The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1041: People not in the prophecy

Landis turned into a human form, resisting exhaustion and not letting himself fall. He fixed his eyes on the crystal dragon Mayo, and suddenly asked: "I'm curious, what do you see from the so-called destiny? About me ."

Crystal dragon Mayo looked at Landis calmly, with a big smile on his face: "You are indeed a powerful dragon whisper magic circle. You have reached the level of a demigod, but you really only use this magic. The order is perfect, so I saw that even if I don’t make a move, you will fall on your own. Landis, I won this game, destiny, after all, can’t beat me!"

Landis couldn't help but show a bright smile when he heard the words, "Mayo, I actually don't have any hope for your brain, but this time, congratulations. You are right. Destiny is not unbreakable. So, The destiny you see will never appear in the end!"

   "What do you mean?" Mayo frowned slightly, and a bad feeling grew in his heart.

Landis looked at him with a cold smile: "If the destiny of the demigod being killed can be solved just like this, don’t you think it’s ridiculous? The crystal dragon died in the sea king dragon, but you think the place where you died in battle is really Is it here? Was it me or this puppet that killed your Neptune Dragon? This may not be your burial place at all. You chose the wrong place for the so-called change of fate."

"Your destiny has not changed at all in the end, you will eventually die of the Neptune Dragon!" As soon as Lantis's voice fell, the shadow under her feet suddenly stood up and surrounded her, and then the wind swept away and disappeared in a blink of an eye. The shadow.

The crystal dragon Mayo's eyes widened, but there was nothing left except the dust that was rolled up on the spot. As Lantis left, the wind lost its momentum and the dust gradually fell. There was silence all around. Vickers murmured and complained.

"It's impossible!" Mayo's fist slammed past, and he punched it from a distance. The place where Lantis had stood was torn apart, and a big pit with a radius of ten feet and a depth of three to five meters suddenly appeared, but Lan The figure of Tiss did not appear again.

The loud noise awakened Wix, the clever IQ once again occupied the high ground, and soon smoothed what had happened. The sly Neptune Dragon obviously kept a hand, after the **** crystal dragon destroyed her magic circle. Decisively chose to escape, and she really escaped.

"Hahahaha?  Crystal Dragon Lord?  You also have today, what did that Sea King Dragon say? Your destiny has not changed in the end, you will eventually die of Sea King Dragon! Hahahaha, it’s so interesting, the greatest invincible in the world Noble Crystal Dragon King, you also have today!" Wicks' eyes shot out a ray of hatred.

Mayo cast a cold gaze?  The power of the dragon erupted in an instant?  Wicks kneels when his legs are weak?  The latter leaned forward but would rather fall to the ground than kneel?   Supported with both hands. Get up?   squatted on the ground and stared at Mayo fiercely.

   "Ant?   Do you have any dissatisfaction?" Mayo did not expect to the point where this little guy would dare to resist himself?  Know that his greatest support no longer exists.

"You played with my life?   You ruined my happiness?   You bastard, even if you die, I curse you not to die!" Wicks knew that his strength was far from this crystal dragon. It's too big, what happened to your previous self? Why do you naively think that you can fight against the crystal dragon by relying on the sea king dragon puppet? You must know that the living demigod sea king dragon was eventually beheaded by him.

"Isn’t it common sense that the weak eat the weak and the weak are controlled and manipulated by the strong? You should not be an ignorant child." Mayo seemed to spread his anger on Vickers, continuing to expose his scars: "Your mother was The goblin clan has been ravaged to death, but you recognize the thief as your father, and work for your enemy under the skin of a goblin, you know? Your biological father died in your hands."

A ridiculous arc appeared in the corner of Mayo’s mouth. Suddenly an image appeared in Mayo’s mind. A night elf tried to sneak into the goblin clan’s headquarters, but was found by the goblin clan’s creature puppets to chase and kill all the way so embarrassed, he finally hijacked one Baby goblin.

This baby goblin seems to have some identity. Other goblins did not dare to act rashly. The night elf made his request, only asking for the corpse of a night elf. The master of the goblin clan went out and took the corpse soaked in the potion. During the negotiation process, the night elf suddenly looked at the baby goblin somehow, his face was incredibly dark, and there was a hint of surprise.

Then, the young goblin stabbed him in the abdomen with a knife, and the toxin on the knife instantly paralyzed him. The goblin clan guards swarmed and grabbed the night elf. In order to train the young goblin, the goblin master let him take a knife with his own hand. The knife killed the invading enemy.

   Later, the young goblin gradually grew up, became the waiter of the crystal dragon, and finally became the new goblin master.

The image suddenly turned, returning to the scene when the night elves were negotiating, but Wicks’s perspective changed to the night elves, anger, hatred, sadness, and a trace of love, how could the corpse fall into the hands of the goblin clan? Keep it intact, at this moment, a familiar voice came from the night elf's ears.

   "That kid is not a goblin, he is your son, a night elf in goblin skin."

   The night elf trembled violently, his gaze fell on the young goblin, and his eyes were clouded with tears, until the severe pain woke him up, but he saw the child holding a dagger and piercing his belly.

"No~" Wicks had a nervous breakdown. With the help of the night elf's perspective, he clearly felt that until death, the night elf was still full of love for him, and the words seemed to linger in his ears: " Child, live, live well."

   What I didn't understand back then, but now the truth is finally revealed, and my destiny has always been under the control of this **** crystal dragon and has never been separated.

   The power of anger is powerful, and Wicks rushed forward and stabbed a dagger that had been kept for many years in his hand: "You die for me and give back my life!"

"Pop!" Crystal dragon Mayo slapped his face, and Wicks flew out and rolled out more than ten meters away. "An ant is an ant after all. The weak, you can't do anything! You, It's just a chess piece in my hand, and it's still a useless chess piece."

Suddenly the ground rolled, and a sharp thorn appeared out of nowhere and pierced between Mayo's legs. The latter took a step back and kicked it out. The thorn was nearly two feet long and fell apart. Mei Ao hadn't had time to complain about this short and weak attack, but found that there was still a place where the ground was rolling not far away.

   The corpse of the demigod sea king dragon puppet was swallowed by the earth and disappeared in an instant. Although the crystal dragon Mayo had a bad premonition, what would happen if Hill's corpse fell into the hands of Lantis?

   The dead Hill couldn't beat himself, and the third-order perfect Landis couldn't beat himself, so what about Hill plus Landis?

   An inexplicable feeling filled the whole body, Crystal Dragon Mayo felt the threat of death, and the predicted result might really appear, and all of this might have appeared under his own impetus.

   Destiny is not so easy to be broken.

   "No~" Crystal dragon Mayo let out a roar, his hands lined up fiercely on the ground, the powerful magic power burst out instantly and the earth trembled violently, cracks spread everywhere, and he was instantly destroyed by him in a radius of more than ten miles.

   Insert a sentence, really good, it is worth installing, after all, you can cache reading ~ ~ offline reading!

However, the corpse of the Neptune Dragon Hill is not here, and the person who stole the Neptune Dragon corpse did not appear. Mayo finally thought of the inconsistency. Why can Lantis leave, with the strength of the third-order consummation. How many threats can it bring to yourself? She was able to play the goblin clan to the point of collapse just by relying on her alone power, and that kind of little trick was obviously inconsistent with her character.

   Lantis was next to, or there was someone behind him. This person has never appeared. He is proficient in earth witchcraft. He rescued Lantis and snatched Hill's body when he was angry and distracted.

   Maybe he was not the one who killed himself, but he might be the one who manipulates everything in fate, and the biggest variable, but why did the Destiny Dzi not see the existence of this person?

   Someone outside of fate?

   No, compared to this explanation, Crystal Dragon Mayo believes in another possibility. He also has Destiny Dzi, and the number and strength are stronger than his own, and he himself may be more proficient in divination.

   No, such an enemy is too dangerous and must be eliminated as soon as possible, before Landis can absorb the benefits of Hill's corpse.

   "Boom! Boom! Boom!" The industrious earthworker Crystal Long Mayo began to reshape the island. The first step was to cut his face with a knife. The whole island was shaking violently, and the earth was cracking and dusty.

   Far away, in an ocean-going boat, Landis fell asleep, and Leo and others poured magic power to drive the ocean-going boat to leave quickly, direction: Gary Island.

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