The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1042: The crystal dragon vents, and Ville takes home

Crystal Dragon Mayo has never been a person who is good at responding. He is not really stupid, but he doesn't have too much quick wit. He likes to analyze problems slowly and slowly find solutions. He has enough patience to make arrangements. It is also one of the reasons why they have been able to indulge the development of the goblin clan for hundreds of years, and have not completely eliminated the Sea King Dragon until now.

Originally thought that he possessed the Destiny Dzi Bead, and after seeing many futures, he could arrange it calmly and use the uncertainty and diversity of destiny to guide the one that is most beneficial to him, but he could not think of it, but the uncertainty of destiny turned I was pitted, and a destiny that I had never seen before appeared. The outsiders were not only Landis.

   In other words, Landis is the one who really belongs to the subordinate position.

The enemy must be captured, and this confidant problem must be resolved before Landis has grown up. Although there are so many uncertainties in fate, it will often lead to the same result. For Mayo, this The most likely result is: the crystal dragon died of the Neptune Dragon.

Mayo regrets it at this moment. He has vaguely felt that the danger does not come from Lantis, not from Hill, but from the combination of the two. Now they have met together, as long as they are given enough time, Lan Tis will appear in front of him with a new look.

The loud noise of "Boom~Boom~Boom~" is endless, the earth is roaring, and the whole island utters a scream, but the incomplete dragon language magic circle seems to have the ability to automatically repair, and it is also repairing the foundation of the island little by little. At the same time, he was fighting against Mayo's destruction.

   "Landis, come out! Come out if it's a man!" Mayo was already fainted, and there was a roar in his mouth. The magic of the earth continued to be emitted, the landslides and the sea were flooded, and the island trembles under his hands.

   This is not an adjective, nor an exaggeration, but a trembling that was really beaten.

It seems that the human form is still not strong enough, Mayo kicked his legs into the sky and turned into a crystal dragon in mid-air. A breath of the dragon squirted down fiercely. Amid the loud noise of "Boom!", the center of the island appeared. A deep pit was formed, and the Dragon Whisper Magic Array that covered the entire island could not stop this powerful blow.

"Not here!" The crystal dragon Mayo didn't mean to stay at all. His wings spread out and he moved forward quickly, a mouthful of dragon breath sprayed out, and deep pits appeared on the ground?  Each depth was more than 100 meters?  Even groundwater? In some low and shallow places, seawater intrusion has even occurred, but the underground lair that Mayo wanted to see has never appeared.

However, the crystal dragon Mayo has knocked out the previously broken base of the goblin clan, and directly destroyed it. The enemy is in the dark?  Water Elf Mayo dare not consume too much?   Once his strength is less than half immediately Entering the rest and recovery stage, recovering 70% to 80%, and again starting to bombard the entire island regularly?   For two days and two nights, the crystal dragon Mayo forcibly beat an island to pieces, but did not find what he wanted. The enemy.

  , I’m really good, it’s worth installing, after all, you can cache and read aloud offline!

   Did they really escape?

  But the guy who saved the life is obviously of the earth property?  How did he escape from the sea with the unconscious Landis?

If the third-order Consummation Landis can escape from the sea quietly without hiding himself, Mayo believe it?   But the guy with the earth attribute can come, he doesn't believe it, and he believes that Landis has already arrived at that time. When the mountains and rivers are exhausted, there is no way left to flee with others.

The outsiders who can be with Landis are definitely not the generals?   Can she be so optimistic about him?   It is absolutely impossible to be an ordinary person, at least a master of the same level, Mayo does not believe in any multi-attribute third-order perfect master?   Such a freak A rare encounter in a thousand years, I shouldn't be so "lucky".

Mayo believed that the reason why he did not find the enemy was because the enemy was too capable of fleeing. They did not seek merit but no demerits, and blindly hid and escaped. Without seeing or catching them, he thought To catch them from the ground is like finding a needle in a haystack.

   So I have to smash their hiding place. If this is reduced to the sea, the guy who is proficient in earth witchcraft and likes to hide in the earth has absolutely no way to escape his detection.

   This island is on the verge of breaking, but the dragon language magic circle on the periphery is still running tenaciously, making Mayo unable to achieve full success.

   "Boom!" A mutilated puppet was blown out by him.

   This thing is also the motivation for Mayo to continue. Although the enemy's shadow has not been caught, but the puppets they manipulated have been destroyed by himself.

These puppets carry many magical runes, which are completely different from those of the goblin clan. They have a strong artistic atmosphere, and I have seen that the puppets that have not been completely destroyed are hiding and evading, although they are easily crushed by myself in the end. It is enough to prove that they are not furnishings, but are really manipulated by people.

The crystal dragon Mayo, who was dazzled by anger and panic, did not carefully distinguish the difference between steel puppets, constructed puppets, and magic puppets. He wanted to catch the hidden enemy. At this moment, the enemy he was struggling to pursue, He was cautiously advancing in his old nest, Crystal Palace.

Crystal Dragon Mayo is indeed not a great inventor, nor is he a wizard who likes to study, but the inheritance of the dragon is extraordinary. Even if his talent in this area is really average, he can still study one or two things for hundreds of years. Some results come out, for example: crystal puppet.

It is somewhat similar to but different from the rock giants created in the witchcraft of the earth. This is something similar to a constructed puppet or a gargoyle. It belongs to the existence of semi-living entities. Their IQs are not high, but they are not real. Idiot, just a little bit mentally retarded. They are the creations of the crystal dragon after being promoted to the demigod. They have only one function, protecting the safety of the crystal palace and resisting enemy invasion.

These crystal puppets are all in the ranks, and even some elites already have second-order combat power, and they are definitely the top existence on the island of Gary. After all, apart from a fourth-order demigod such as the crystal dragon, the island of Gary even has a third-order holy. No master can find it.

The rebellion of the goblin family is in full swing. They expelled the night elves and suppressed the kobolds and gray dwarves. Those who do not follow it will be killed without mercy. If they surrender a little bit slower, they may be killed by mistake. The goblin family seized the night elves' gathering place. , Took everything there as his own, but didn't catch any night elves, but the kobold and gray dwarf captives caught a large group.

They didn’t dare to attack the Crystal Mountain. They tried to expel the Kobold captives. In the end, they were killed by the crystal puppets without being able to attack halfway up the mountain. Before the news of the Crystal Dragon’s fall, they only dared to do it. They didn't dare to personally attack the Dragon King Palace in the Crystal Mountain Crystal Palace with some small actions, and they were not certain whether they could do it, but the goblin clan still had this confidence.

   Directly besieged the entire Crystal Mountain in the name of guarding the Crystal Mountain. The steel chariots, steel puppets, and magical equipment were aimed at the Crystal Mountain, and fools could see the problem.

Ville’s invisibility technique is not easy for a Tier 3 master to see through, not to mention these stupid Tier 2 puppets. They floated along the way, boarded the Crystal Mountain, entered the Crystal Palace, and stepped into the Demon King’s Palace. Resistance invaded the crystal dragon's lair.

   "Magic stones, there are only high-grade and middle-grade magic stones, there is not a single top-grade magic stone, you have blinded you, the demigod dragon, the name of the world overlord, bad review!"

"Magic crystals, tusk, there are only thirty-odd Tier 3 crystals, only 20 dragon crystals, and less than 10,000 Tier 2 crystals. You, the lord of the world, are really miserable. You are not as rich as the goblin clan. The second-order magic crystal is more than double yours. Bad review!"

"There are a lot of magic crystals. You have built such ugly beds and floors. That's your taste. Although the quantity is not bad, there are several million catties, but the quality varies. The most important thing is Poor style, bad review!"

   "This is? The dragon skin of the sea king dragon? Tsk, it was born from the same root, why is it too anxious to fry, crystal dragon, don't you feel uneasy in your conscience by doing this? Too bad character, bad review!"

   While trying to collect things from Snowwood World and the Seven-Story Sacred Pagoda, Weier's mouth broke apart, but he didn't leave a single good word.

"The secret room is so fake. You really don't have the talent to be a thief. Tsk tsk, this kind of trap is not enough to deal with three-year-old You should treat these things as treasures? They are some but the sea. The things in it, how afraid are you that the Neptune Dragon will develop and grow." Xiaoweier looked at the dazzling array of ocean treasures, his eyes were straight, but his mouth was constantly complaining. He was not idle at all, and piles of income. In the bag.

"Oh, I really found a big treasure. It's a beautiful piece of art. The blue dragon sealed with crystals. Tsk tsk, is this feeling at the level of a demigod?" Ville finally found the Dragon King Palace in the Crystal Palace. The biggest treasure, the huge blue dragon crystal sculpture.

Based on the blue dragon corpse, it is wrapped with a demi-god-level crystal seal. It is really difficult for Ville to break this thing, but it is very easy to take it away, no matter in Apostle Space or Snowwood World. All have this ability, for the sake of safety, Xiaowei still activated the high identification eye to observe, and then let the elf Xiaowei check it carefully before starting to enter the Apostle Space.

This kind of thing that obviously carries the personal breath of the crystal dragon, he will never be easily sent into the world of snow wood, although there is his own baby sister in the world of snow wood, the demi-god and middle-level goddess Weiya sits in the town, and he is completely uncomfortable. Shen Crystal Dragon, he was not willing to take any risks.

"Brother Stupid Apostle, I forgot to remind you just now. The blue dragon crystal seal has no resistance under my control, nor does it stimulate counterattack, but it is the warning hub of the Crystal Palace Demon King Palace. Once it disappears, it will immediately cause it. The attention of the crystal dragon." Xiao Wei's voice rang in her ears, "With the demigod's spatial ability, it will return in thirty seconds at the latest."

   Littleville: Is it too late for me to put it back now?

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