The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 906: Crazy fighting, real mirage

"Hey, the famous Nightcrawler Towns was actually injured. Could it be that there was a conflict with Master Domingo for the inheritance crystallization?" A voice sounded, accompanied by a black light.

The long sword in Tangs's hand danced horizontally, dangerously knocking down the dark arrow that struck, his eyes fell on an elf hunter hiding in a jewelry store, and the bow and arrow in the latter's hand were put away. I didn't have anything just now. The sound of the explosion just now was earth-shattering, and the bandits who had to be cautious had no scruples at this moment, and now is the beginning of the real carnival time!

The elf hunter fought against the defensive array in the shop. A lot of magic accessories were collected by him. These things were enough for him to squander for a long time. The premise is that he can leave the elf island as soon as possible and take this batch of things. , You can’t eat or drink these things. There are too many repetitive things, and you don’t need so much. If you don’t sell them, you still have to smash them in your hands?

Downs was blocked one after another. When he fled to the square, he was intercepted by Domingo's lead. In this direction, he left two men early. This time he did everything he could and hired two saints. Grade-level masters, the purpose is not only to rob the half-elf home commercial street, but also the lone travelers in these elven masters.

Among them, Nightcrawler Downs is the most important point. He is a natural lurker, and even a fearful assassin. This time he was finally brought to the surface, and he was still injured. It would be a pity if I missed it.

Downs went up and down to the corner of the square, trying not to let himself be surrounded. Domingo didn't force him excessively, and half surrounded him. "Towns, this action to rob wealth is not what I am most concerned about. , Wealth is only a number to a certain extent. I am concerned about talents, and you are just the top talents."

"Sworn allegiance to me, I will give you everything you want, woman, power, wealth, reject me, no place to die!" Domingo's words were very direct.

"Domingo, are you not afraid of causing public outrage? I am not the only one who participated in this operation." Downs looked at Domingo coldly, who shook his head and smiled: "You think they will What are you doing against me as an outsider? I am only aiming at you."

"Yes, you are only aiming at me now." Downs bit the word now very hard, and Domingo did not refute, but nodded and said: "Yes, I am aiming at you now. People, who is clear about the future. If in the future Guangming will go crazy and seek revenge on these scattered people, it is really hard to say whether they will surrender to me under pressure."

"After all, the entire commercial street was looted and burned, and their achievements for most of the year were burned, and the wealth accumulated in ten years was looted. If it were me, I would go crazy." When Domingo spoke, two elves on the commercial street The mage shot countless fireballs while running, and the entire luxurious commercial street turned into a sea of ​​fire in a blink of an eye.

An upright and joyful Saint-level master cursed. Many of the good things in these shops were protected by enchantments. They didn't dare to make much movement at the beginning, and their progress was slow. After the explosion of the Treasure Pavilion, they When they could rob unscrupulously, the two **** actually set fire everywhere and burned the places they hadn't had time to search.

Some people use water-attribute witchcraft to fight fires to **** treasures, some violently demolish and destroy them and then look for them, some start sneaking assaults on others, presumably they are hunting treasures by themselves, wouldn’t it be faster to just grab other people’s space rings?

A melee inevitably took place. The fireworks were filled with steam, and the surrounding commercial streets were gradually enveloped by a layer of mist. The Saint-level masters who participated in this operation felt a trace of blood boil in the flames, screaming and screaming.

An elf ranger, a thorn knight, and a druid pressed forward, and not far away, the elf mage and elf hunter locked him tightly. The corner of Tangs's mouth was bitten, and the bloodshots made him a little sober. , Spit out three words gently in his mouth: "Boiling blood!"

Domingo calculated himself and the lone travelers, then who calculated Domingo? Downs doesn’t think that the boiling blood powder was spilled by Domingo, because everyone, including Domingo, seemed a little abnormal. Their eyes were blinded by the blood-red light, their complexion was blood-red, and their murderous aura made people feel creepy. . Ok

This is not what an elf should be like, this kind of animality is really scary.

Downs, as an acquired bloodline awakened, a holy lone traveler, has a rich experience, but this dangerous situation is the first time he has encountered it, and he must find the key to breaking the game as soon as possible, otherwise he will only have a dead end, Domingo 'S state is too abnormal, this is not to subdue himself, but to wish himself to be broken into pieces.

"Wow~" The elf druid turned into a giant bear, with a pair of paws slapped on the ground fiercely, and the ground trembled violently. The giant bear on all fours rushed forward, and the sound of "rumbling" made the heart beat.

Downs moved away in an instant, and the airtight sword waving in his hand knocked down the dark arrows. The elf ranger and the thorn knight surrounded one by one. They abandoned their best fighting method and went head-on. Fighting with Downs, even hesitating to exchange injuries, let Downs get hurt.

"Bang!" With a loud noise, Downs was beaten by a giant bear, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. The whole person seemed to roll over and hit a wall, and the wall was torn apart and buried him.

"Wow~" The giant bear druid roared up to the sky, but the blood-red light in his eyes became more and more bright. He cast his scorching eyes on the two partners around him. Without any words, the three of them went straight to work without saying a word. "Cracking" is a good fight.

"Boom!" A fireball hit Domingo's defensive cover fiercely. An elf mage stared at him with blood red eyes. Domingo furiously waved his wand in his hand, and green rays shot past him: "Simply. The minions dare to resist the great pure-blood elves and nobles!"

"Asshole! Asshole! Asshole! Domingo, you asshole, you kill me ten thousand times!" After the elf mage, the elf hunter also turned back, and directly aimed his bow and arrow at Domingo, and there was chaos in the field.

Under the ruins, Downs talked about a small pocket, took out a green bottle, and labored to pour the medicine inside into his mouth. He also had something like boiling blood, and he secretly put it out in an increased dose just now to make these bastards. Completely maddened and released oneself, and then took advantage of the defeat to appear on the battlefield, giving up the battlefield to these "victors."

A small bead was crushed by him, and the surrounding scene suddenly began to sway violently. The flames in the sky were no longer the luxury shops of the commercial street but piles of firewood. The solid gravel walls are fresh stubborn branches and leaves. A big tree was knocked down by himself, and the others were only less than a kilometer away from him. Two four-legged dragons flapped their wings in the sky, Downs It seems to see the figure above.

They looked at the farce below with indifferent gazes and mocking smiles. The invaders had already hit a real fire. Everyone was injured and even had fallen several times. Domingo had the most people around him, and they attacked each other in chaos. Tuan, a scandal was exposed from their mouths, and it was creepy.

It is not accidental that Domingo, a pure-blooded nobleman, can stand out step by step. His heart is black enough, his hands are dirty enough, but his strength is still a little worse. He is absolutely dead this time, Tangs sees When there is more than one photo-taking stone and phonograph stone floating above his head, he knows that this is a conspiracy, and he is just a pond fish that has been affected.

"Anyone who can wake up from a real mirage is a human being." A voice rang from behind, and Towns trembled before he could react. A big hand fell on his shoulder, a strange force. It heard that there was a violent tremor all over his body staggered, and he instantly lost the power to resist.

"Vill Star Mountain!" Tangs was finally picked up by the whole, and he was able to see the true face of the person who came.

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