The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 64 - 64: Rain Season & Worry

In the next few days, Roy was able to quickly adapt, and take care of the new routine of the tribe, as the situation had clearly stabilized even better than he expected to.

There weren't many people left who seemed to have still hesitations towards him, or it would be more exact to say that everyone was extremely busy and didn't have the time to.

There was no one left who didn't have something to do in the tribe, as there was a job for every single one of them.

The most advanced direction, that also had received the most attention and care though was still his army.

His Warriors force had grown from 10 to 20, and really soon there were the premises of that number to reach 30, as there was a recruit's exam every 3 months.

4 of his warriors had already broken through the Rank 1 Warrior Realm, and there were already 8 more on the verge of a breakthrough.

At the moment, all of them were inside the same force, but Roy was already making the preparations of separating them soon.

He was expecting that by the time that the rainy season ended they would be able to stabilize their strength and prepare for the next barrier.

It was a bit farfetched, but he was confident that as long as he made their training sufficiently difficult he would be able to reach his goal.

Against the Coyote tribe, these guys would be extremely important to tip the scales, but they wouldn't be the main force.

Looking at the opponent's strength, and numbers this upcoming fight would most probably be decided by the powerful experts of each side.

The strongest experts on his side were clearly his beasts, and himself. In fact, he felt like even if he attacked only with his beasts, he wouldn't necessarily lose, but he had no thought of trying it.

He might win this battle, and the next one himself with his beasts, but after some time his own strength wouldn't be sufficient.

A flock of ants could take down an elephant, but a single ant was worthless. Even if he became the elephant in the story, he still couldn't win against the ant army.

But things would certainly be much different when he was the elephant, and at the same time was followed by an army, even if it was an army of ants.

What surprised him the most though wasn't the army, but the Mage Division, a separate branch of the Academy, and army.

At first, the only Mages in the tribe were him, and the fiery beauty Gisella, but now their number seemed to have tripled.

The other 4 weren't bona fide Mages yet, but they had started to feel the Magic Power around them, and start gathering it.

3 of the Mage Candidates were part of his Harem already, while the 4th was a little girl of 10 years old, which was immediately promoted to his Harem, as a candidate in waiting.

Even though this world didn't seem to care much about the age of maturity, and legal age of marriage, he still had a bottom line of his own.

He had made an oath to himself to not touch any girl under the age of 16, even though it was a bit short from that of Earth, it was still much better than the rest of this planet, which was 12!

2 of the Harem ladies were earth Mage candidates, the third one was a water Mage candidate, and the 10 years old girl was a fire Mage candidate.

The fiery beauty had immediately taken that little girl as her apprentice and was trying to teach her to the best of her abilities while the other three were training under Roy's guidance.

With the merge of the memories of his Master, and the old Roy, the present Roy was able to not only sense better the Magic Power around him but was also growing much more proficient with it.

While he was a bit sloppy as a Mage instructor he still managed to do his best in helping them practice, and learn.

In the meantime, he didn't forget his own path either, as almost every day he would practice his Magic Power cultivation with the help of the Fiery Beauty, and the other Mage candidates.

Perhaps for the first time since he became a tribe Head, Roy and the whole tribe behind him entered a period of development and strengthening.

To their good luck, the whole raining season passed without troubles, as once again the sunny season took its place.

The climate inside the Death Forest was a bit strange, there were only two seasons in there and the whole surrounding areas.

They only head the sunny season where the temperatures were high, and the sun would burn all day and the raining season that would usually drown the low-level grounds.

Due to the favorable position, Roy's tribe was close to a node of the river, where the width was the largest, and the water level didn't grow much, and even less getting out of its bed.

So, the tribe was able to escape any possible flooding, but still, to be on the safe side Roy took his soldiers to clear the river below, and at the same time widen it.

He also placed some small barriers to block any unexpected possibility, but it seemed that they weren't needed.

That was until one day, the Heavens seemed to have grown extremely angry with the Death Forest, and it continued raining for 14 days nonstop.

If it wasn't for the barriers that Roy and his soldiers had built before the camp, then most probably the whole camp would be underwater at that moment.

The whole tribe was shocked by this occurrence as they started to respect and revere Roy as their tribe Head even more.

But the person who should be the happiest about this, had a truly ugly face when the rain finally stopped, and everything seemed to return to normality.

The barbarians were celebrating and expressing their gratitude, while Roy seemed to be thinking harder than before.

His harem was by his side, and with the exception of a few ladies, the rest were looking at him with a weird complexion, without being able to understand what was going on.

The one who broke that weird stagnating silence was Gidella, she was probably one of the few who could do that according to her position,

"What is disturbing you, Master!?"

Her voice awakened Roy from his stupor and his thoughts, as he said,

"This whole situation! It will be really difficult for us to survive!"

His words confused the ladies even more, as they didn't understand what he meant. Not only had they escaped unscathed from that rain, but they had also developed a lot during this time.

His warrior's army had reached 40, and counting, as more than 16 warriors had already surpassed the Rank 1 Warrior bottleneck, as 3 of them were even close to the Rank 2 Warrior bottleneck.

His Mage division had grown from 4 to 12 as well, 7 of which were Mage Candidates, and 5 were bona fide Mages.

From the Mage Candidates, there were 3 earth, 2 water, 1 fire, and 1 wind, while the Mages were 2 fire, 1 water, 1 earth, and Roy.

Even though it wasn't enough to make them hegemons of the area, it was enough to protect them against even Coyote, or so would they like to believe.

But Roy didn't seem to share the same opinion as them, so Gidella had no other choice but to ask for clarification,

"What do you mean Master!?"

"What I mean is the consequences of this harsh rain will be really difficult to face!"

"I don't understand Master, we managed to survive this harsh rain without losing anything, and in fact, we profited from it to fish out a lot of prey!"

"You aren't wrong, we didn't lose anything in this situation, and in fact, we benefited from it. But what about the other tribes in the area?"

While Gidella was still a bit confused, she was startled by the reaction of her greatest enemy, and her own mother,

"You mean!?"

Roy could only sigh at that moment and continue,

"Sigh~! That is precisely what I mean! The human heart is greedy, unpredictable, and capable of anything to survive.

The forest barbarians aren't an exception to that! While we managed to escape unscathed, they didn't, in fact, I estimated that they have already lost and suffered a lot.

With these circumstances, their vitality is most likely damaged, and so is their food, so they will slowly grow desperate with time.

They will start attacking left and right, as long as they will be able to procure some food, and they won't care if the opponent is another tribe.

So, on top of the expecting enemy Coyote, we will have to fight all these desperate other tribes as well, for that reason I am saying that it will be difficult to survive!"

At that moment, the confusion had lifted from the faces of all the ladies, but there was now a new emotion called, shock in there.

They hadn't thought so deep, and so far as Roy did, but once Roy explained that they seemed to have gotten enlightened of the new dangers in front of them, and couldn't help but fear.

Just like Roy said, they would be fighting every tribe in the area, with more of them being even desperate to survive.

Now they understood the look on Roy's face and his worry, and they couldn't help but share it with him…

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