The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1098: Inauspicious safe

Basically, they are complete sets of jewellery with complex designs. These items can only be handled by the employer. Who made Mr. Guan say that such trophy companies have special shipping channels.

It doesn't matter if the jewellery reaches a certain level, it will be recognized by others.

A lot of diamonds were originally bloody. Originally, the Star Jewellery Group didn't want to touch blood diamonds, but it doesn't matter anymore-the reality is cruel, there is no blood, unless you don't want to fight with De Beers!

The development of things to this stage is not a simple battle situation, but Sunshine Star Company has put on a posture of killing Anglo American Resources Group, and even De Beers, which is controlled by the parent company, cannot stay out of the matter!

Not only economically, but also physically and physically eliminate the owner and management of the other party!

Capital is bloody, big things are like this, and so are the small pieces of robbed jewels.

The head office has a confidential department dedicated to handling some unclear rough diamonds and jewelry. The rough diamonds are basically exported from the African war zone. As for the finished jewelry, they are basically from the Nazis and little devils discovered by Zhang Nan. Treasure.

There is no need to use the bulk of gold bricks. Scattered gold and platinum can be used after being recast. Small gems and diamonds do not matter, but the set of jewels that have little collection value must be disassembled before being processed. Otherwise, there is no guarantee when there will be a problem.

Similar to this, there are those super-large particles of gems and diamonds, which need to be re-thinned and processed to remove the common flaws in the early cutting process, otherwise they can really only be placed in secret warehouses as stone eggs.

With the efforts of the hired appraisers, the original possession of many jewellery has been ascertained, and many of them are belonging to the victims of the Nazis with their surnames. How can you show them?

There are too many of those things, Zhang Nan, specially asked the Star Company to set up a small confidential studio to deal with these jewels. This part of the processing division is very strict, every company has a secret, they don't care about the origin of your jewelry, they take money to do things.

Since the Nazi treasures can be handled in this way, these robbed jewels can be handled in the same way. After being dismantled and reprocessed, it is money, and it is very convenient to enter the right-track sales channel.

Brother Cucumber’s harvest is not small. The large diamond in the middle of one of the ladies’ necklaces can have a size of more than 20 carats. A diamond of this size is 100% named diamond and must be redesigned to a certain extent. , Otherwise it cannot enter the circulation market at all.

Don’t feel bad when you are small, otherwise you can only keep it as a marbles, unless one situation...

After re-polishing, it becomes an inconspicuous matching stone in a certain set of jewelry, but it is estimated that there are few people in the world who can do such a luxurious thing!

Zhang Nan counts as one.

Brother Cucumber led some people to rob John Parker's son's house, and the other team killed the family of the parents and daughters to a river of blood—because there was no male owner, the number of people who died was still the fewest.

Where's the host?


It was an old British nobleman with the title of viscount, but the heirs of several generations were not prosperous. The male owner died in a traffic accident six months ago. Anyway, it is a very tragic story of his untimely death.

Now the hostess was also stabbed to death by a random knife, leaving behind a little viscount who was less than three years old.

It was terrible.

There are many tragic stories in the world. Perhaps his own happiness is based on the suffering of others. Zhang Nan said in his heart that he was sorry for his whole life at most, because the other party provoked the war first.

Since it can be called a war, then he is cruel, and he has been very merciful without killing his opponent to extinction.

What is war?

This is what the dictionary says: war is a collective, group, organization, nation, faction, state, government, and other acts of violence, attacks, and killings, so that the opposing parties can achieve a certain degree of political, economic, and territorial integrity. Armed fighting for the purpose of...

War is an extreme act. The occurrence of war is an act initiated by the leader for the benefit of himself or the group. This kind of profit-obtaining behavior is obtained at the expense of life.

Since you have the courage to start a war, the decision-making party who started the war should have the psychological preparation to kill yourself with the people around you, otherwise, don't start the war, and don't complain at the moment of death!

War will kill people.

It has always been merciful and cruel to the enemy Chinese people, and things like genocide can be divided into three, six or nine grades, which are more detailed than the genocide in Western society.

"Kill your whole family", such words can occasionally be heard now. Zhang Nan's practice of leaving a blood line for others is already very kind, but I don’t know if he will feel unsafe after more than ten years and send someone to send someone to him. Kill another round in the whole family!

Who knows.

The habit of Westerners who like to destroy the whole family. Zhang Nan knows in his heart that he is not allowed to do it again after a few years-the opponent is at war with They will not be polite to you if there is a chance!

The viscount is Mr. Parker’s relatives. There is a large manor in a traditional fief, but because of a traffic accident six months ago, the whole family is currently living in London.

The Red Devil who went over there did it this time relatively cleanly, and did not take any severe torture, murdered and robbed money, and quickly took away the property.

Probably because some wealthy people in the UK are used to putting the most valuable property in the bank vault, and because of the fiefdom manor, the robbery from the family is not particularly large.

Except for some cash and jewellery, an old safe, weighing more than 100 pounds, was randomly placed in the study of that family. The combination lock and keyhole were rusty.

Without the password and the key, I asked the owner about the origin of this box, so I just moved it back.

It can't be opened at once, but there is obviously something in it: it will ring when it is shaken.

The box belonged to the Viscount Necromancer. It was originally placed in the castle. It is said that the grandfather of the Viscount brought it back from India more than 40 years ago. The Red Devil asked the woman, and the other party said that she really didn’t have the key and the password. The safe was placed in the corner of the basement of the manor as soon as he arrived in England, and her husband's grandfather died unexpectedly shortly after returning to China in the late 1940s.

It was another accident, and this family was unlucky enough.

This safe in the basement was forgotten, and was only rediscovered last year. At that time, her father-in-law had been dead for several years.

Her nemesis husband was curious, so he took the safe to London, planning to find someone to open it and see what was inside, and then...

Then, he also died...

This safe is in the corner of the lounge, wrapped in a curtain cloth, and the red devils look at the box, feeling that this thing is a bit evil!

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