The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1155: Great gift

Happiness Castle in the Sunshine Land is brilliantly lit. People come and go, and people's brains are extraordinary. A stream of exquisite food came from Little Weier's hand and delivered to the spacious table. The strange Liluo sitting in his arms almost wetted his clothes.

There is no way, the delicious aromas of the delicious food are assaulting people. I walked under my eyelids. How can the snack monster Li Luo be able to bear it, but there will be too many things to be delivered for a while. Before the formal opening, he is cute and cute. Guai Liluo can only endure as best he can.

All kinds of exotic delicacies are fragrant for ten miles. A half-elf maid sends the repeated parts to the table outside according to Léa’s instructions. There are more than a dozen elves holy masters who are also eager to try and can’t bear it. They are all sunshine. The pillars of the land, usually don't have many chances to enter the happiness castle, this time the leader returns, naturally, it is natural to have a good time.

The person in charge of entertaining them is the Wright Paladin. The leader’s father-in-law has been unanimously approved by them. They are allowed to take the family. All the women are given to Connie to entertain them. In addition to them, there are also There are three guests, guests who are connected to Connie.

Connie's father, half-dragon Carter Calbis, Connie's mother, daughter of the Dragon Spirit family, and Connie's younger sister, Carly.

Carter belongs to the smuggling. He has no elf blood in his body, but he can't stand the seniority of others. Lilith's grandfather, who is responsible for entertaining him, has a higher status, and Little Ville's grandfather, Rhein.

Carly, the snack food, relied on being Lilith’s aunt, and with her age advantage, she started to eat and drink without being a lady. She ignored the so-called banquet process and made comments while eating: "It’s delicious, okay. Eat, it’s a little bit better than Klama’s."

"This is fine, but not as good as Karama."

"I'm sure, this dish must be made by Karama, I see the name of Karama flashing on it!"

Carly’s innocence and liveliness have always been preserved. Her childhood was spent in a small space of ten miles around, with hundreds of people, coupled with the love of the Carters and his wife, perfectly retained her nature, until she was sent by Little Ville. In a different space, Katie, Karama and others are also taking care of her.

Especially under the guidance of the mischievous Katie, Carly has become more naive and lively, but her strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and now she has become a sky warrior above her parents.

"Aunt Liz also came back a few years ago, but she didn't dare to see Connie. She hid in the Sixth Ring Wizard Tower. With her friend, Aunt Liz's strength has improved very quickly. Now she is the second-tier pinnacle, and it is possible at any time. Breakthrough." The Wright Paladin didn't have too much hatred for the Carter couple. After all, without their godly manipulation, it would be impossible for Connie and himself to unite.

Carter shook his head lightly and sighed, "We are sorry to Liz and Connie, you are very good!"

For this son-in-law, he had a careful understanding before, and they endured humiliation to improve their strength. In the end, although he found his wife with the help of his daughter and son-in-law, he slapped the dragon spirit family with his own strength and saved his face.

And what about yourself?

Until now, I am still just a warrior, decades of plain life has almost cut off my path forward, and now my mind to move on is weakened, I just want to live a good life with my wife.

The Elf Island itself will not stay. This place is very repulsive to people of non-elf bloodlines. It is impossible for him to hide here secretly. He will go to the big island where his grandson-in-law is about to take over with his wife and daughter to start a new life. Life will also be full of vitality.

The more he understands the little guy's resources and abilities, the stronger Carter's confidence is, the more he feels incompetent.

However, he has a good mentality and can safely accept the fact that it is also very good to be an old farmer. He has a casting technique that he can barely handle, at least he can do it as a blacksmith in a village.

In the next period of time, he will stay with his two daughters in the Sunshine Land. By the way, he will systematically learn alchemy casting, and work hard to become a qualified village-level blacksmith. If his wife, he will learn alchemy medicine and clothing from his in-laws. The design, the half-elf named Mojiesi seems to mix well on the Elf Island.

The Wizard of Star Mountain came out to entertain Carter on the initiative. This was a respect for Lilith. He could enter the inner room with his status and he had a place there.

There is also an outsider on this table, who is not an outsider of the elven blood: Adele, the personal supervisor of the half-dragon chief, is able to easily interact with these third-tier masters. After all, she is also a holy master. , There is no such thing as inferiority complex, and she is also in charge of many resources of the Dragon Tooth Island and Dragon Island half-dragon tribes, and her status is still higher than those of the elven tribe masters.

In the inner room, Mojiesi smiled and watched her daughter lay beside her son. Lilith separated Léa from her body. Florett and Mojasmine were jealous for fighting for themselves. Their faces were full of joy. This kind of atmosphere has not been there for a long time. It turns out that the son is the source of all this.

Star Elf patriarch Elena and Rose met their eyes, and found one thing under the side-knock. The owner of the ice and snow shadow dragon bloodline actually liked his grandson, and even recruited his son-in-law on the road to the dragon. It was told as a joke, saying that Ville was her door-to-door son-in-law, which attracted the unanimous exclusion of Lilith and Léa.

Weir’s harem had a lot of candidates originally, but except for Lilith, everyone was walking on the third-tier strength. This suddenly jumped out of a demi-god mid-level competitor, which naturally made them very nervous. Only Nicole kept smiling at Little Weir stupidly, looking at the food with drooling lips, never paying attention to it.

"As a lady of the palace, how to guard the gate of the harem is something you need to consider. I don't want to unknowingly, there is no place for feet in the harem." Although Léa is very upset with Lilith, she doesn't want anything else. People intervened, although Brother Weier should be innocent in this matter.

On the other side, Yinlong Yamei, who is sitting next to Nicole, has tried to reach out to steal food several times, but she was stopped by Nicole. She can hold back this foodie. Do you still want to steal food?

Sure enough, the only thing that can stop the food is the food.

After the table was filled with food, Ville announced the start of the banquet and first toasted Shaun the Shadow Dragon a glass of wine. He was able to accompany him on the cruise out of favor, and he must accept this favor.

According to Sean, he will start to rebuild after three years. During these three years, he is still a high-level demigod. He needs to show his strength to the outside world, so he will take a ride on Little Ville to walk around. After all, He was born in Long Island, and he obtained the order against the dragon by opportunism. He didn't have many opportunities to walk outside before.

In fact, he, an old guy, is selling his granddaughter to Florett. He knows what the wish of the black dragon Wezel was made at the time. This little guy can leave offspring, but the opportunity is great. The probability is only once. The ice and snow fairy clan needs heirs, and the shadow dragon and half-dragon people he represents also need heirs. But he is already a demigod, and his granddaughter is also a demigod, which is difficult to do.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Weier began to give out gifts. What his father got was a bloodline gem of the fourth-order demigod level, a bloodline gem of the blood family. This was a **** half killed by Weier himself in the ninth pass. The spoils obtained by the gods, mother Mojiesi got a jewelry, a necklace that added the blessing of the golden dragon and can increase good luck.

Paladin Jasmine got a dragon blood gem that could enhance the strength of her four-legged flying dragon pet. What Liya got was a defensive master's pinnacle treasure. Nicole's gift was a pair of swords, the so-called five-star treasure of the Cloud Nation , Grandma Elena got a heritage stone, which recorded a heritage among the night elves that was helpful to the star elves.

Lilith’s gift is the crystal battle armor, the most gorgeous semi-artifact crystal armor, and Guai Liluo’s gift is a pair of semi-artifact-level sledgehammers. This is the demi-god demon crystal used by Ville before he leaves on the path to the dragon Here, Wei Ya's gift is the most peculiar. It is a key, a key to the space that Ville has condensed by himself.

"Brother doesn't want me?" Looking at the key in her hand, Xiao Weiya looked at Xiao Wei with teary eyes.

Little Ville rubbed his sister's little head and said, "What are you talking about? There is an aura of brother in it, and it currently exists by relying on brother. As long as you don't actively disconnect, you will always be by your brother's side. It’s just a bigger private room for you."

Others couldn't understand, but Lilith, Léa, and Guai Liluo heard clearly, looking at the key with embarrassing eyes, each thinking.

The space corresponding to this space key is the space strengthened by Ville previously using the chain of laws. This space is not attached to Ville but the Snowwood World. In addition to the world authority owned by Ville, it is really in the world. There is a huge private room for her in the world.

"Brother Ver, I want a room like this too." Léa, who has advanced to Tier 3, knows what it means to have such a space.

"After you are promoted to a demigod, you will have a key like this." Ville's words made Léa retreat demigod, can I really accomplish this in my life?

Seeing Léa’s lack of self-confidence, Ville laughed and said, “As a genius who achieved a holy level before the age of thirty on the Elf Island, you must have confidence in yourself! Besides, Lilith and Wei Ya, I will help you. of."

"Compared to being a demigod, I want to have a child bestowed by Brother Vere." Leia's voice is very low, but it can be clearly received by everyone present. There is no underhand here, and the weakest one is also Tier 3.

For a moment, most people showed subtle expressions, Nicole's hands with the double-swords paused slightly, her face was flushed and redder, and Li Luo tilted her head to look around while Xiao Weiya stretched out. With a small hand, a three-hundred-sixty-degree poisonous dragon diamond came from his brother's waist.

Naturally, it is impossible to give gifts to the room only, Xiao Weier escaped from the room under the pretext of giving gifts, and began to reward those Saint-level masters one by one, nothing more than armored weapons, potions, mounts and the like.

The most indispensable thing in the current Xiaowei is Tier 3 monsters, which can naturally be taken care of, and Mojiesi has stated that she does not want to leave the elf forest. She has many friends here, so the defense of the Sunshine Land Happy Castle needs to be strengthened. .

For example: put a demigod-level monster gatekeeper and the like.

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