The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1267: Ugly refuses to explain

The entire army of thousands of night elves in the castle was annihilated, but all those who resisted were beheaded, and less than one tenth of them were disarmed and surrendered. This was still helpless after the giant tree man, Guai Li Luo, and Lilith shot together. The choice made.

The **** demons are arrogant. Even if the three demigods make a move together, they still dare to charge, but the manipulative arm will naturally not have a good result. The temple knight of Wall, the bastard, rushed and captured the second-order night elves more than twenty, three The two-headed night elves finally succeeded in breaking through the third stage, making Zac, Susan, and Vivian red eyes.

"This is talent, excellence has always been a shortcoming that I can't hide. Hey, why am I so good? It's really troublesome for you." The temple knight Wall, who was exhausted and bloodied on his body, licked his forehead and flowed directly into the sea. Dyeing the messy hair with a faint blood.

His achievements and brilliance are dyed red with blood.

"Is this the power of the Dicas family bloodline? It's really weird." Zack tut, this bloodline is simply the best battlefield bug. Upgrade the monsters, no, the upgrade of the monsters is a bit too much. ?

However, Lilith and the Temple Knights of Wall felt something vaguely. This bloodline is very buggy, but it has very large restrictions and restrictions. The enemy to be killed must be a **** demon, and **** that is weaker than him. The effect of demons is minimal, and only **** demons of the same level or stronger have experience.

"If this ability can be widely pushed, the **** demon will probably avoid us and go." As for the talent of the Temple Knights of Wall, City Lord Corleone also has some ideas. He has worked hard for ten years, but Not as good as the opponent's half-hour battle on the battlefield, anyone will have an idea.

The Temple Knight Wall shrugged and said: "This kind of thing is impossible. Our family's blood is just an accident, and there is no choice."

There will be rewards for members of the Dicas family to kill the Hell Demon. Isn’t it also rewarding for the members of the Dicas family to beheaded by the Hell Demon? This is one of the reasons why members of the Dicas family rarely enter the abyss battlefield.

Moreover, the blood of the members of the Dicas family has great side effects. For example, if you don't join the church and get any power from the gods, you will stagnate, and this level is really too low: junior professionals.

It is better to be unable to conceive offspring after entering the ranks. Whether male or female, as long as they are members of the Dicas family, they will lose their fertility after entering the ranks. This is also a very speechless thing.

Also, their magical arts are all sorts of strange, none of them can be performed normally, the deviation is huge, and it is not suitable for group combat at all. Well, small-scale team combat is not included in this list, just like just now, contacting three or five bright flashes directly flashed. Blind the eyes of a group of enemies, you must know that vision has a great effect on an archer, and the Ur Temple Knights will see that their advantages have been abolished as soon as they come up. It is simply not too easy to use.

Vivian and Susan have also learned flash art, but their flash art and the holy light flash bullet art of the Knights of the Wall are not at the same level. The divine art performed by the Dicas family has another characteristic, that It is unlimited upgrades.

The divine art they learned is completely incompatible with the original divine art name. This non-compliance includes not only the role of the divine art, but also the level of the divine art. The Dicas family’s divine art will increase with the increase in strength. In other words, the glorious divine art of the goddess of dawn who did not enter the stage was a second-order divine technique in the hands of the temple knights of Vol. No, it should be a third-order divine technique now.

This feature has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that the original magic arts can be continuously improved, but the disadvantage is that the magic arts upgrade will consume a lot of money. They will always only have the magic arts matching their own level, and there is no way to talk about the low-level magic arts.

Cleaning the battlefield is their favorite. Although the spoils need to be redistributed after confiscated, no one resists this kind of treasure hunting fun. Moreover, it is not without risk. Enemies who are not dead or pretending to be dead may give you a fatal one at any time. hit.

But for them, this situation is almost non-existent. Lilith and Guai Lilu sowed the seeds, and the bloodthirsty rose began to work. As long as the blood-stained **** demon passed by, he would suffer life or death. There were really some cunning things. The diehard apostle fought desperately, but died miserably under the attack of the bloodthirsty rose.

You said that Bloodthirsty Rose cannot pose a threat to the living advanced powerhouse?

Haha, Lilith, Guai Liluo, and the giant tree man are watching outside. As long as you dare to move, any one of the three demigods can let you know what the strong is not to be deceived.

After Bloodthirsty Rose, the steel puppets began to go into battle. If they did not clean up all the enemies, the Guardian Expeditionary Team would not mobilize their hands to fight in person. What's more, there are tree warriors summoned by the giant tree people to assist them. They are all The troops who are not afraid of Bloodthirsty Rose, after all, there is no blood on them.

As for the sap, it is not within the range of the bloodthirsty rose recipe.

The three men of the Temple Knight Wall, City Lord Corleone, and Zach went to explore the castle hand in hand. As for the danger inside?

Haha, where do you think Boss Will is?

The castle had already been controlled by him. Except for the first two waves of enemies, there was nothing in the back, which is enough to explain the problem.

Vivienne, Susan, and Little Transparent Caroline are more interested in the giant tree man. They chatted around Morris one by one, when did the giant tree man Morris receive such treatment, this grandfather. The demigod powerhouse of the level sat cross-legged on the ground, let the three little girls sit on their laps, and talked to them with a smile.

The giants have a bad reputation in the Wizard Islands. After all, the root of the invasion of the **** demons lies in them. They broke the world barrier and attracted the **** demons. Even the peaceful races like the giant tree people have suffered greatly.

However, as a new generation of wizards, Vivienne, Susan, and Caroline have not experienced it personally, so they are only curious about Morris, and there is no rejection, which makes the intuition super-sensitive Morris very happy, not to mention that he has been a long, long time. I haven't had a good chat with people, especially friends.

Forget about enemies like Ernst, he can't wait to smash the body of the **** who robbed his home.

Guai Liluo grabbed the six-eyed evil lion's tail and dragged it to Lilith. Lilith rubbed Guai Liluo's head: "Do you want it to be your pet?"

Hearing Lilith’s words, the flame hellhound who jumped around trying to please Liluo was the first to be unwilling, and could not help but jumped over and let out a roar, showing his own existence, the shackled six The evil lion glanced over, and the flame hellhound suddenly withered, and moved back with its tail clamped.

The flame hellhound suddenly thought that this demigod-level beast had been defeated and was tightly bound. Why should he be afraid of it? Suddenly he became courageous and jumped up and down in front of it. The flaming claws slammed the six-eyed evil lion's nose, and directly slapped its tears out.

Lilith, Guai Li Luo:...

This counselor was tall and mighty, and his strength was also a demigod elementary level, but he was beaten and cryed by a dog. This level instantly dropped countless times, okay?

"Slayed, eat meat." Guai Liluo changed her mind very quickly, mainly because it was too embarrassing to take out such a demon pet.

The arrogance before the six-eyed evil lion disappeared without a trace for a short time, and the six eyes were full of panic. One paw slapped the ground hurriedly and whimpered in his mouth.

"What is it talking about?" Lilith surrendered to Guai Liluo, who said blankly: "Don't steam it, make it braised."

Lilith couldn't help but get a black line. This was definitely not the original words of the six-eyed evil lion, it was purely blame Liluo for being hungry, no, she was greedy.

"Little Luo, braised lion head is not done like this." Lilith wants to tell Guai Liluo that braised lion head is just the name of a dish given to her by the master. In fact, the lion head is really not used, but this sentence When it fell into the ears of the six-eyed evil lion, it immediately changed its taste, and hurriedly practiced and slapped the ground, causing smoke and dust. Blaming Liluo's look at it, the six-eyed evil lion immediately became honest and let out a whine.

Lilith smiled and rubbed Wei Liluo's little head and said, "Xiao Luo, you are now an aunt. You can't lie in front of Zelo, otherwise you will teach Zelo."

"Zeluo, Zeluo." Little Lori, the bright sacred dragon, heard her mother calling herself, and immediately let out a cheerful laugh.

Guai Liluo looked at Shenglong Xiaoluoli. She still cared about the identity of her aunt. Although she wanted to eat braised lion head, she tried to help translate: "Please forgive me, I don't want to die."

"But I didn't see that it meant to surrender." Lilith frowned, and the six-eyed evil lion over there immediately rolled over with effort, obediently offering his belly, well, this is the standard action of the lion's surrender.

This time I don’t need to blame Liluo for translating, Lilith also knows what it means, but this time she is more straightforward: “Too The position is not firm enough. She is clearly the partner of the night elves. Betrayed soon. Sure enough, let’s kill and eat the meat. Today I will make you authentic braised lion head in braised sauce."

The six-eyed evil lion turned over, paws the ground vigorously, and let out a rapid growl.

"It said that the night elves are not partners, no contracts, **** shovel officers. It, yes, was caught, and cannot resist, a Tier 5 powerhouse."

Lilith narrowed her eyes slightly, "Now that you have been caught by us, are you just rebelling and can't just make things happen temporarily?"

"Pap! Pap! Pap!" The six-eyed evil lion slapped the ground and bowed his head to admit defeat, with a very sincere attitude.

Guai Liluo continued to translate without expression: "It is willing to sign a contract, you, or me."

"It's ugly, don't." Guai Liluo directly said his choice, Ugly refused to explain, and Lilith was even more impossible, a big curly dog, where is her own little Lori cute.

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