The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 918: The demigod who has been used multiple times

Ville, Lilith, Guilleluo, and Leia never showed up after they left. Conroy stayed in the square for a long time until sunset and did not wait for them to come back. He knew that they were certified this time, not in joke.

Sann stayed with him until dark, watching a four-legged flying dragon carrying Léa to the Elf Temple. Ville, Lilith, and Guai Liluo did not follow. Conroy's heart suddenly shrank. He thought of the other one. Big trouble: The reincarnated **** Ling Weiya actually forced her brother to be unable to get close to the temple.

Wei Ya is arrogant and venomous, and often stuns people. Whether it is a god-level high priest or their demigod priests, or even third-tier priests and temple knights, she will not let it go, but there is one thing that cannot be denied, cuteness can do whatever she wants. She still has a lot of crowds and is very mixed up in the temple.

This matter of myself seemed to be a bit reckless, and replaced the Jinglin nobles with the power of a demigod to break the rules, which really offended the three enchanting evildoers, but they would not react so fiercely.

"Go back, it's impossible for them to forgive you in a short time." Sonn sighed and said, "We were all wrong. If I knew that their strength was so strong, I would not use such extreme methods. They became friends and took Domingo from them in a tender way. It is too late now."

Conroy frowned, "They proposed the challenge and substitutions. I played as a demigod indeed a bit of breaking the rules, but I shouldn't be so stingy to break our friendship, let's..."

Our previous friendship is still very good, I have a lot of pictures of you, you actually fell out with me because of a Domingo?

Sann sighed slightly apologetically and said, "I was indeed wrong about this matter, Conroy, how many times do you think you have offended them today?"

"Isn't it just for you to fight with them?" Conroy looked at Sann strangely, hoping to get the answer from this old cunning guy. For this cousin, he despised the weakness, but never doubted it. His ghostly thoughts.

"It's true that I asked you to complete the challenge. According to the rules, victory in the challenge can take away a prisoner. Although you played some fouls, you can pass it more or less. Even if you offend him, it is not too serious. The problem is after this. Sann pointed to the empty cross, "We didn't follow the rules and only took Domingo, but took everyone away."

Conroy was stunned, his brows frowned slightly, things can never be repeated. One shot by himself is already the limit, and he will never take a second shot. If only one prisoner can be taken at a time, then another elven nobleman will how is it? What will happen to their subordinates?

"When you rescued another elven nobleman, when you offended him for the second time, he didn’t say a word but he couldn’t speak because he didn’t say anything, because you are here. As a winner, you have the right to decide whether you need it or not. Obey the rules. Your acquiescence is to continue breaking the rules. This is the second time." San En stunned, can this be decided by himself?

Didn’t you negotiate with that little guy? What's up with me, I'm just a thug.

Sann saw Conroy's thoughts and couldn't help but shook his head slightly and said, "You are indeed the one I invited to help the punch, but as a demigod sacrifice, no one will treat you as a pure thug, except yourself. His approach is generally correct. After all, you are a victor. You need strength and strength, identity and identity. Victors say it is common sense. Even if you are a little too much, they will not be able to resist."

Conroy was shocked. Conroy didn't think it was wrong to save the elven aristocrat. "If it's just an elven aristocrat, I don't think it's worth his break with me. The friendship between us is not so good. cheap."

Conroy is not a fool. He and Ville have been very good before. He is a demigod priest who has few figures and is closely related to him. After all, he is the person appointed by the high priest to be responsible for contacting her.

"Save the temptation of that elven nobleman Isaiah, test your bottom line, test whether that kid will give you face, at this time, she will remain silent, if she succeeds, she will continue to test, even if she fails. Get the favor of that nobleman. At that time, you didn't stop speaking out." Sann’s words left Conroy speechless. If he comes back again, he will not stop him. It does not seem to him to help an elf nobleman. wrong.

"That elven nobleman is also a wise man. He cared about his subordinates for the first time after being rescued. This is the second temptation. It would be better if he could get his subordinates back. If not, it would not have much impact, and he would redeem it afterwards. Even if it’s just a word, it’s a matter of no expense, but success or failure is good, and the result proved that he was right. He successfully rescued his guard, and at the same time caused the kid to lose two holy prisoners. This is your acquiescence, so it will be counted on you." Sann's words made Conroy a black line.

I didn't do anything, but the culprit was all carried on my back?

"If it were the Qing Dynasty so far, even though he was angry, he would never be so gloomy that he would break with you to express his anger and dissatisfaction. The problem is that when those people are testing your bottom line step by step, they actually let everyone go. ." Sonn didn't expect things to go so smoothly either.

"Do you know that you broke their plan and pushed out the time of the rise of the Sunshine Land for ten, twenty, or even a hundred years." Sonn's words seemed as if the sky was a bolt from the sky and Conroy was blown away. Can't find southeast, northwest.

"How is it possible?!" This charge is too big to bear, how could he do this kind of ruining one's future, let alone this person is still his friend.

"Do you know how much benefit these twenty-odd saint-level masters can ultimately bring to the Sunshine collar?" Sann did not ask Conroy to answer, but gave the answer directly: "That elven nobleman and his guard They will definitely not join them. They will pay a huge redemption fee. This wealth will greatly increase the foundation of the Sunshine Land."

"There are not many holy level masters who have the ability to redeem themselves. I don't dare to say that if there are too many, they are at least sure to subdue most of them. I, Isaiah, and Elena all have this ability. It’s impossible for these saint-level masters to be trained by ourselves for hundreds of years. Even if they are evildoers, at a discount, save them a hundred years. Question?"

"What you let go is not only a large sum of wealth, but also the result of their hundred years of hard work. It is you who broke their abacus and pushed back the rise of the Sunshine Land for at least a hundred years." The expression on Sann's face was not serious. , But a touch of joy.

"But I didn't do anything." Conroy was wronged: "He can't push this mistake on me."

"You didn't stop it, or even not saying a word is acquiescence, and those holy masters once bowed to you to express their gratitude before they left, and you, accept it." San En won't let him have the opportunity to report this responsibility for abandoning it. , Not to mention the facts are indeed the case.

Conroy was stunned. He just habitually returned the gift. He didn't even return the gift. He just nodded. This has also become a crime?

"I can issue a statement, the light will be covered by me, and all those who trouble them will be solved by me." Conroy tried to save it.

Sangen laughed and said: "It's too late. Do you think that after today's great battle, after they showed the power of the invincible hand under the demigod, will anyone dare to trouble them? They don't need you now? Asylum, they can hold up a piece of sky by themselves. They are now more than self-preserving, but not enterprising, because there are too few people under them, and the background is seriously insufficient, and these holy masters are the best supplement, but they have been destroyed by you. "

"All this seems simple, but it's a process of trying again and again to compromise. Any link is interrupted, and the result is completely different. Isaiah opened a head, and he quietly moved forward with the rest. In the end, The result is what he wants to see, and you are the one who bears the wrath of that young lord."

Conroy glared at him: "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

San En glanced at him deeply: "I don't want to be this villain and let these holy masters lose the opportunity to regain their freedom. And this is the result I hope to see. The rise of the Light Land is too fast and needs some restrictions. The Elf Island is mainly stable, too much shock will only cause chaos, and no power will be allowed to rise strongly in a short period of time."

"Although this incident was started by Isaiah, it was helped by me in the middle. The appearance of a powerful force outside the elven island is not a good thing for pure blood elves.

"I saw Isaiah show good wishes to his illegitimate daughter." Conroy expressed his dissatisfaction.

Sonn smiled and said: "Proactively showing goodwill to close relations, establishing good relations or even alliances will not affect him to restrict the rise of the Bright Land. Allies are not as strong as possible. Relatively evenly matched, or even relatively weak Allies are the best. If possible, Isaiah will even want to swallow the Land of Light, but this is unrealistic, not to mention the power of the three evil spirits, even Elena will not allow him to do so."

Conroy felt that his IQ was crushed. As expected, people who play politics are black. Sann used himself, Isaiah used himself, the elves and nobles used himself, even the ordinary holy prisoners. I also used myself.

I don't know why, Conroy always feels that the kid who announced his break with him seems to be using himself. Is there any secret behind this that he doesn't know? The pot on his head is getting darker and darker.

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