The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 830: The game before the start

The **** of music, Baihuayin, is about to show a miracle in the central square of the Indulgent Paradise. This news cannot be concealed anyway. To survive in the Indulgent Paradise is one aspect of strength, and being informed is also the way to survive, not to mention Baihua The posture of Yin Chengcheng is so big, how could it be unobtrusive.

Even if Selma Sylvie did not actively promote the news, in the process of gathering the troubadours in the support group of the Holy Kingdom these days, they have traveled throughout the city and spread the news everywhere, as long as they are not deaf. I heard the news more or less.

Early in the morning, the Tianlai Song and Dance Troupe began to prepare. Dianna and Bishop Holly looked at the sudden appearance of a large group of gorgeous steel puppet mounts, and suddenly felt that the equipment on their side was very low. Is professional.

Little Ville shrugged and said: "When we first arrived, the Siren Banshee wanted to isolate us completely, and sent a large team of people to **** us. We only need to take advantage of them. Now they have come back to their senses, this It is impossible to rule out such a large team at one time to cooperate with us to build momentum, but it will weaken our momentum as much as possible."

"Other people's is always only someone else's, and your own is controllable, so..." Needless to say, everyone will understand the following words. A rider is equipped with a mount. The average mount does not bring much shock, unless it is all-in-one. Enter the ranks of the beast mounts, but there are not many such things. Even in the holy kingdom, it is impossible to carry so many beast mounts with them. They are all true elites. The battlefield is their home. They are wasted as a guard of honor. .

There is no level of warcraft mounts, but Ville replaced them with leveled steel golems. Not only did their role not diminish, they were easier to shock people. Twenty more leveled iron golems stepped on neatly, "Boom! "It's impossible to move forward without being noticeable."

In the gorgeous car wheel, Baihuayin was surrounded by a misty faint mist. The petals that Angeli and Nicole sprinkled with a faint scent, everything looked very beautiful, but the people watching on both sides of the road were not. Many, today’s sky is clear and the temperature is moderate, but there are not as many people out as expected.

An arc of sarcasm appeared at the corner of Littleville's mouth: "Selma Sylvie seems to have become so a little smarter, she would actually think of sending people out of the city in large numbers by publishing tasks. However, in the face of absolute strength, everything Little tricks are nothingness! Selma Sylvie, you are still a bit too tender, you don't know anything about the strong."

The master of Indulgence Paradise, Selma Silvi, one of the five kings of the Siren Banshee clan, stood in the central square, surrounded by hundreds of advanced sea clan masters, waiting here early and seeing the streets Pedestrians in twos and threes, a happy arc appeared at the corners of their mouths, "Baihuayin, this is the indulgence paradise, the island controlled by my Selma Silvi, I won’t let you get on fire, even if there is a big fire Can hold back, what about the demigod powerhouse? The power of my siren banshee clan is not something that you, a **** of music, can shake."

"I will let you know what power is!" Selma Sylvie saw the team slowly walking in the distance, the Tianlai Song and Dance Troupe, members of the Mercenary Association, the support group of the Holy Kingdom, and the troubadour. The number of complexities is less than five hundred, and the number of people gathered around to watch the excitement is only two to three hundred, and more of them are some powerless punks, little people who are not worthy of her attention.

The "boom boom boom" footsteps are getting closer, and the four-legged flying dragon headed by the head unscrupulously releases its immature dragon power, and Selma Sylvie can also feel a trace of depression, the blood of this dragon. It seems to be very pure, but it is normal to think about it. The two-legged wyvern was originally a high-level monster, and the four-legged wyvern evolved from the two-footed wyvern is closer to the dragon's bloodline. Such performance is normal, right? .

The steel puppets are fierce and mighty, and their size and weight alone cannot be ignored. The light of steel is full of wild beauty, and it is in sharp contrast with the gorgeous chariots behind. Steel tenderness? It always feels a little weird, the improvised team, with such a formation, can be considered very hard. Selma Silvie pouted and took the initiative to win.

Leaving aside other things, the momentum cannot be suppressed. Today is the battlefield. When I suppress Baihuayin’s momentum, the ancestors will then take advantage of the momentum and reputation of Baihuayin to promote themselves. , And step into the road of becoming a god.

The siren banshee family should also have their own gods!

"Welcome to the goddess of music, wish the **** of music a successful concert, and wish the **** of music to become a **** as soon as possible!" Selma Sylvie led a team to greet the goddess of music. She said all the good words of blessings, but she uttered the music in one mouth The preaching became a performance of the song and dance troupe, and debunked the essence of Baihuayin demigod.

"No gift!" The steel puppet stomped his feet, turned and stood neatly, Baihuayin's voice came from the car wheel, and Ville had no intention of stopping while driving the car wheel, and Baihuayin was not in the central square. Get out of the car at the entrance, just glance at Selma Silvi with a smile.

Selma Silvi’s complexion instantly turned blue, and the silver teeth clenched tightly and almost didn’t hold back the break. Baihuayin seemed to be a bit too big. Although you are a demigod powerhouse, you are also stunned at any rate. One of the five great kings of the banshee clan, the dignified third-order holy master doesn't want face?

Moreover, in order to overwhelm the opposite side, he brought a Tier 3 Siren Banshee, two Tier 3 masters of the Sea Clan, and two Tier 3 masters of the Indulgence Paradise, including six Tier 3 masters. On the surface, there were only three Saint-level masters, including the Yalong, but there were only four, but Baihuayin stepped everyone on her side under her feet as soon as she came up.

In this imposing battle, Selma Silvi fell to the wind in an instant. She got up early and greedy the plan made by the dark, and paid so much to expel and restrain so many people in Indulgent Paradise. In the end, Baihuayin made a move and a word. came back?

Hum, Baihuayin is a demigod, and it will make you proud for a while. When you cry, the Indulgence Paradise is the back garden of my siren banshee clan. Let's see how you deal with countless grievances.

The gods that the siren banshee wants to achieve are not good birds. Whether it is the **** of pirates or the **** of indulgences, they have to face countless grievances. The siren demigod gave Selma Silvi the task except To prevent Baihuayin from preaching in Indulgent Paradise, there is also to use countless resentments to attack Baihuayin and see how she responds.

For the pioneer of the king, this is the definition of Baihuayin by many demigods.

"Lead the way in front of your head!" Baihuayin unceremoniously regarded Selma Silvi as a leading servant, but facing the pressure of the demigod, Selma Silvi could only bite her teeth. Pharyng, if you bring someone to provocation yourself, you have to bear the consequences of the failure of the provocation.

Feeling overwhelmed, Selma Silvi knew that she was a miss, so she could only smile and welcome Baihuayin's chariot into the central square.

The two knights, Lilith and Jasmine, guarded around the chariot, the steel puppet formation changed to surround the chariot, and forcibly isolated Selma Silvi, so that she could perform herself in peace." "Lead the way the servant" duty.

With the sound of music, the performance has already begun. Tianlai Song and Dance Troupe is mainly based on Baihuayin, but it does not mean that there is no strong person except Baihuayin. Most of the people in Tianlai Song and Dance Troupe are above the advanced level, and music, singing and dancing is even more important. Being proficient in everything, Baihuayin is a master of music, and there is no shortage of music masters around him.

The high music is uplifting, as if the rising sun is full of vitality. The first sound of music is not so shocking, but it can spread far away. It can be heard clearly within a hundred miles. Selma Silvi's eyes narrowed. , I was secretly shocked: This is the effect of the magic circle! There is a magic circle master in the team!

Or, this car is not easy!

Selma Sylvie gave a wink, and the speed of the team around him started to increase. The leader has this benefit. I have the final say on the speed, and the rhythm is taken by me.

However, Ville didn't intend to cooperate with her, he still moved forward unhurriedly. The car wheel seemed to be integrated into the music, and the leading party and the large army were directly out of touch, but he turned a blind eye and continued to advance slowly and firmly.

"Asshole!" Selma Sylvie cursed secretly. This is completely different from what I had imagined. What I can do is to expel or restrict most of the people in the central square in a radius of more than ten or twenty miles. Freedom, but Baihuayin’s field control range has reached an astonishing one hundred How can I play?

"Hmph, faith is not that easy, just hear the sound but not see the person, the faith still can't reach you, Baihuayin, you haven't won this game!" Selma Silvi still refused to admit defeat, early He ran to the center of the central square, set up his position and waited for Baihuayin's challenge, and at the same time secretly gestured to impose martial law around him.

"Boom!" A few hundred meters away, the chariot walked out for five minutes, and completed a large piece of music before reaching the destination. The time control was seamless, and the steel ladder fell to the ground with sound. Angeli reached out very gentlemanly. He helped Baihuayin to take off the car.

Rutherf Wilson saw Angelie scratching the palms of Baihuayin's white gloves as if provoking herself, almost ran up and kicked her, shouted, let go of the goddess, and let me come!

He is also very helpless. His own dignified holy temple knight needs strength and strength, looks good, and has received a strict temple knight education, but he can't get close to the goddess in his mind. Instead, he is dressed as a tomboy all day long. From time to time, the **** showed his intimacy with the goddess.

If you are a man, I will definitely challenge, and then rub you on the ground in an open manner, but a girl, this knight really can't do it.

It can be installed! On the other side, Selma Sylvie frantically complained, Baihuayin, you are a strong demigod, not a weak lady, is it really necessary to look like this?

But it's really style, what should I do if I suddenly feel that the Baihua sound like this is beautiful? More than half of the people around him were a little bit turbulent because of this small move.

A group of pig teammates who succeeded less than failed!

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