The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 829: The troubles of Selma Silvi

Through the seven-story holy tower, Ville, Lilith, Angeline, and Rutherf Wilson easily appeared next to Guai Liluo. The third-order **** demon was too late to react, and was besieged by four holy masters. Jasmine, who was on guard not far away, could only displease her plan to release the four-legged flying dragon to make a fuss.

   "Xiao Luo, why don't you use the big devil spider web to withstand the suppression of the devil spider web." Xiao Weier rubbed Wei Li Luo's slightly messy hair and asked softly.

   Guai Li Luo squinted his eyes and enjoyed his brother's head-killing, "Too weak, no need to fight."

Seeing Rutherf Wilson’s puzzlement, Angelie, who had been with Wei Liluo for more than a year, explained it with a smile, “Xiao Luo means that the enemy’s strength is too weak for her to use the demon spider web, even if she uses it. Two hammers can defeat him."

   This is a real Tier 3 **** demon. She was almost injured in the counterattack just now. This little loli actually disliked the opponent's weak strength and disdain to use secret weapons. Is this little girl also a holy master?

   This should be impossible

Rutherf Wilson thought about the feelings just now. This little Lolita seemed to be really strong, and it seemed that the two gods of Vail and Lilith were not suppressed and timid when facing the third-order **** demons, but fought instead. There is a handy feeling, it is really hard to say how much credit I took in this sneak attack.

   "You" Rutherf Wilson hesitated. After all, it was indeed impolite to directly ask about the opponent's strength, but this question made him feel uncomfortable like a cat scratching his heart.

"The enemy over there has noticed the movement here. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. We must leave immediately." A vine tentacled in Ville's hand flew out, and the Tier 3 **** demon's body was swept away and disappeared. Then Lilith pulled Jasmine. , Angeli, Little Ville held Wei Liluo in one hand, and Rutherf Wilson with the other hand flashed into the seven-story holy tower.

   After a moment, Selma Silvi hurried over, but there were no traces left except a mess, um, except for the ground that was smashed by Li Luo's hammer.

   "Is this the trace left by the battle between the dragon and the giant"

   "No, it looks like a scene where two giant monsters are fighting."

Selma Silvi’s face was cold, and countless thoughts in her heart turned quickly. Did she underestimate the strength of the Tianlai Song and Dance Troupe? Even if the ancestors suppress the demigod of Baihuayin tomorrow, can others suppress the Tianlai Song and Dance. The team and the support team of the Holy Kingdom, the troops of the Mercenary Association

   I have carefully studied the information of all of them, and it is impossible to be so powerful, unless the kid from the sister control group summons helpers, two semi-god powerhouses or even the legendary unknown master-god powerhouse.

   It seems that he has made a mistake with his biggest opponent. If the sister control group goes all out, it seems that he really can't beat it, even if the power of the entire siren banshee clan is assembled, it is impossible to cause any threat to the main god-level powerhouse.

The main **** powerhouse should not be so idle, after all, it was the invasion of the sixth-order **** demons before, which alarmed the main **** powerhouse, he is also one of the three sea clan kings, and he is not in direct conflict with this kid. Baihuayin, even if that kid asks for reinforcements, at most it is Professor Wezel of the classical school and the demigod shadow dragon who doesn't know where it is hiding.

   But these two demigods can’t be dealt with by themselves. I only invited a demigod ancestor. Selma Silvi suddenly felt a sense of frustration. The backstage was hard but the other party could do nothing.

   Wait, why do I have to fight them head-on

   Isn’t my mission to obstruct Baihuayin’s mission, as long as she destroys her performance?

   lack of masters

It’s not a face-to-face fight. It doesn’t matter if a master is not a master. There are many ways to destroy Baihuayin’s performance. Belief is poisonous and I have a little understanding from the ancestor. try it

"Everyone, for tomorrow's performance, I need more and more **** demons to join in, and contribute your grievances when I can hear the sound of Hundred Flowers. Can you do it?" Selma Silviy had an idea. The spirit of the whole person has become different, so confidently

Those who dared not show up with them looked at each other.

   Is this idea a secret weapon against demigods or gods?

  Believe as a god, is resentment the poison?

   Selma Sylvie, you seem to have leaked a very big secret to us. All the **** demon Qi Qi gave the Selma Sylvie a thumbs up. If we eat inside and out, we will just take you.

   Just for the big secret that you leaked, we will also vigorously verify it tomorrow.

Although knowing that Baihuayin would counterattack, Selma Silvi did not stop hunting the troubadours in the slightest. For one thing, changing orders from time to time is contrary to his own principles, and it would appear that he had not considered it thoroughly. Secondly, the weakening of Baihuayin still needs to be done. Go on, even if you pay the price of ten **** demons for each hunting of a troubadour, you will not feel distressed. After all, the reward you give is based on the strength and number of the troubadour, not the damage of the shooter.

  For Selma Silvi, Baihuayin and Hell Devil are not her own, all she wants is benefit

Selma Silvi, who made up his mind, led everyone straight to the central square. The night was deep, but the central square was brightly lit, and the pedestrians around were endless, even better than during the day. The city that never sleeps belongs to the Siren Banshee. The first city is also the pride of Selma Silvi.

The central square is very huge and the geographical position is superior. This is one of the reasons why Baihuayin chose this place. Selma Silvi looked at the huge and exquisite conch goddess statue in front of her, and suddenly felt that her heart was fluffy, and a feeling of something bad was flooded. Heart.

   "Salute to the great ocean goddess" Selma Sylvie respectfully performed a courtesy of seeing the gods, and then led people to turn around and leave.

Baihuayin, you are a bit too much. It is not accidental that the indulgent paradise has no faith, but the result of the siren banshee deliberately. This is the place where the siren banshee is reserved, in order to become the **** of indulgent or pirate in the future. A place of faith reserved by the gods.

   It’s okay if you come over and find yourself uncomfortable, but you have blatantly erected the statue of the goddess of the ocean here. This is a made-up decision. What you can’t get will not be left to us.

As one of the three royal families of the Sea Clan, the siren banshee dare not find uncomfortable in the sea goddess even if he is careful. The sea goddess is the ruler and protector of the sea, and the mother of all sea creatures, the siren girl. No matter how careful the monsters are, they cannot give up their belief in the goddess of the sea unless they decide to completely betray the world and plunge into the embrace of hell.

They are very aware of the power of hell, but it is precisely because they know the power of **** that they have a somewhat ambiguous attitude towards hell, but they are extremely wary and uneasy. Overly powerful allies are not allies, because they are likely to swallow you at any time. Next, they don't doubt the behavior of **** demons at all, they are absolutely profit-only **** invaders.

"The goddess of the ocean is noble and inviolable. Exposing the statue of the goddess under the crown of the goddess in broad daylight is a humiliation to the goddess. I will send someone to build a temple here after tomorrow. Well, the temple is temporarily closed, and it will be suitable. The bishops, priests, and knights of the temple will open again Selma Silvi’s voice is a little low, she always feels that things are not that simple.

   A demigod is a demigod. Even a **** of music who is not well-known can keep oneself busy and exhausted, but such an opponent is interesting, isn't it?

   "I hope to get your strong support, and the rewards will be doubled. Tomorrow I want more **** demons to come and cheer for the goddess of music."

"The appearance of a new goddess of justice is not in our interest. Compared with the goddess of music, we appreciate the possible indulgence gods, pirate gods, and fallen goddesses of the banshee clan. Tomorrow you will see more from the abyss. Friends came to cheer."

   "The siren banshee will always be my friend to hell, and the enemy of a friend is also our enemy. The conspiracy of the goddess of music will not succeed."

Seeing the **** demons slapped their chests to show that they would cooperate with me, Selma Silvi felt very uncomfortable in her heart. People gathered in groups by similarities, could I only be with this group of rubbish? What should I do if this group of **** are killed together

   Hmph, before the ancestors become gods, they still have a lot of value to use. When the ancestors become gods, they will settle accounts with you and know the current affairs.

Selma Silvi of Selma kept smiling, saying a lot of promises, but condemned them to death in his heart.

   Patriarch, when on earth will you become a god, I really can’t hold onto this land.

   At this moment, Selma Silvi, one of the five kings of the Siren Banshee, is very troubled.

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