The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1181: Visit the mercenary union

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The Wizard Islands of the Three Rings have been in contact with the core of the Wizard Islands. Here are the popes and high priests from the continent of the gods, the headquarters of the major churches in the Wizard Islands, and the Wizarding Association, Mercenary Association, Warriors Association, Knights Association, etc. The headquarters of the official association.

Little Ville is a four-star member of the Mystic School, a legendary mercenary of the Mercenary Association, and a true demigod powerhouse. No matter which one of these three identities has the right to enter the Three Ring Wizard Islands.

After half a year, the flying battleship set sail again, and the demigods of the three wizard towers of the sky, the earth, and the ocean sent off together and told them not to return in a short time. They could not withstand the continuous blow of the three evil spirits.

They couldn't beat the high-level demigod, Ville, and the mid-level peak demigod, Weiya, too, and now, Lilith, who had just been promoted to the mid-level demigod, also made them feel a strong threat. This makes them want to cry without tears.

Do we really live on dogs for a long time? They couldn't see the progress of Xiaowei and Weiya, but Lilith's promotion happened under their noses. How could they continue to maintain a normal mind? This qualification is too enchanting.

Xiao Weiya is a reincarnated god, and her strength slowly recovers over time. This is not a re-cultivation, but a gradual recovery. They are acceptable. People's strength is at least Tier 5, and may even be the legendary Tier 6 main god. It's simply incomparable.

When Vil first appeared next to them, he was a high-level demigod. This was achieved on the road to the dragon. The last three levels of the road to the dragon are all high-risk spaces intercepted from the abyss battlefield. They are both danger and opportunity. In the high-level space, his achievement was entirely caused by that space. After he came out, his strength increased and he did not see how fast it was.

But Lilith is different. Although she became a demigod because of the road to the dragon, but Lilith who came out of the road to the dragon is only a demigod, a standard elementary demigod and even the realm has not been formed at the beginning. , But how about the next few years?

All the way to improve, in a blink of an eye they are already mid-level demigods, and when they are promoted and promoted, they are all in their eyes, it is not too enchanting.

They were not hit by Little Ville, not hit by Little Weiya, but finally they were hit by Lilith.

After six months of getting along with the members of the Star Mountain family, they have gained a sense of identity with Xiaoweier, Xiaoweiya, and Lilith, but it is impossible to say that they are more close. After all, the level difference is too obvious. It is really true to be with them. It was very depressing, even if they sent five-star chefs and matching ingredients, they left a lot of useful inheritance.

The notion that the demigod is supreme has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Even the people of the clans can’t get them really close. Except for the Pollock wizards, he is very close to Ville and Lilith. This closeness comes from familiarity, Ville and Lilith. Lilith was also very good to this relative who had taken care of them in the academy, and she gave no less good things.

The Fourth Ring Wizard Islands is not far from the Third Ring Wizard Islands. In the air, can you meet the powerhouses who control flying beasts or other flying warships? Steel battleships haunt the sea from time to time. Saint-level masters can be seen everywhere in the islands. This is the strength of the inner layers of the Wizard Islands.

At the headquarters of the Mercenary Association of the Wizard Islands of the Third Ring, five demigods led nearly a hundred holy masters to welcome them together. The second-order little guy who was not valued by them at the time has become a high-level demigod above them. , So that the five semi-god powerhouses were somewhat unacceptable, but some had to accept it.

Eleven strong demigods came to visit, and the guards and maids around them were all saints. This kind of visiting group made them have to pay attention. Only one of the five strong demigods was a high-level demigod, and the other four were two mid-levels. , Two beginners, this is all the cutting-edge combat power of the Mercenary Association, but these cutting-edge combat powers have almost no power to fight back in front of this flying warship that is about to land.

Three high-ranking demigods, Xiaowei, Shaun the Shadow Dragon, and Linda the Silver Dragon walk in the forefront, Xiao Weiya, Dali the White Dragon, Rose of the Ice Shadow Dragon, Sea Witch Eleanor, and Night Elf Janet, Lilith and the demigods of the Elves were in the second echelon followed closely. On the contrary, the third echelon had only Landis alone, which made her very unhappy.

There are three high-level demigods, seven middle-level demigods, and one beginner demigod. This combination is a bit weird. If it weren't for hundreds of third-level guard maids around, the demigod-level Neptune Dragon would actually It is the bottom of the existence, can you believe it?

"Welcome to the homeland of the mercenary, the youngest legendary mercenary in history, Lord Will Star Mountain." The president of the Mercenary Association came out to welcome him personally, giving Weier a lot of face.

Little Will greeted the past first: "It's nice to meet you, President Malfa. Being a glorious mercenary is also a rare memory in my life. I am a mercenary. I was before, now, and in the future. ."

A bright smile appeared on Malfa’s face. Finally, there was another demigod in the mercenary union, and he was still a high-level demigod, but it seemed that the mercenary union might not be worthy of the strength of the mercenary union. The strength is much stronger than the mercenary union.

To be honest, Little Ville doesn’t look down on the strength of the mercenary union, but he is very greedy about the resources of the mercenary union, especially the human resources. It is simply not too broad. Although the overall level is much lower, it can’t stand the number of people. Coverage is wide and very mature.

If Ville were to manage the mercenary union by himself, he would be unwilling. The members were too complicated and the cohesion was not enough, but it would be different just by simply borrowing. He would not care about cohesion and centripetal force, and no matter what these people are. It's not that there are too many idiots, fools, and idiots. You only need to get the things and information you want.

Little Vil came in frankly, Malfa and other demigods did not think they could beat them, and this was the Three Ring Wizard Islands. Although the demigod powerhouses were still high-end combat power, they were no longer the highest peak powerhouses. , You must know that the two wizard towers of light and darkness are all god-level powerhouses, but under normal circumstances they will not show up.

But once something that affects the order of the Third Ring Wizard Islands occurs, the two god-level masters will never sit idly by.

What are the things that affect the order of the Three Ring Wizard Islands?

For example, the official organizations and residences in the Wizard Islands of the Three Rings were invaded, which affected the operation and maintenance of these official organizations. This is what affects the order of the Wizard Islands of the Three Rings, and can even be said to be a major event that affects the order of the entire Wizard Islands. , They can't just sit idly by.

The Mercenary Association is precisely one of such organizations. The number of mercenaries in the Wizard Islands is quite large, and their influence is definitely not small. Once the Mercenary Association is invaded, the impact is absolutely huge, and even subversive.

The mercenary union occupies a separate island with a radius of two hundred miles. There is no other union More than 90% of all people living here are members of the mercenary union and their families. This is the kingdom of mercenaries. , Is also the most powerful core of the mercenary union.

The grand welcome banquet was home away from home. It was the first time that Ville and Lilith received such a grand reception. Shadow Dragon Shaun and Silver Dragon Linda also received the greatest degree of respect. They all refused Malfa's invitation.

Sometimes it’s a good thing to have multiple jobs, but sometimes it will only make you lose your identity. Shadow Dragon Shaun and Silver Dragon Linda are like this. As members of the Dragon Clan, they hold too many human positions. It is not a way to increase the price, but it will reduce their style.

The dragons are so arrogant.

As a guest and a legendary mercenary, the high-level demigod-level Ville is inconvenient to shoot, so as not to cause the image of a guest to overwhelm the host, but Lilith does not have such a problem. She is also a mercenary, but she has no level. It's not that high, and her strength was only a preliminary demigod half a year ago, a small shot will not cause misunderstandings.

Lilith played three games, all three battles were tied, one elementary demigod, two middle-level demigods actually hold her up, can only draw a tie, after all, it is just friendly discussions, and there is a time limit, I want It's not easy to tell the victory or defeat, but from this point on, Lilith's strength is very strong, at least not worse than the two demigod elementary elders.

It's just that she is not a legendary mercenary, and she is not qualified to serve as an elder. Although Little Ville is qualified, she is not prepared to take up this position. His goal is not the mercenary union, but the wizarding league.

Giving gifts to each other is an inherent link. Vil received a confidential information, the whole book of the secret realm of the outer part of the Wizard Islands, and the mercenary association was a plan: the plan of the **** of mercenary.

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