The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1154: Wicks’ salvation, Janet’s molesting

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Janet, Wicks and others stayed in the Elven Goddess Temple that day, and received the baptism of the goddess doctrine in all directions. Their boldness and generosity impressed the temple sacrifices, and even after paying ten third-tier holy beasts, they got a promise. .

Each year, ten night elf children can be baptized with the water of life. The number of baptisms is determined by the night elves. There are only two prerequisites. They must be no more than ten years old and must be devout believers of the goddess.

Janet was overjoyed and prayed to the Elf Goddess on the spot, but she was not very standardized, but her extremely pious prayer was answered by the Elf Goddess. A divine light swept away, and the suppression of her by the world consciousness disappeared without a trace. All the people present were stunned.

The elves are naturally shocked, and all night elves, including Wicks, are ecstatic. In this relatively peaceful world, they are full of yearning for a new life, and carrying heavy shackles is not what they want. One step was approved to lift the shackles, their leader did it, and they were the next.

A group of Tier 3 night elves prayed devoutly and contributed a lot of faith. The visions they caused were naturally not hidden from their senior demigods. What surprised them the most was that among all people, the most devout believer was actually The director Wicks, who looked cold and unusually rational.

He was also the second person to be approved by the goddess to unlock the shackles.

Facing the curiosity of other people, Wicks was not proud, but nodded slightly, his face was solemn: "Without him, wholeheartedly devoted, unreserved display of his piety."

Wicks’ words made the priests of the Elf Goddess Temple feel a little unbelievable, but in this place, he cannot lie, especially in terms of faith. This is the Goddess Temple, and the goddess statue is right in front of him!

If Ville is here, he must be able to understand it, because the things Wicks have experienced are too complicated, and he is actually very empty and lonely deep in his heart. His dream has suffered a devastating blow, and the whole person is in a state of confusion. Status.

After secretly assisting Vill to kill the crystal dragon, Wicks did not die, but chose to leave the space, but it does not mean that he really has no intention of death, but he just died in the sun and didn’t want to die at that and played with his whole life. Destiny of the world.

He landed in the ninth level of the road to the dragon, and he was captured and trafficked without any resistance. Janet saved him. He joined Janet’s team without any resistance and started logistics work. , And step by step to become a master.

But this did not arouse his interest too much. Since he was not redeemed until he left the different space on the road to the dragon, until he saw the tree of life, as if the return of life and blood, he just glanced at the tree of life tall and majestic. With his body, Wicks found his hope of survival.

He showed his faith and everything wholeheartedly. He prayed again and again, without arrogance or rashness but with a trace of longing. Then, the goddess responded to him with a trace of warmth and a trace of closeness. Wicks is here. Rebirth for a moment.

I am Wicks, the general manager of the night elves family. I have become an insignificant believer under the crown of the goddess. My dream is to become a sacrifice and serve the goddess better!

With the life goal of Wicks, the whole person looks different in an instant. The deep traces of coldness and barriers are replaced by sunlight, and the whole person's temperament appears more natural and supple.

"Although it is a bit presumptuous and self-conscious, I want to lead ten night elves holy masters to stay to learn the doctrine of the goddess and the knowledge that the apprentice priest should know." Wicks bowed respectfully to the high priest: "I want to be more Close to the goddess! Everything is for the goddess!"

The expression on Janet’s face is a little weird, but more of it is joy, "Wicks, congratulations on finding your goal in life! You don’t need to participate in the next three-month parade, you just stay here to tell you all. Seniors study hard."

"If possible, after the completion of our sub-temple, we hope to invite people from the general meeting to guide the work." Janet's request is not so much a requirement, but a kind of welfare is better, and decentralization may be decentralization. , But it's totally a credit to the newly opened sub-temple of the night elves.

One hundred thousand believers, including one demigod, one thousand and five holy, five thousand second-tier, and more advanced masters. Such a group of believers is guided by themselves to complete the construction of the temple. What a great achievement, for a time, Even the high priest was a little moved.

All the priests' eyes on Janet and Wicks were suddenly different, full of longing for Chi Guoguo.

Be sure to befriend them!

"This is not the same as the previous plan." As night fell, in the VIP room on the upper floor of the Tree of Life, Janet stared at Wicks. Her senses have always been very complicated for this big chief.

The complexity and contradiction of this person is beyond my imagination. This is a person who knows to be grateful. If you are good to him, he will return it to you ten times a hundred times. If you trust him, he will consider you more and better. Once you Don't trust him anymore, he will stay away, leaving you very consciously.

Many times he has the instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, but from deep in his heart, Janet saw a trace of self-destruction, but today Wicks seems to have a trace of change, a trace of Janet’s Don't know the change.

Wicks is a very clever man, but full of utilitarianism. Janet liked this very much, and some did not like it.

People who are completely utilitarian are not trustworthy. Janet is afraid that Wicks’ utilitarianism will hurt the ethnic group, but Wicks has always been behind her and has been making suggestions for her, thinking about problems based on her own will.

Gradually, Janet realized that she was a little inseparable from the general manager. With him, she would be a lot easier, and things would go smoothly. For example, in this negotiation, the intelligence came from Littleville, and the battle plan came from Wick. S.

All kinds of temptations and promises, openly and honestly tell the truth, and then take the initiative to contribute their own inheritance, contribute faith to the goddess of the goddess under the witness of the goddess of the gods, become a believer of the goddess, do not require immediate response from the goddess, as long as the goddess does not object They succeeded.

But Janet did not expect that they would be so successful. The goddess actually responded. Not only herself, but Wicks and another night elf also responded, which instantly doubled and doubled the effect of their plan. .

In the end, Janet’s proposal to separate the credit for the division of the temple was planned for these sacrifices. This was also planned before, but it was absolutely unplanned for Wicks to stay and learn the method of sacrifice. Originally, Wicks was To parade with her, to strive for greater benefits in the subsequent contacts between the major forces.

Accustomed to Wicks being around to make suggestions, suddenly lost this think tank, which made Janet a little uncomfortable, so there was an interrogation at night.

With a faint smile on Wicks’ face, he changed his former cautiousness and called Janet’s name directly: “Janet, the previous plan will not change. You will continue to follow Master Star Mountain on the parade and accumulate more connections. , Make more friends. The reason why I stay here is actually very simple. I have been redeemed, and I want to better feel the warmth and love of the goddess."

"This is the result of my analysis based on the power intelligence described by Master Starshan, as well as the diplomatic strategy and possible benefits that our night elves need to adopt. Master Starshan is by your side, and you are already a goddess. The believers of the goddess have been approved by the goddess. Walking outside will no longer be suppressed. Many things will go smoothly.” Wicks had a faint smile on his face: “Next, my center will shift to the direction of the temple. Management, your burden is very heavy."

"Bang!" Janet slammed Wicks in the head, "I don't agree, you are my manager. You are obligated to help me take care of everything about me, whether it is temple beliefs or tribal people. Food, clothing, housing and I am the patriarch and I have the final say!"

Wicks was beaten and did not hurt, but he felt the deep dependence in Janet's punch, and he couldn't help showing a bright smile: "Yes, my patriarch, my subordinates will definitely bow to death. No Will disappoint the patriarch's high expectations!"

Seeing Wix’s perfunctory appearance, Janet was not angry. Although this **** looked very easy-going, despite the way she kneaded, she was actually a rather assertive bastard, "Wicks, you Say I married you, can you let you stay by my side to help me with peace of mind? Follow me without leaving?"

The teacup in Wicks's hand fell to the ground with a "pop~", staring at Janet dumbfoundedly, herself, married?

Janet stretched out her right index finger, gently lifted Wicks’ chin, looked around and nodded her head and said: "It doesn’t look bad, and the temperament is considered qualified, but the strength is a bit worse, but the patriarch is strong enough. Raise a little white face."

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