a lighter tone than that of earlier,

"Well, anyway, it's not like they have much use to me!"

Once again, he paused, looked Valerie right in her eyes, and then suddenly changed his tone to the heavier one, and said menacingly,

"But why should I do that!?"

As she heard those lines Valerie's face went through a carousel of emotions, as finally, her face turned ugly when she heard that last line.

Still, she managed to wilfully control herself, as she said with that tone of a businesswoman, but this time there were traces of anger and rage in her voice,

"As long as you let them go, I am willing to offer everything to you. My body, heart, and soul will belong to you, and I will do whatever you order me to.

So, let them go!"

Hearing those words, Roy's face turned really ugly immediately, as his voice turned immediately ice-cold, and threatening,

"What if I don't agree to that!?"

Valerie was truly scared when she heard that voice, and those words, but she still managed to blurt out,

"If you don't agree, then I swear to live only to make your life miserable, and try to kill you, even though I might never succeed!"

Hearing those words out of her mouth, Roy was startled for a moment and then started laughing out loud, like never before in his life.

The crazy tension in him seemed to have completely disappeared at that moment, as he was laughing with tears in his eyes, making Valerie even more confused with each moment.

She didn't understand what was so funny about what she said, after all, she was truly going to do what she said.

In fact, she had prepared herself for tonight, as she had even hidden a small knife in her chest, and she was ready to die.

It took a while for Roy to finally stop laughing and retake control of himself, as he finally said in a still smirking voice,

"What makes you think that you hold worth to me? I can kill you right here, right now, with just a tweak of my fingers!"

"But you took my first time, you made me your woman. You clearly desire me!"

Her quick response made Roy laugh once again, this time clearly less than the first time, as he said,


"What do you mean?"

"I have already taken your chastity, and tasted you, there isn't much to come from you. So what value do you hold for me?

Do you think that once we had intimate relations with one another our bond will be unbreakable? Just what kind of fairy-tale do you think we are living?

This is the real world, you better wake up if you don't want to die little girl! Now I am giving you another chance to start again, what do you need from me!?"

The truth was that even after having her cherry popped up, and taken that many times from Roy, Valerie still hadn't awakened to the real world.

Especially considering Roy's attitude towards her had made her think that Roy had fallen in love with her, and would do everything she requested of him.

She had thought that she was special for him, but it was only now that she was awakening to the reality.

This was probably the second time in her life that she was being treated harshly, and shown a reality different from her imagination.

And what a dirty, and hopeless reality it was for her. Perhaps for the second time in her life, she felt extremely weak and powerless in front of that reality.

She had totally lost!

She was spoiled and had lived a closed life, but she wasn't totally stupid. She had already started to understand the reality around her, but it was only at that moment that the glass around her completely broke.

It was only at that moment, that she was finally completely released in the darkness surrounding her, just like an angel being thrown straight to hell.

At that moment, there was nothing she could think, she could only kneel down on her knees, cry, and start begging towards Roy,

"Please, please let my 'mothers' go! Please, I will do whatever you tell me to, please don't hurt them!"

Now it was Roy's time to get surprised a bit, he had somewhat expected this situation because if she didn't face reality after this, he would just throw her away as she would be just a nuisance to him.

He clearly had the intention of creating a big Harem, and have all kinds of women in there, but just one type would always be an exception, stupid, and idiotic women that lived in a fake world.

Those were nothing more than dolls to play with once or twice and then throw them away. The only thing they could do around him was to create trouble.

Valerie clearly managed to break her bad luck in there, as she was finally able to understand a bit of the reality and truth around her, but he didn't expect her to say something like that.

The relationship between her, and those two women was just that surprising, as she had clearly called them mothers.

He felt really weird at that moment, as he had already quite a few mother-daughter relationships in his current Harem, and it looked like he was starting to grow a fetish out of it.

At the same time though he couldn't deny that he got turned on when he was with Gisella, Gidella, and their daughters.

The two women he had knocked out earlier weren't bad either, and he had already decided to give them a taste, but he didn't expect them to have such a relationship with Valerie.

He couldn't help but think that this made the whole situation even more interesting, as there was no way he was going to let them go…

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