The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1040: The huge calculation of the crystal dragon

"Why? Why? Why?" The Neptune dragon puppet controlled by Wicks is indeed powerful. It is also loaded with thousands of top-grade magic stones and seven or eight top-grade magic stones. In a short time, there is no shortage of magic power, but they cannot be supplemented. It is always a huge hidden danger, and the enemy he needs to face is not only Landis, but also a more terrifying crystal dragon Mayo.

Landis’ attack can be borne by the Sea King Dragon King abruptly. He doesn’t want to bear it. The main reason is that he is only a Tier 2 Sky Warrior after all, and his realm is far inferior to Landis. Although the level of the puppet he controls is still higher than that of Landis, It's vain to be unable to keep up, but this Sea King Dragon puppet is strong enough that Landis can't break it.

Lantis’s attack is not effective, but it does not mean that the Crystal Dragon Mayo’s attack is invalid. The real Tier 4 Neptune Dragon was beheaded by him. Although there are factors of sneak attack and joint combat, they are generally at the level of agreement. , His attack is also fatal to the Sea King Dragon King.

   "Why? Hahahaha, Wicks, is the Destiny Dzi bead still useful?" A sentence from the Crystal Dragon Mayo made Wix's face suddenly changed.

"Why do you know the Destiny Dzi Bead?" The Destiny Dzi Bead is the exclusive treasure of the masters of the goblin clan. A large part of the reason why Wicks is so frantic is that after mastering the Destiny Dzi Bead, he thinks he has mastered the destiny, the prophet The feeling really made him want to stop.

"Hahahaha, why do I know the Destiny Dzi Bead? Wicks, your question is so funny. You must know that it was the Destiny Dzi Bead that caused Meili and I to join forces to kill Hill in the past. Your goblin clan masters showed it to us. I saw the fate that the Crystal Dragon and Blue Dragon died of Neptune Dragon." Crystal Dragon Mayo laughed loudly: "It is precisely because of this prophecy that there was a big battle between our three demigods, and Meili and Hill died in battle. "

"It is precisely because of this prophecy that I ordered the goblin clan to suppress or even eliminate the Sea King Dragon tribe." Crystal dragon Mayo's eyes flashed with a hideous look of madness, and a claw shot the Sea King dragon puppet's body away, and said angrily: " The conditions for using the Destiny Dzi Bead are very harsh, even I dare not try it easily, but I am really curious about the power of destiny. Therefore, I added a crystal shell to the Destiny Dzi Bead, although I increased the use of the Destiny Dzi Bead. Difficulty and consumption, but I have also given you compensation measures very kindly. The crystal bottles around your body are also rewarded by me."

"Destiny? Hahahaha?  All the masters of the goblin clan have died from the Destiny Dzi Beads?   They use their lives to use the Destiny Dzi Beads to peep into the future again and again, and these futures must first pass from me before being passed on to them. Destiny Days After all, the power of the beads is limited?  They are quite restrained until they are passed into your hands."

"Wicks?   You destroyed the goblin clan, the goblin airship, the goblin battleship, and the overseas bases of the goblin clan. All of them were destroyed by you. The futures you thought you saw were actually I let you As you can see, everything before is true until you appear in this place." The crystal dragon’s verbal attacks and physical attacks were carried out at the same time, and the Neptune dragon puppet fled in embarrassment, but how could it avoid the crystal dragon Mayo’s attack? ?   If Landis wasn't equally wary of Mayo, he might be even worse.

"The real prophecy is that Lantis will attack you wildly, but what you see is two sea king dragons besieging me. Hahahaha, it is really interesting, Wicks, do you know who the puppet you are driving now is? The Sea King Dragon King is actually Lantis’s biological brother. Oh?  You don’t know who Lantis is?" The crystal dragon flew the Sea King dragon puppet with a tail, and landed on the ground with a “boom”.

"Landis is a genius among her peers. She is young, beautiful, talented, and wise. She used to clean up the overseas bases of the goblin tribe. She was the one who led the way. Even I was not sure to beat her away. Until the destiny Dzi Bead was given. Enlightenment, let me find a way!" The crystal dragon's figure actually fell down fiercely, and slammed into the sea king dragon puppet with a "bang!"

"Destiny is not static. In countless futures, Lantis has defeated me more than once. With the help of this **** magic circle, with your participation, the Destiny Dzi Bead deduces other different results, among which There is a scene of using your puppet to break the magic circle." The crystal dragon Mayo will try to stop his Lantis from kicking.

   "Wow!" Countless magic crystals poured out and flew quickly in all directions, "Crystal burst!"

Lantis couldn't help but screamed his prodigal, and his figure quickly retreated. The crystal dragon Mayo's body was shaking violently for several kilometers around his body. The dust was flying in the sky, and the gravel was all over the sky. Deep cracks appeared, accompanied by layers of layers. The magic pattern pattern also appeared.

   "Mayo, do you think such a little attack can destroy my Dragon Whisper Magic Array? Dreaming!" Lantis quickly recovered his human form, pressing his hands on the ground hard, and the powerful magic power burst out instantly to stabilize the magic array.

"I did not think that it would be so easy to destroy your magic circle. After all, you have put too much effort into this magic circle and you have reached the level of a demigod. But you are too cautious and set too many back doors for this magic circle. And it's the backdoor for the life-saving escape of the Neptune Dragon." As soon as the crystal dragon Mayo's voice fell, the huge claws caught the Neptune dragon puppet's tail and turned it, and then slammed it to the ground.

   "Boom!" After the loud noise, Landis's face changed drastically, "No!"

   The sound of "crashing" water emerged from scratch and quickly became louder. The strong magical power swept from all directions and the sea king dragon puppets quickly formed a magical defensive shield to surround it and the crystal dragon Mayo.

"Hahahaha, Landis, a solid fortress is most afraid of being destroyed from the inside. I don't know how many such nodes there are on this island, but after the third-level Consummation and above-level sea king dragon fell to the ground and was injured, when the magic power flowed quickly and gathered, This node is the temporary hub, as long as it is broken..." The meaning of the crystal dragon is very obvious, and Lantis has also thought of this possibility. This method is indeed reserved for her safety. He didn't think that he would be captured by Mayo, but it was not himself who was captured alive now, but it was the Neptune Dragon, who was stronger than himself.

Crystal Dragon Mayo looked at the water-blue barrier in front of him and the dark blue magic node underneath the Puppet of the Neptune Dragon, with a grinning smile on his face: "Landis, destiny is not unchangeable. I have used it for hundreds of years. The time layout is for this moment, the crystal dragon dies in the fate of the sea king dragon, and it will be shattered!"

With a loud noise of "Boom!", the dark blue magic node burst out instantly, and the powerful explosive force created a huge mushroom cloud, but the crystal dragon Mayo used the body of the sea king dragon puppet to withstand the shock. , He was almost uninjured by hiding behind.

   The body of the Sea King Dragon puppet finally couldn't bear the flight of flesh and blood, and the crystal bottle where Wicks was in separated from the puppet and rolled and fell to the ground, making a "click" cracking sound.

"Why is this? It's not the right destiny. I will become the ruler of the world. I will lead the goblin clan to kill the crystal dragon, eliminate the sea king dragon, and become the only ruler of the world. Why? Why? Why?" Wicks lost his eyes. , The crystal bottle shattered with a "pop", the fragments scratched his body, and a pool of blood flowed out. I don't know if it was the blood originally in it or Wicks' own blood.

The core node of the Dragon Whisper Magic Array was shattered, huge energy hedges went down, and the nodes exploded one after another. The entire Dragon Whisper Magic Array was broken. Landis lost the continuous supply of magic power and strength blessings, and his momentum suddenly plummeted, endlessly. The exhaustion began to erode the body.

"Landis, the real challenge has just begun, let's start the second round." Crystal Dragon Mayo body transformed into a human form, stepping on light steps to reach Vickers, reaching out and taking out the one from his arms. The fate dzi that was haunted by the blood color, squeezed it lightly, and a thin layer of blood crystal fell apart with the sound of "crack", revealing the fate dzi that was already dim inside.

"Fate is not something you humble goblins can control." The crystal dragon Mayo suddenly showed a big smile: " tell you another secret, you are not a goblin at all, but Night elf. After your mother was pregnant, I threw it to the goblin clan, and then I secretly applied the transformation magic to you, giving you the appearance of the goblin clan. At the same time, there is a trace of goblin blood on your body. This is your birth After that, I quietly injected it."

"And this bloodline is not stable, and I need to replenish it for you from time to time. If you don't replenish it for a year, these bloodlines will gradually dissipate, and eventually you will slowly regain your identity as a night elf, just like now!" Crystal Dragon Mayo hits With a snap of his fingers, Wicks convulsed and uttered a scream. His hideous feces yellow skin gradually became smooth and dark purple, and his ugly appearance gradually became softer and beautiful. In a blink of an eye, a goblin became a night elf.

"From the prophecy, I seem to see you leading the goblin clan to annihilate the kobolds, gray dwarves, and night elves?" There was a cheerful smile on the face of the crystal dragon Mayo. "Isn't the feeling of strangling one's own tribe with your own hands? "


   This sudden change makes Wicks unacceptable, he is not a goblin? how can that be?

   And Lantis was also dumbfounded, is this still the stony Mayo? This **** is indeed a **** dragon, a whole evil bastard!

   This **** actually calculated so much, but why does his strength want to do this? It doesn’t conform to the violent aesthetics of the evil dragon of hell. If it’s oneself, just crush it directly. Well, if it's oneself, it won’t give them the slightest chance to betray themselves. As for crushing, it doesn’t seem to be your own habit, but you are. The wise man is coming.

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