Chapter 25


“However, they’re rude.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“I mean the World Party, they intervened in a squabble between kids. Even though I was insulted like that, I still chose to keep the peace and forgive him with a generous heart… but that guy, Go In-hyuk, used his grandfather to cause trouble for the president of Sungwoon. I feel really sad because my good intentions have been stained with malice.”

“Well… ”

Having said this, Jae Mu’s mood worsened. Of course, I felt angry at the people of the World Party who tried to blame Sungwoon for something that was not a big deal, and it wasn’t that I was offended.

Ki Jae Mu shook his head when I said sorry; I wondered if my grandfather looked funny because of me with a face full of guilt.

“No, no. That guy is insane. They didn’t even stop to consider if it was their fault, and proceeded to act as if it was Sungwoon’s fault. Before I listened to your side, I knew something was already wrong.”

“Did I do something wrong?”

“No. If you’re Sungwoon, you’ve done the right thing! Argh!”

After such a cordial evening, I received tea from Ki Jae Mu, who was in a good mood, and then made my way outside.

When I came out, Kwon Jae Hyuk and Jung Yi Joon, who were waiting, saw me and approached.

“Hey, are you okay?”

“Huh? What?”

“Are you upset?”

It seemed that he thought I had been scolded by Jae Mu because of the World Party. I smiled as I nudged Yi Joon with my elbow.

“Why would I be upset? I did nothing wrong.”

Jung Yi Joon looked at me in disbelief but seemed relieved to see that I was unbothered. Jae Hyuk reacted similarly to Yi Joon, before smiling, saying that it was fortunate that nothing happened.

When I returned home with the two of them, I stretched out and slept well.

I wondered what kind of face the grandson of the World Party Leader would have tomorrow. 

The next day, I woke up and went to school with a fresh mind and body. A man with a bruise covering one eye approached me.

“Ki Yoon Jae.”


He stood in front of me and didn’t say anything, but his mouth was trembling.

In fact, I was right, but having to apologise to me only hurt my self-esteem.

However, pride is pride, and since his grandfather, who supported him, told him to apologise for sure, he would have had no choice but to obey that order.

“If you don’t have anything to say, go back.”

“… I’m sorry.”

Seeing the guy who spat out a poor attempt at an apology, I wanted to chase him away at this point, but there were two other people who deserved an apology, so I asked,

“Yi Joon and Eui Yeol. Don’t you want to give them an apology too?”

At my words, he glared at me fiercely, but I ignored him. I didn’t know about Eui Yeol, but I thought that Yi Joon would like to receive an apology, but reality was different from my expectations.

“Fine. I just only want you to apologise.”

“Then I’m done here too.”

“It is. okay. I will accept your apology.”

He clenched his teeth and disappeared without saying a word.

It would be better if you didn’t carry out any more nonsense at this point… 

… Well, if you had a brain, you’d know that nothing good came of being on my bad side. 

I wonder what else will happen?

* * * 

After that, nothing happened. The bullies became quiet and no longer called for Eui Yeol or Yi Joon.

Even if I asked the two of them, they said that they would no longer be summoned, so I thought I could completely relax my mind.

‘I don’t think those bullies have suddenly turned over a new leaf, but… ‘

Still, I decided to think of it as a matter of respect because there were people I needed to keep an eye on. I hope I don’t see a repeat of their actions.

If they had a brain up there… they wouldn’t try their luck again…

“Yoon Jae.”

“Uh, president.”

I was going to the bathroom when someone called out to me, so I turned around and saw our class president. The class president fixed his glasses and said to me,

“Is this timing okay? I have something that I want to talk about…”

“Talk? Well, it’s still a long way from class time… “

“It’s no big deal, it’s about the athletics competition after the midterm exam is over.”


I hope you are not asking me to participate in the event…  

Even though I said it with my mouth, I was incompetent and my basic stamina was inferior.

It was like an athletic meet, but I didn’t have the body to participate.

“I want Yi Joon to participate as a basketball player, but he wasn’t happy. When I asked why, he told me to get permission from you…”


“I didn’t really understand what he meant, but he’s yours… Anyway, can you please give me permission?”

Fortunately, he did not tell me to participate, but it was so embarrassing that my face became hot.

Since then, it was Yi Joon who kept making fun of me with those words like it was a hobby.

I knew that he said that when it was just the two of us, but to say such shameful things to other people…

‘Are you crazy?’

It would have caused a misunderstanding had this world not been based off of a male-oriented harem fantasy. I nodded, thinking that I should pay attention.

“Yeah, let’s do it. I’ll tell Yi Joon.”

“Huh. thanks… ”

After saying thank you, the class leader hesitated a bit. I wondered if he had anything more to say, but when I asked him why his face turned slightly red.

“No… just. Well. Actually, I had some prejudices regarding the two of you. ”


“Huh. But contrary to what I thought… I was surprised that he was nice. I thought he would be similar to Inhyuk.”

The class leader said he(Inhyuk I’m guessing… it doesn’t say anything huhu) was quiet for a while, but they came out of the same middle school and knew how dirty he was.

“And also you, I thought you changed so much.”


Of course, if it was the real Ki Yoon Jae, it would be different… I couldn’t help but laugh.

After talking with the class president in the hallway for a while, I went back to class, sat down, and slapped Yi Joon on the back with the palm of my hand.

“Ah! What?”

“You really…Do you want to die?”

I growled at Yi Joon, who was blinking his eyes as though still processing the fact that I had hit him, narrowing them as he tried to figure out what he’d done wrong.

However, as if he had no clue on what he had done wrong, Yi Joon became temperamental.

“Wow, the guy who hit me is even threatening me now. Does your palm hurt?”

I was tempted to hit him again, then suddenly checked my palm, and when I confirmed it was fine, I pouted again. I was stunned and couldn’t get a word out.

“Why did you say that to the class president?”


“You! That you’re mine… ”

When I lowered my voice while I was talking, Yi Joon laughed.

“Isn’t that right? what? Are you going to come out and say no?”

“No, but that…it could be misunderstood!”

Don’t change the genre. 

Changing the novel’s genre was the ultimate crime.  Wouldn’t beautiful men gather around Eui Yeol instead then? Wouldn’t Eui Yeol become unable to achieve his dream harem and enter the path of a reverse harem instead?

I couldn’t commit such a big sin against the main character who was smiling in front of me without knowing what situation he was in.

But Jung Yi Joon was shameless. When asked if he was wrong, he suddenly began to get angry.

“What? Have you changed your mind? Am I not yours anymore? Are you trying to sell me somewhere?”

“… Where can I sell you? Who would buy you?”

Where is the person who will buy you? 

When I said that with resignation, Jung Yi Joon said, “Haah?” and sighed reassuringly.

“Anyway, you’ve decided to play basketball during the athletic meet. Do you copy?”


Contrary to when he told the class president that he didn’t like it, Jung Yi Joon listened obediently.

 Uh-huh, I just said it and he knew it at once… 

I felt a stinging gaze as I talked to Yi Joon. When I turned my head in the direction of the gaze, I saw a face staring at me silently.

‘Why are you here again?’

The grandson of the World Party looked at me and before turning away quickly.

I was arguing with Jung Yi Joon at that time, so it may just have been my imagination during the noise we were making. Since the atmosphere seemed good, I decided to ignore that gaze.

And after a few days, I regretted it.

If I had known that something like this would happen, I would have said something at that time to stop any further nonsense from occurring…


I couldn’t help but spit out abusive language when I saw him.

* * * 

Go In-hyuk’s body trembled at the insult he had been subjected to for the first time in his life.

He did not know that Yoon Jae would punch him for harassing one of his people.

It would have been fine if that was all…

It was me who was beaten, but his grandfather acted as if he could solve everything by speaking with the president of Sungwoon, only to return and even punch him.


“You’re insane!! Why are you acting like a bitch at school?”

“Hey, Grandpa…”

It was the first time he had ever seen him so angry.

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