The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1182: Mercenary God Plan

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A simple plan of only thirty or fifty pages caused a sensation at the top of the mercenary union. This was a plan for becoming a god, and it was written by Wil Star Shan. You must know that he promoted the real manipulation of Baihua Yincheng. By.

Malfa didn’t think about asking him for help and helping him become a god, but since he entered the Elf Island, he has been in a simple way. He barely communicates with the outside world, and even consciously avoids other demigods. Malfa knows He doesn't have many advantages, and the relationship with him is not close at all, so he can only quietly pay attention and not take the initiative to attack.

But he really did not expect that this thing he had been thinking about was actually obtained, and it was provided to him free of charge in the form of a meeting ceremony. It carefully and comprehensively introduced the concept of the **** of mercenary and the method of operation. As well as the precautions listed, the feasibility is very high.

The plan listed examples of the gods of business and wealth, the gods of craftsmen, and the goddess of agriculture, combined with the specific circumstances encountered in the process of becoming a goddess of music, and gave some suggestions and opinions, but there is only one core idea.

Create an iconic leader who all mercenaries worship and worship, and make him a symbol of mercenary association or mercenary status.

Becoming a **** is the goal of all demigods. Most of the demigods are silently preparing for becoming a god. The five powerful demigods in the Mercenary Association are naturally no exception. They were shocked when they saw this plan. , And they have already seen that the feasibility of the plan is very high.

After the five semi-god powerhouses settled down and the group of Littleville and his party, they held a secret closed-door meeting. Only their five semi-god powerhouses had a closed-door meeting. They carefully discussed and analyzed the feasibility of the plan. After a whole night of analysis, it came to the conclusion that the plan was feasible.

But at this time they hesitated instead.

How powerful is the temptation to become a god, just seeing Baihuayin just because he publicly walked the road to become a **** has aroused the coveting of many people, and even many demigods have been staring at her, so that they would not hesitate to launch a sneak attack over the wizard island , But also to seize the opportunity of the **** of music.

The pirate **** even did not hesitate to violate the rules of the demigod alliance to take action on Little Vil, and even to use a lot of resources to take him down.

Why is she doing this for?

Just a hope of becoming a god, a hope that may be very slim or even impossible, made her so crazy.

Not only the **** of pirates, but also the goddess of **** hunting who died unjustly and the goddess of suffering and torture who were caught. Malfa and others understand their craziness very well. If they hadn't had too many worries, they might have gone. Go this way.

It's just that they really didn't expect that something that others couldn't pursue so easily fell into their hands. The value of this thing is really very, very large, to the point that they don't know how to respond to Little Vil.

Sometimes many unprovoked suspicions stem from poor communication or insufficient communication. After making sure that the plan is indeed feasible, Malfa and others invited Will and Lilith to their high-end meeting early the next morning.

In other words, they invited Vill and Lilith to tell them the precautions of this plan.

"This plan was drafted jointly by Lilith and I. It is aimed at the **** of mercenary god. It is based on the tens of millions of mercenaries in the entire mercenary association." Ville explained his plan straightforwardly. Foundation.

"The mercenary is also an extraordinary profession. The base number is still higher than that of the troubadour, or even far beyond. Baihuayin can become the goddess of music. Then the Mercenary Association, a large association that was originally a mature organization, can't become a servant. God of soldiers?"

"The Mercenary Association actually had the basis for launching the God of Mercenary a long time ago, but it hasn't been implemented before."

"When it comes to mercenaries, many people’s first impression is that of a rugged, sturdy man. When it comes to mercenary unions, even the mercenary’s first thought is a badge made up of swords, shields and wands, and they have never been a single person. Or, a certain god."

"The mercenaries are a group that lacks faith. It's not that they are really illiterate, nor that they don't want to have faith. It's that no **** who is very close to them has come forward to harvest their faith and provide them with shelter, and this It is precisely the space where the mercenary **** grows."

"A mercenary is a profession that pursues benefits, honor, excitement, and adventure. It is also a perfect profession with a clear upward channel space. The rank and title are the honor symbols of mercenaries and their interests. But this honor has reached the legendary mercenary. The **** is over, what's above?" Little Ville asked back, but he skipped it without asking Malfa and the others to answer.

Above this is the high-level members of the mercenary association or forming their own forces, but if the legendary mercenary is not a demigod, the status of the mercenary association may not be as noble as the legendary mercenary, even if it is his own person, it is just noble. But there is not much practical power.

"The **** of mercenaries is the spiritual sustenance and protection of mercenaries, and it is also the pinnacle of mercenaries! When this deity appears, it doesn’t matter who is in charge, the important thing is to establish this deity and give the mercenary one. Sustenance, a medium in which gods can believe in."

"And the emergence of the mercenary **** must be controlled within the mercenary association. While giving everyone a hope, it also creates sufficient prerequisites for the mercenary **** to appear. Prestige, name, rules, functions, followers, etc., There are simple descriptions in the plan. I believe you are better at this part than me. The focus of my plan is, the Mercenary God Contest!"

Yes, the mercenary gods are not selected, but contested. The Mercenary Association organizes a mercenary **** competition every five years. According to the strength level and mercenary level, you can sign up to participate, according to the branch registration , And came to this mercenary island to participate in the final competition after layers of selection.

The Mercenary God Contest is a good opportunity to be famous. The mercenaries participating in the competition are divided into primary, intermediate, and advanced competitions according to their age and grade. The primary list is defined as the genius list or the potential list, and the intermediate list Named the strength list, the advanced list is the mercenary gods competition list, and the participants are at least legendary mercenaries, and the minimum strength requirement is the high-ranking holy.

Every five years in the Mercenary Gods Contest, the top of the advanced rankings will be awarded the title of the Mercenary God, and the portrait will be hung in all the mercenary branch venues for five years, until the new mercenary **** in the next Contest decides to replace it. portrait.

At the same time, the great achievements of the God of Mercenary will be publicized so that all mercenaries can know clearly, and even the intelligence of the God of Mercenary will be used as part of the mercenary level upgrade assessment.

Ville explained his plans one by one, and analyzed the role they played clearly. Faith requires a carrier. The mercenary **** is a god, and how the mercenary association distributes it is their own business. , But giving all mercenaries a hope is not an incentive, but also a good way to enhance their sense of belonging.

Malfa and others nodded repeatedly, but finally asked a very crucial question: "Will the Legendary Mercenary of Vail join the battle for the God of Mercenary?"

Little Weier glanced at the five half-god powerhouses who were slightly nervous, shook his head gently and said, "No."

Although Malfa was prepared for a long time, he was still a little puzzled: "Can you tell me the reason? Please forgive my presumption. After all, becoming a **** is the dream of all demigods, Lord Vale..."

Little Ville shrugged and said indifferently: "This is a little secret of mine, I didn't intend to tell it. My bloodline is a little bit special, and my cultivation is different. The way I want to go is the way of wizards, the second choice. The way of blood, becoming a **** is too restrictive for me."

"Twenty years ago, Lilith and I accidentally broke into the Kingdom of the Blood God, where we got a trace of the blood of the Thunder Giant. In order to fuse the blood of the Tier 5 God-level, I and the Thunder Giant who participated in the blood. The soul fought a war, and finally exchanged the pledge of not becoming a **** in exchange for the integration of the blood of the Thunder Giant.” Ville sighed and said: "Such a vow was originally able to be lifted, but the Thunder Giant is obviously more ~ He put a curse on me for this my oath."

"A curse that prevents me from becoming a god." Ville's words made Malfa and the others look at each other.

"Don't be so surprised, in fact, I am not at a disadvantage. Isn't it more powerful and freer to become a Tier 5 powerhouse with the blood of the Thunder giant than to believe in becoming a god? If there is a chance to choose this way, how would you choose?" Xiao Weier smiled. Asked rhetorically.

Malfa and the others couldn't help but froze for a moment, then thought about it carefully, if it were me, how would I choose?

The probability is the same as Little Ville. Choose the bloodline of the Thunder Giant. You must know that it is the Thunder Giant, the overlord of the world ten thousand years ago. The Tier 5 Thunder Giant is definitely not comparable to ordinary Tier 5 gods, not to mention the laws of Thunder. The attack power is very, very powerful.

"What do you hope to get from us?" Malfa doesn't think that Ville's help is free. There is no free lunch in the world, especially this kind of fragrant delicacy.

"I need your friendship and support." Ville said very solemnly: "Absolute support for the alliance with the demigods."

Malfa and the others looked at each other and quickly reacted that Ville is already a strong demigod and should receive an invitation from the demigod alliance, or take the initiative to join the demigod alliance after being recommended by others, but before that, he seemed to be in harmony with the demigod. The pirate god, pain and torment goddess of the Demigod Alliance had a little conflict.

The **** of pirates has confirmed the fall, and the whereabouts of the goddess of pain and torture are unknown. Life or death is unknown. Before joining the Half-Length Alliance, he caused such losses to the Half-God Alliance. It will indeed have a great impact on his joining the Half-God Alliance.

"Is there anything we need to do?"

"Five referrals, and then just wait for that day to come."

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