The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 63 - 63: A Surprise Result

Valerie had entered that place with the thought that she would be able to release her two 'mothers' but instead she had just handed over to Roy the best way to make them obey.

Since this girl was so attached to them, then it wouldn't be presumptuous on his side to think that the two ladies had come here precisely for Valerie.

Which meant that they appreciated Valerie a lot, probably even more than their own lives, so as long as he used Valerie as a chip against them, there was no way for the two of them to escape his grasp.

He felt like he had already won the war even without participating in it, which made him quite happy.

Not only that, but with the two of them, and that fighter they had brought here, he would have three more sources of information about the outside world, and especially the dominion closest to him.

Even though this Death Forest was a hidden base for him, and also a truly important center of resources, he had no plan on staying there for long.

As soon as he managed to create the planned conditions, and the necessary changes, he would leave this place, and go explore the outside world.

After all, his closest big goal was located in that outside world, and he had a feeling that he had to be as quick as possible if he wanted to have a meeting with his parents once again.

The most important issue at the moment though was to deal with the poor girl in front of him, as he immediately got down to it,

"Tell me the truth Valerie, would you prefer me to let them go, risk them becoming my future enemies, and most probably end up with me killing them the next time they tried something stupid.

Because I think you must have already realised that my goal, ambition, and greed isn't only this Death Forest, as I soon will appear in the outside world, and your dominion will be my first target!

Or would you want to have them by your side, and give them an opportunity to leave another kind of life, certainly much happier than the first!"

He had to strike the iron as it was hot, otherwise who knew what kind of variable might pop in the future. Sometimes a moment of hesitation changes the hole history, and he certainly didn't want that to happen.

The poor Valerie that had just been struck by realization, and the bitter reality didn't know what to think for a moment.

She was considering Roy's words, and no matter how much she wanted to think otherwise, she knew he wasn't lying.

She had thought that perhaps she would be able to keep him away from her father's dominion, but now she knew that it was impossible.

The changes that Roy had introduced to the tribe, the harsh training he was giving to his warriors, and everyone else, it was enough of a proof showing that this place was too small for him.

No matter how much she tried to keep her eyes closed, she knew that Roy was much more of a ruler than her father would ever be.

Someone like him seemed to be destined to achieve big things, and trample a lot of people on the way.

She wasn't the only one to think so, every other intelligent woman by his side thought the same. That was also the big reason why they were trying everything they could to enter his close circle.

This was their chance, and opportunity to tie their fates, and futures with a ruler in the making. It was a chance that required them to gamble with their lives, but they were willing to make it.

The more she thought about it, the more her thoughts widened, and spread all over the place, as she seemed to be distancing herself from the core issue.

Roy was telling her to select between two true possibilities of the future, one was to send them away and probably to their death, while the other was to send them in his arms.

Even though she had never considered that one day she might be thinking of sharing the same man with her 'mothers' she was doing so right now.

The worst part of all this darned situation was the fact that she had already examples of that thing happening around her, and those weren't bad examples either.

In fact, Roy even seemed to have been able to slowly quench the enmity between Gisella, and Gidella who at first looked like they would kill each other if the opportunity appeared.

It was so crazy, and unthinkable, but still she was thinking about it. What appeared even more shocking though was the fact that with each passing moment that thought was making more and more sense.

Roy couldn't let her think for too long though, in fear that she might get colder later, as he stroke the hot iron once again,


His voice awakened Valerie from her thoughts with a startle, but it seemed like she had accepted the truth and reality, as she could only say with a weak, and low voice,

"Can you promise me to love them as much as you can, and never make them unhappy!?"

"Mhm, I can! Not only them, but also you, and every other woman in my Harem. As long as you are loyal to me, and stay by my side, I promise to never intentionally make you unhappy, and bitter!

Is that enough!?"

Now it was Valerie's time to get startled hearing those words, and for some reason she didn't feel like Roy was lying.

He clearly meant his words, which made her a bit surprised, as a shade of maturity was slowly downing her face.

She looked like she had matured by quite a few years in just that night, as that naïve and stupid Valerie of before was slowly dissolving.

Without understanding why, she suddenly felt two hot teardrops leave her eyes, and descend towards her cheeks, as she said,

"Mhm, that is enough!"

This night had been a complete failure on her part according to her original plan, but the truth was that at that moment she felt truly relieved.

She had thought that she would either die, or lose everything tonight, but contrary to her expectations another path was opened in front of her.

At that moment, Roy approached her slowly, wiped away her tears, ripped her clothes to shredders, throwing away the knife she had hidden in her body, and then picked her up in a princess carry.

"Now that we are finally done discussing these trivialities, its time to enjoy our bath!"

In no time, the tense and heavy situation of their discussion dispersed into nothingness, as a new hot and steamy situation replaced it.

Whatever had happened not long ago seemed to be truly trivial, and meaningless, even though it was a decision of two human lives.

Roy found it really surprising that he was able to think of two human lives like that, but he guessed that the merging of memories was slowly changing him a bit.

It wasn't that he hadn't expected it, just that he didn't expect it to come this soon, but still it was something he couldn't avoid.

Furthermore, the benefits clearly overweighed the loses, as he was now able to not only sense Magic Power around him better, but he was also starting to gather Wind element Magic Power.

Becoming a Rank 1 Mage with the Fire and Wind elements seemed to be still far away from him, but it was much closer than he originally thought.

Furthermore, with the breakthrough in his Warrior Rank, now he would be able to deal with all those 7 warriors, and Coyote himself.

This was just the start!

That night Valerie was defeated really quickly, as she was already tired with all the pressure, and anxiety of that discussion, but the good news was that there were plenty substitutes waiting at the door.

While he had already spent a lot of strength and stamina crashing those trees, Roy felt like he had a unquenching fire inside him that was trying to burn him up from inside.

That night, the people in the tribe were once again reminded of the vigour, and virility of their tribe Head.

As the sounds, and moans continued non-stop until early morning, when finally, the last opponent was defeated.

Since he was now a Rank 2 Warrior Roy didn't need more than 4 hours of sleep, and he was able to wake up rather early in the morning.

A few of his women were awake, but none of them had even moved a bit from their sleeping position, in fear that they might wake him up.

The moment they saw him awake though, they jumped towards him and gave him a morning kiss each. This was a tradition that Roy had started not long ago, as it was one of his biggest wishes.

Who wouldn't want to start his morning kissing a lot of different and beautiful ladies, it was the dream of every potent guy out there, he could place his hand on fire about that.

But now wasn't the time to think about that, as there were a lot of much more important things to take care off.

Getting up from his bed, he was immediately followed by all of his women, as they made their way towards the river for a morning bath.

After that, it was time to inspect the progress of the camp in his absence, and later on deal with his new captives…

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