The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1268: Morris' choice

As an adult giant tree man who has lived thousands of years, Morris knows more than Lilith imagined. He has not experienced the glory of the giants, but has experienced the decline of the giants. He has resisted the goblins. The tyranny of the empire has resisted the invasion of **** demons.

Because of the peculiarities of the giant tree people, he received the education of the pure giants, and he was regarded as a member of the giants of the last generation. The giants after him have become thugs of the gods, and have gradually forgotten the glory and pride of the giants.

The giant tree man is gentle, but he also has his own pride and his own bottom line. To the dragons and the gods, Morris does not have much hatred and dissatisfaction. As a member of the giants, he still has this trace in his heart. Guilt, guilt for all races in the entire world.

It is precisely because of the courage of the giants that this led to the disaster of the entire world. This is the truth that father taught himself and told himself the fact that he knew that his strength was limited, so he had been silently contributing and guarding.

"After that disaster, some of my tribe and I fell into this empty space fragment. My tribe sacrificed themselves to perfect this alien space, allowing me to survive and build this space into the home of the giant tree people." Morris 'S voice is a little low.

"Beneath this land are buried my father, a Tier 4 pinnacle giant tree man, and a Tier 4 high-level **** demon. That is a night elf demigod powerhouse. Their bodies have turned into this piece of land. The cornerstone of the space stabilizes the space and promotes the growth of the space."

"With the power of the giant tree man, I planted countless flowers and trees in this vast space, adjusted the magic balance of this empty space, and transformed the magic of **** into the magic of peace in our world. After thousands of years, this space has grown. There have been many towering trees, and among them there are nearly 10,000 trees that have awakened spirituality. They are all the spirits of nature and the seeds of treant warriors."

"When the local **** demons found here following the bloodline induction, I thought about rising up, but the enemy's strength was too strong, that night elf, this six-eyed evil lion, plus a half-god high-level Hydra, I can't resist and can only leave alone, watching them do whatever they want here."

"These **** demons didn't mean to kill them all, and they didn't notice the abnormality of these children, but they still caused a lot of harm here. I couldn't and didn't dare to save those children. I just watched them. be destroyed."

"The Hydra left soon. Only the night elves and the six-eyed evil lion are left here, as well as more night elves. They settled here. I challenged again and again and strictly prohibited them from destroying the forest. They seem to It didn't mean to kill me completely. Although it wounded me again and again, it couldn't kill me. So we stayed in a stalemate, stalemate, for decades."

"Some time ago, the **** demon took the initiative to attack me, and threatened to behead me if I didn't submit. It seemed that when the time came, they might have some conspiracy. I began to avoid them in this space. It was created by me. No one knows this place better than me. When I decided to hide from them, they couldn't find me until you came."

"Children, your youth shocked me, and your strength made me very happy. I am very relieved to see you. With your help, I finally expelled the **** demons, although many of my children were injured. , But they are the spirits of nature. As long as they take root in the earth, they can fully recover in dozens of hundreds of years and become brave Treant warriors again."

Lilith, Guai Liluo and others quietly listened to this tall old man quietly telling about his past, the efforts of the giant tree man, the cruelty of the battlefield of the abyss, the power of **** demon, and the firmness of his belief.

"Children, the **** demons will not give up. They must be brewing more powerful forces and are preparing to launch more brutal attacks. This alien space has been marked by them. I have nowhere to hide. I can only passively challenge. But children , You can leave from the previous space channel. Go back to the base behind the abyss battlefield, you have an infinitely bright future, and I am old, ready to fight the final battle in this place."

Morris has lived here for too long and too long. After a long time, his relatives and friends almost no longer exist. The giant branch status of the giant tree made him not have too many friends. Thousands of years have passed and he has fewer friends. , And this is his home, and thousands of large trees with spirituality are his children.

As he said, this alien space has been marked by the **** demons. As long as they are willing to pay the price, they can establish a new space channel. As for the current space teleportation array, it has already been temporarily cut off by the control of Xiaowei.

"Is it possible to control the space by finding the space key, and thus manipulate the connection between the space barrier and the outside world?" Lilith asked casually. She knew the answer very well. After all, she had done it twice before, Centaur. The alien space of the clan and the alien space where Mrs. Mochizuki is located are all controlled by Xiaowei. The list is smoothly transformed into a vassal of the Snowwood World, free from the connection of the **** demon in the alien space.

The giant treeman Morris gently shook his head and said: "It's not the case, it can be said that on the contrary, in the battlefield of the abyss, the controlled space is more dangerous."

Lilith couldn't help being shocked when she heard the words: "This, this is impossible, right? Can't the space controller control the different space, close the connection with the outside world, and expel the invasion of foreign enemies?"

The giant tree man Morris laughed and said: "Little guy, don't believe too much in the authority of the so-called master of space. For the demigod, the authority of space is only equivalent to a special domain, and the power gap in this domain is very different. In large cases, there is no effect. A demi-god junior-level powerhouse with space authority may not be the opponent of a demi-god mid-level powerhouse who has no spatial authority. They are just roughly equal. It depends on how they really fight. Play."

"And the so-called expulsion ability of the Lord of Space has no effect on the demigod powerhouse in the unfolding domain. As for manipulating the space channel to isolate the inside and outside. Ha ha, is it really possible to isolate the real powerhouse?"

Morris said softly: "A space with an owner will have a special rhythm. There will be a certain range of induction between the owner of the space and the owner of the space, resulting in a trace of connection. The space without an owner is different. This kind of space Although the barrier is in a semi-open state, it seems to have a natural barrier and is generally not easy to be discovered. Unless the foundation of this space is filled with the breath of a strong race, and it is noticed by a master of the same race, or a very unlucky space has occurred. collision."

Lilith couldn’t help being shocked when she heard the words, but she suddenly thought of the peculiarities of Snowwood World, and she immediately relieved her heart, not to mention that Snowwood World is not an ordinary alien space. There is a complete world barrier instead of a spatial barrier. The lord of the different space cannot find it at all. The Snowwood World also has a defense built by the Tree of Life and the Tree of Death, plus the Destiny Dzi to help cover it. As long as they don't take the initiative, they will not be found in the outer space.

Unless they can control Weier, Lilith, Guai Liluo, and Weiya, even Mrs. Night and others have no permission to take people in, unless they get temporary authorization, but it seems that Mrs. Night has just applied to bring Xiaoluo Mochizuki. The way Li came over.

"By the way, the space key of this space is in my hands, but I haven't used it all the time." The giant tree man Morris's words left Lilith speechless. Thanks to her own question, or else activate it. The manpower worked so hard to find it, and it is estimated that you will regret your death afterwards.

"If we can provide a safer space to carry you and these children, are you willing to migrate?" Lilith hesitated and finally made her request: "This alien space has been marked by the **** devil. We hope to build this place into a battlefield, a decisive victory over the battlefield."

The giant tree man Morris froze for a moment, with a bright smile on his face: "You are a kind child. For these children, the battlefield is also their destiny. I understand your kindness. If you are really ready to This is a battlefield against the demon of hell, and I will also be the vanguard general on the battlefield."

Morris waved his arms and laughed and said, "Giant races are natural warriors, even if they are docile giant tree men!"

Lilith was silent for a while, and she couldn't help but smile: "It is our honor to have your full support. Please believe in our sincerity and strength. In the end, we will bring you back to our world and give you peace and tranquility. life!"

"Hahahaha, kid, I believe in you! But you have great potential and an infinitely bright future. If you can't do anything, you can give up here. A different space is not worth your hard work." The giant tree man Morris said to Lilith. Slightly moved, this is his homeland that he has survived for thousands of years, and he is willing to give up for himself and others.

No, maybe he is not willing to give up, but is not willing to let himself and others be buried, maybe he himself will be destroyed with here.

A moment later, at a depth of 100 meters below the bottom of the castle, the giant tree man Morris took out a withered branch, and this was the key to this space. The night elf Ernst had searched for a treasure that was impossible for a century.

The first time Lilith got this thing, she contacted Little Ville. Regarding the key to the refining space, Lilith, Guai Liluo, etc., even if ten or a hundred add up to nothing. Shang Xiaoweier, he practiced the "Creation Code", based on a growth-oriented world, which has an absolute advantage in refining and absorbing space.

But for a moment, the scenery in front of me changed suddenly, and a tall tree full of vitality came into view. Lilith smiled at Morris: "Welcome to the new home, this is a small world we control. Snowwood World, this is one of the spine of the world, the tree of life, and it is also the place you need to guard next."

Morris' eyes widened, his mouth closed and he couldn't make a sound.

What is the tree of life?

As a pure member of the giant clan, he knew more and deeper than Lilith, tears rolled down, and Morris knelt under the tree of life, his forehead against the ground, tears streaming down his face.

"It is my honor to serve you, the great tree of life!"

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