The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 919: Domingo's end

Conroy returned to the temple in despair. He himself was embarrassed to go to see Ville and the others, so he could only sneak his subordinates to explore the wind, but it turned out that Ville, Lilith, and Guai Liluo did not return at night, Liya, etc. People are busy moving.

Who are you moving for?

Leya, Mojiesi, Jasmine, and Xiao Weiya.

Although Lya stayed in the half-elf house during the day, her house in the temple was always there, and she had to come back every night to make good relations with Mojiesi and Xiao Weiya, and insisted on showing her own presence at home.

This time they planned to move away from the temple, and they really wanted to leave.

To be honest, only Léya is very pious among them, but she has been put under Xiao Weiya's hands. They can live at the top of the temple and at the top of the tree of life, all because of Xiao Weiya.

Without Xiao Weiya, it would be impossible to live at the top of the tree of life with Lya's strength, level, and identity. The god-level and demi-god powerhouses here are the same, and the lowest in strength is also the saint-level, or the one who has established great merits. Kind. As for Mojiesi, Jasmine is not even religious, Mojiesi relies on her daughter, and Jasmine is even more stubborn, relying on the relationship between Baihuayin and Xiaowei to stay.

Now they take the initiative to leave, no one has anything to say, even many people will say that they know how to advance and retreat, but Wei Ya is a little different to leave, the eighteenth birthday of the reincarnated **** is close at hand, when the break through the demigod is a matter of course, she The status of is very noble, it seems a little inappropriate to move to the periphery of the wizard island.

However, their brother, sister-in-law, and sister suffered heavy losses when they were beaten in public by the temple's sacrifice. The two sides broke directly, and it was impossible to get along as peacefully as before. Separation is the best thing. Conroy cannot be allowed to leave. Let the outsiders like Ville, Lilith and Guai Liluo stay.

Xiao Weiya has lived here for more than ten years, but she has never been regarded as her own. No matter how much they like this little guy, she can't change the fact that she is not a member of the temple or a believer in the goddess. She will definitely be a new **** in the future. No one knows what the relationship is under the crown of the fairy goddess. She only knows that she calls the goddess her elder sister, that's all.

Xiao Weiya could not live without the tree of life for the time being. She unexpectedly unlocked the seal ahead of time and restored her memory. The young body could not bear the soul and residual power of the gods, and could only rely on the vitality of the tree of life to help bit by bit. She neutralizes her strength and strengthens her body. Until she reaches the level of a demigod in adulthood, she can initially control her strength and gain a certain degree of freedom.

"My brother is a big idiot, why must I leave with this method? It seems pitiful and shameless." Xiao Weiya was very dissatisfied. My brother was not able to attend her 18th birthday party. You must know that she is looking forward to it. Brother's gift.

As for showing off his beauty and amazing charm to his brother in a beautiful dress, it is second, as long as his brother is by his side, but his brother won't come back three days before his birthday? And he hasn't been able to catch him yet.

"Brother Vere said this is a game. The game between Brother Vere and the high priest and the goddess of the elves, everyone did not care very much, but they need to be cautious everywhere. Brother Vere said that when you become an adult, he will pick you up and live with you. "Liya's words made Xiao Weiya feel a little bit better, but it was only a little bit.

I only have one adult birthday party. If the fool brother doesn’t give me an explanation, I will never forgive him, hum, goddess Wei Ya said that I’m not happy that I will take over my sister-in-law, and let my brother be alone in the boudoir, anytime and anywhere in the future. It is possible to make trouble for my brother and turn all his peach blossom luck into peach blossom catastrophe.

"Idiot Conroy, hum, this goddess remembers you." Obviously there are only three days left, this **** can't go there later, even if he goes on the first day after his birthday, he wants another one. I can't see my brother anymore. Three days is thirty-six hours, seventy-two hours, which is a lot of seconds when converted into seconds, and it takes a long time to count with the number of fingers.

Léa moved the things of Ville, Lilith, and Wei Liluo that night, and Jasmine and Mojiesi’s things will be handled by themselves. Anyway, there is room for the ring. Don’t be afraid to fit them. Ville and Lilith will prepare them for them. The space rings are all high-end goods, the kind with a lot of space.

Early the next morning, Bright Land issued an official wanted order. More than 20 fugitives were wanted. Except for Downs and Domingo, all the others were in the wanted range. The crimes were not only for robbery but also for escape. There is a list of people on it who are forbidden to enter the Land of Light, for a good reason: to assist the prisoner to escape and escape.

These are all saint-level masters who are actually the executors who released those arrested. No one dares to underestimate this statement. As long as they encounter them, they will be arrested and brought to justice. The facilitators are just rejected and not allowed. Entering the Land of Light, any event organized by the Land of Light is not eligible to participate, and the goods of the Land of Light will not be exported to them, and indirectly provide them with the goods of the Land of Light. This is a warning once, and the cooperation is cancelled twice as a accomplice. qualifications.

Conroy's name is not on this list, but he was the first person to be rejected, the first person to be rejected in the name of the Lord of the Land of Light.

Isaiah and Sann were not on this list, but most of the people they brought were on the list. They knew that they had no reason to say nothing about Will's actions. There was indeed nothing wrong with the fugitives. According to their previous agreement, this Groups of people are not eligible for release. They neither paid the ransom nor were released through formal channels.

Then the nobleman who was hinted by Isaiah sent someone to send a generous gift right away and sent it to the half-elf house in a fair manner. The butler apologized to them very sincerely and politely, and pushed all the sins to the limit. Mingo said on his body that our host would imprison himself for three months and stay at home within three months to atone for his sins. This gift is a heart and an apologize.

The housekeeper was very good at coming. He led people to level the square and clean up the cross that his owner had stayed. He turned a timing sign on it, indicating that his owner was not jail-breaking, but was imprisoned in another place. .

The butler sent people here for a long time. They received all the people who came to complain. If it was their fault, he immediately promised to make compensation. With a large number of manpower and wealth, he made a show in the small square and complained one by one. After checking the book, annotated one by one, and made corresponding compensation according to the actual situation.

The actions of the old butler attracted the attention of countless people, and then Ville also hung the list on the square. A time was added to the name of the nobleman, and as the time decreased day by day, the old butler suddenly smiled. .

Everyone is wise, so don’t need to say anything. The other two gifts worthy of the guards are offered. This is not a bribe, but a gift, a gift of apology and gratitude. This time even though the owner of the house was beaten and lost He lost a lot of wealth, but his post-processing has made his reputation rise rapidly, and he even gained greater prestige among the elven aristocratic group, and there is great hope for his status and status.

He didn’t participate in Domingo’s trial. He did it in the form of repenting behind closed doors. Even the two guards were restricted to the family and not allowed to go out. The old housekeeper personally went over and submitted a confession letter, as mentioned above. The few crimes they knew about Domingo were not too big, but they were still an attitude.

Domingo’s crimes are countless. In sum, there are hundreds of large and small, but this is not all, it is only the kind that can be sentenced. Among them, colluding with the **** demon to mutilate his family made the old housekeeper startled in a cold sweat, this Asshole Domingo, many of his friends died in the hands of the **** demon for unknown reasons, and he eventually swallowed his family property, and his owner seemed to be the next target.

Most of Domingo’s floating wealth and the treasures in the secret room were looted by Isaiah and Elena, and most of the rest were properties, houses, and slaves. If the murdered elves and nobles had other heirs, these properties would be transferred to them, if None will be auctioned by aristocratic arbitrators, and the auction proceeds will be used to compensate other victims.

Domingo knew that he had been exposed, and when he was not immune, he started to bite others frantically. Donald was the first, but not the last. He thought that Donald had abandoned him, but Sann, Isaiah, and Elena were very cunning. The expression that Donald is a respectable elder pure blood elves can not be slandered, making Domingo even more crazy.

He began to despair, feeling that the whole world had abandoned him. After he knew he was going to die, he vented fiercely, reviewed and publicized his past "great achievements". Some things were not even included in the complaint. He did. There is evidence that he did it by himself, and only he knows the evidence.

One by one, one by one, which also involved the ugly faces of other elves and nobles, which made the arbitration chaos. Domingo laughed happily when he saw those people panicking. The arbitration had to be suspended after three days. More and more people were involved, making everyone panic. Domingo drew up a long road of promotion for himself, and each target family was mixed with his spy pieces.

Many unknown secrets and crimes of these families were mastered by him. At this moment, they completely broke out. San En never thought that his tribe would have been infiltrated. Although he was just a slave, he had already gained initial trust. You can freely go in and out of tribal places.

The moon elves and the star elves have not fallen Domingo’s madness is beyond everyone’s imagination. His desire has no limit. If it were not for the gods to be deceived, he even wanted to stretch out the evil hands. Xiang Shendian, it's just that he doesn't have this strength.

It’s not that he didn’t want to, but he couldn’t. Domingo revealed his love for his wife. The first time he saw her, he regarded her as his own. In order to get her, Domingo killed nearly a hundred elves, including hers. Husband’s family, and her own family.

Only the helpless woman is the most vulnerable, she will seize the last straw, give everything to herself, and be loyal since then, and he had already succeeded until all the secrets were exposed.

Madame Domingo was ill. Domingo’s sect went underground after only three days. After half a month, after confirming that Domingo had nothing to hide, he was sealed and pushed onto the guillotine. A notice was issued three days before the execution, and everyone was allowed to watch.

Madame Domingo did not go. She was sick, her body was sick, and her heart was sick.

The self-imposed elf aristocrat personally visited Little Vil, gave a generous gift, and then took a three-day vacation to take care of Mrs. Domingo personally. The two poor people who were calculated and injured by Domingo actually...

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