The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 905: Invasion of Treasure Court

The faint mist of the half-elf house was rising, and the slightly dim lights could not fully illuminate all the corners of the wide commercial street. A team of five patrols stepped neatly from one end to the other, more than a thousand meters. It's not too far away, but the hidden wealth must not be underestimated.

More than a dozen figures were divided into several groups and sneaked in quietly. In the square under the night, Domingo's complexion glanced at the cross still standing there, and then a witchcraft broke it into pieces, and he secretly made up his mind. Even if they kneel in front of them, they will not forgive them. The dignity of pure-blooded nobles cannot be tarnished, but they have tarnished their dignity. Only blood can wash away their stains, and only flames can burn their own. anger.

"Snatch all the things, burn all the shops, don't leave them anything useful!" Domingo gave orders to several holy masters behind him, and several people laughed, and quickly crossed the square to sparkle in their eyes. The commercial street rushed past.

There are many shops here, and there is only one place that fascinates Downs the most, Treasure Pavilion!

Five first-order weak chickens were quietly brought down by his subordinates. Downs brought the speed and flexibility of his elf rangers to the extreme, and the first one rushed to the gate of the treasure pavilion. This three-story luxurious building used It was not the elves style, but the human style. As for the style of the kingdom and empire, Downs couldn't tell.

With a long sword in his hand, he easily loosened a hole in the wall not far from the gate. Even the stones were put away by him. The warning mechanism on the gate was so obvious that he couldn't hide it from him. Little tricks are nothing for him, and he has personally inspected them in half a day.

There are many things on the first floor of the treasure pavilion, but they are aimed at the non-enterprise and the first tier. The second floor of the treasure pavilion is for the second tier. The treasures on the third floor are the ones that can truly impress you, and there is the crystallization of inheritance.

The demon wolf's inheritance crystallization is useless to him, but it can be used in exchange for what he wants, and soon it will be the five hundred years of life of the head of the orc night wolf tribe. This inheritance crystallization should be able to win a lot of glory.

The magnificent interior decoration of the Treasure Pavilion, Tangs didn’t even look at it. He swayed and reached the top of the stairs. The door to the second floor was closed. A witchcraft in Tangs's hand was shining with a faint light, and the door came out. The sound of "click" slowly opened.

"Very cautiously arranged, there is also an early warning device on the ground, but I underestimated the little guy's caution." A light spot appeared on a compass in Downs's hand, and he quickly reached the second floor at the position indicated by the light spot. , A steel puppet was standing there from the second floor to the third floor.

"It's actually a demon costume puppet, this flashy thing hasn't been lost." A cloak appeared on Tangs quietly, and the whole person could not see it in a blink of an eye, and then quietly came to the demon costume puppet disguised as an ornament, and it was like lightning. It is included in the storage ring.

The stairs leading to the third floor were full of traps. Downs noticed that the magic vindictive detection device could only use very primitive means to climb up with the telescopic thread. The elf ranger was so versatile.

There are not many things on the third floor of the Treasure Pavilion, but they are extremely precious. The two magic costume puppets were once again easily handled by the invisible Downs, leaving only the booths and the treasures on them shining colorfully.

The gods are obscure, but there are defensive covers of various strengths and forms on the table where the treasures are stored. If they are not opened according to a specific method, they will report to the police, and they will explode and counterattack.

Downs, who had identified the crystallization of inheritance a long time ago, swayed to an inconspicuous corner of the table, only to find that the things on the booth had changed, and he could not help but curse: "This group of **** is okay to adjust the position of the undead. , And I won’t put it away every day and rearrange it. This kind of little trick has a silly use."

Although he said so, Downs still carefully checked the booth and confirmed that there was only one Vientiane Pearl on it instead of the inheritance crystallization he wanted, and turned to the booth next to him, preparing to spend a little time first. Get what you want.

It's not that he doesn't want to take away with the booth, but that these booths are actually fixed on the ground. Unless the defensive cover is broken, it is impossible to harm the booth at all. Rainbow Literature Network

"As expected of Nightcrawler Downs, the number one lurking master of the elves, if you hadn't helped lead the way, it would not be easy for us to arrive here without disturbing anyone." Domingo's voice sounded, and five or six figures appeared quietly.

"Domingo, I only want the crystallization of inheritance, and you can do everything else as you like." Downs said coldly: "I am lonely and fearless. Everyone does their own thing and does not interfere with each other. If the trouble is unpleasant, we will be embarrassed when we meet in the future.

"Nightcrawler is nightcrawler, Downs, everyone knows how precious the inheritance crystals are. Is it really worth paying such a large price for a wolf woman? With this thing, what kind of woman can't get it, even in exchange for it? A favor of the werewolf demigod alone is enough, right." Domingo said grinningly: "The crystallization of the inheritance belongs to me. I will help you get that wolf woman over."

Downs stared at Domingo coldly. An elf hunter and an elf mage had locked him down, and the remaining two elf masters began to crack the defensive cover to search for the treasures here, seeing each booth being broken by them. Downs was a little anxious.

In front of so many treasures, he did not dare to bet. Domingo did not dare to follow the agreement and not attack him behind his back. A flaming red bead appeared in Downs' hands. Domingo couldn’t help but shrink his eyes slightly. How could this **** have this thing?

"Blasting Thunder Fire Orb, Downs, do you want to ruin everything here?" In Domingo's eyes, the treasures in the Treasure Pavilion are all theirs. They are eager to chase after Downs, and there is no time to search for the treasures on the first and second floors. For them, those are not small fortunes.

"Again, I just need to pass on the crystal, leave here and wait for me to get the crystal, everything here belongs to you, otherwise I don't mind if the fish die, no one can get it." Downs knows that the crystal is very strong. It was the explosion of the Explosive Thunder Fire Orb, and most of the things here would not be damaged, but the defensive cover would definitely not be able to keep it, as long as I grabbed the inheritance orb and fled immediately, no one can stop myself.

As for the original owner of Treasure Pavilion after the explosion, it is no longer something that Downs needs to consider.

Domingo and the others, who escaped from the blasting thunder fire bead, need to consider this issue even more. Tangs raised his hand high, and Domingo's face changed suddenly and hurriedly shouted: "Stop! Downs, something is fine. Discuss, impulse can’t solve any problems. In fact, what you want is not the crystallization of inheritance, but the wolf clan woman, I promise..."

The hostility flashed in Tangs's eyes, and the bursting thunder fire ball flew out and went straight to Domingo. His strength, speed, and skill were impeccable. Domingo roared, and the layers of defense barriers turned himself Protected and quickly stepped back and hid behind the other men, cursing Downs, a **** who doesn't know how to lift up, in his heart.

Downs' actions were not really rash. Domingo's character was very clear. His sweetheart was a werewolf aristocrat, but she was just a werewolf aristocrat. It was definitely a sure thing to offer her own brilliance to court. And if Domingo is used to make a deal with the werewolf, he can do more benefits, and his sweetheart may really be given to Domingo as a bonus.

Once Domingo took control of the freedom of his sweetheart, Downs had no doubt that he would become the subordinate of this **** **** from now on. He used similar methods to intimidate many people, and most of his men were gathered in this way. Yes, Downs definitely doesn't want to live a life of misfortune. He even has ample reason to believe that even if this **** gets his sweetheart, something that he doesn't want to see will happen before handing it over to him.

Domingo offends Downs’s inverse” In the loud noise, the entire treasure pavilion collapsed, and countless treasures were torn apart. The treasures were scattered everywhere with the intact ones, and an inconspicuous bead caused it. Downs's attention: the crystallization of inheritance.

In order to seize a favorable position, Towns did not completely avoid the impact of the blasting thunderball. Domingo’s Saint-level masters were injured, and even he himself received some shocks, but they were more afraid of death than Towns. The impact is naturally much smaller.

Typing the piercing sirens endlessly, Towns grabbed the inherited crystallization, then jumped up and rushed out of the broken wall, and rushed to the distance. The enchantment of the sun collar was not easy to offend, which he knew from the beginning. I know, but for the sake of my love and happiness, I have to mess with it if I don't mess with it.

"Chasing! Even if you chase to the end of the world, you have to catch this bastard!" Domingo was furious. These are all his own money. Not only was it gone, but also shocked the original owner. Domingo didn't have the confidence to invade everything. The people are organized, they are now in a carnival, looting resources frantically, and when those enchanting evildoers come over, they are more likely to disperse in a rush than to work together with themselves to completely defeat them.

The deterrence of the five saint-level masters, the two-headed four-legged dragon is still very big.

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