The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1097: It’s okay to blow up the Empire State Building

What Valentin said was from his heart. He has been selflessly dedicated to the country for many years. The country has given him enough treatment before. At least the KGB people don't need to worry about the shortage of materials.

now what?

The country is over. It is very difficult for people who are accustomed to the country's generous supply system to live a hard life!

They lie in their positions and only enjoy treatment and do not contribute to the assholes. The Red Devils deserve the treatment given to them by the state.

Now it is not a big problem for him to endure hardships by himself. What about his wife and children, as well as his parents, parents-in-law, and siblings?

One month's salary is only enough to buy a few breads, how can people live?

It's the nineties, not the siege of Leningrad at the end of 41!

If it were in the winter of 41, it would be either to die desperately with the Nazis or to starve to death or freeze to death in the city. Everyone is the same, it doesn’t matter.

It's basically a death, and I can't complain about the bad treatment!

But now there are a few **** waiting to make a fortune in the country, most of them become paupers, Valentin has become a small group of people in China by virtue of his own ability and capital, but he does not want to do something against his mind in the country, then it is. Mixed time abroad.

To be familiar with not to be a freshman, this sentence is universal all over the world, it's good to be a good one, and the current employer seems to be a good person, so let's mix it up first.

Since this group of people were originally KGB, people in the Western world can hire former KGB people, and nine and a half of the ten will be politically-colored; as for hiring the red devil?

Even if people like Valianjing are willing to accept employment, it is still a problem whether others can find it, dare to dare!

Employers like Mr. Allen who are directly and generously hired, relatively trustworthy, and trust the dirty work to them, and obviously do not have any political-purpose employers, are hard to find in the world.

Since this will work for others, there is no need to change employers.

A good boss is hard to find, and Valentin, who just lost a big boss, knew in his heart.

More importantly, this boss now has the ability to hire the entire Red Devil. Since I dare to say that everyone can almost reach an annual salary of one million, the salary of 50 million that year is prepared for them!

What is the concept of an annual salary of one million?

Change to the bodyguard profession, that is, you must be ready to die for the boss at any time!

In terms of salary standards, the price that the boss has to pay for the Red Devils is definitely several times that of 50 million per year, and the funds required for logistical support are generally higher than the salary.

This also means that the Red Devils will not sit and take money. The boss will have a lot of things for them to do. Anyway, they will not let these people sit in the office every day in suits.

Isn't it just work? It's natural to work with money. As long as he doesn't threaten Russia, Valentin won't care about what the boss wants to do with these people.

It doesn't matter, any dangerous work doesn't matter, it's no big deal.

He has become accustomed to working with people he knows. Valentin has always believed that the Red Devil is the best spy organization in the world. Now it is hard to find people who have the ability and courage to keep them together to do things.

Now, don’t miss it!

There is one pick, and other people will naturally follow. Several people in a row expressed their views to work for the current employer, and the others nodded in agreement.

It's just that a few guys are thinking about whether they can stay abroad all year round. They didn't have time to spend time with their families in the past few years, and call them in advance when they want to have a task.

In this regard, Andre said: "I'll talk to my employer about this, but I think that capitalists will not raise a bunch of employees who come in vain and have nothing to do with their wives and children across the world.

If you are like that, don't think about the annual salary. The way you get commissions for a single task shouldn't be a big problem. "

Those guys had no objection, one of them replied: "Colonel, I am satisfied if I can earn two or three hundred thousand a year, besides, this trophy can still be sold for money."

Andre smiled, "Cucumber, do you think every mission is to rob the rich?

Want to be beautiful!

Beware that people let you blow up the White House! "

The code name "Cucumber" is very interesting. Who made him especially like eating pickled cucumbers, a specialty of Russia, for this. The captain gave him such a classic code ten years ago, but he didn't want to change it.

Everyone listened to the captain, and objections were invalid.

Brother "Cucumber" grinned, "Small, it doesn't matter if I blow up the Empire State Building."

He is good at blasting, and he has the same expertise as "George" who is driving on the roads of the western mining area of ​​Johannesburg, a true expert-level blaster.

"Want to bomb the Empire State Building?

Don't think about it, you have no chance. That's the employer's property. You blow it up. Not to mention the commission, I'm worried that the employer will give out a bonus to let the guys kill you.

When you say we will pick it up, or do we have to pick it up?"

At this point, Andre is obviously joking.

The Red Devil is also a human, and they will also make jokes, otherwise life will be boring.

Brother Cucumber was basically carrying out a European mission before, and I really didn't know that the Empire State Building was an employer's property: who made it famous enough, it was just a landmark that came casually.

Smile, don't say.

I made a joke, it would be best to shut up, otherwise there are a few vacant mouths that are more damaging. If you talk too much, it won’t be a good thing.

Andre already knew the choice of his subordinates, ate the last piece of bread in the lunch box, and took out the apple that he had stuffed in the morning from his pocket.

In the morning I had fried chicken, hamburgers and coffee, and I was quite full. As a result, the apple remained in my pocket.

Food cannot be wasted.

He broke it directly with his hand, and handed half of it to Valentin to one side.

After two bites, I looked at the time: this yacht that will run at a speed of more than 20 knots has almost left the British territorial waters.

Chewing the apple in his mouth, he said to the cucumber brother a little vaguely: "What did you two groups find?"

Regardless of the execution of the mission, the two groups had only 5 people in each group, and there was almost no need to ask secrets. To put it bluntly, it was to simply kill people and build power.

Since the guys didn't say that they had any accidents before it means that the character is going well, the target character must be dead.

This is the collective action of the Red Devil. After the items looted by the group of people led by Andre are exchanged for money, all the Red Devils have a share, including the captain in Moscow.

A part of it will be reserved and given to the captain to subsidize the family members of the team members who have sacrificed over the past few decades: the captain has his own account. The Red Devil is always a whole, and each person is only a part of the whole at this time.

The work is dangerous, so you can’t be too selfish. Knowing that even if you die, someone will take care of your family. This is where the Red Devil unites.

"A lot, basically it's jewelry, and some antiques. The watch should have a serial number, which is more troublesome."

With that, Brother Cucumber motioned to a guy sitting in the corner to hand over a bag to Andre.

"There are still a few oil paintings, all of which are well-known. It is estimated that they will not be easy to handle. They are packed and **** and left in the bottom cabin."

Famous paintings are the most difficult to deal with. Many inheritances are clear: you can't sell the stolen ones you want to sell, and it is estimated that even the employer will not want them.

Zhang Nan wouldn't want it, unless it is a famous painting by a first-class painter of Leonardo da Vinci, he would leave himself empty and pretend to take a look in the secret room, otherwise he would keep the things he robbed for himself?

Besides, which one is the best oil painting collector in the world?

Looking for...

There is no rhyme at the back, and it's basically correct to find him anyway.

A small package of jewelry and watches, Andre looked at them, they are all famous brand goods: there is a set of retro "Gerald" in jewelry, and the so-called modern British style "Aisple", the most is De Beers Set of diamonds.

John Parker is a major shareholder of Anglo American. Needless to say, his son must have the most jewelry in De Beers at home. Otherwise, his daughter-in-law will be laughed at when he goes out wearing jewelry of other brands.

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