The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 982: You can be willful if you have the strength

The Shadow Village was shrouded in great terror. The village chief and the other people in the village ran completely clean, leaving only Rena and a dozen little girls. At this moment, the Cannibal King and his wife descended, with absolute The strength suppressed Reina and held everyone hostage.

The big devil wants to eat a doll a day, asking them to choose the first one to be eaten, and then Tanya, with a puffy face, bravely stood up, "I am younger than Sister Lena, and older than the others. You eat Stop me."

The crisp voice was trembling, and a dozen little girls cried in unison, Lena's silver teeth clenched, and Ville felt a little unable to end the scene, and finally Lilith stood up.

"Little girl, your strength is too weak. There are not a few meats on your body that are not fat enough. Now it must not taste good, and your bad mood seriously affects the quality of the meat. We need to raise the fat and fat in order to start. . Now, give you a choice not to be beaten, light a fire and cook." Lilith directly threw out a complete monster.

Rena was tied to a pillar in the middle of the village as a hostage. A dozen little girls hurriedly lit a fire to cook, and they didn’t know many things about Lilith, the second demon king. Rena, a well-informed person, was separated by ten meters. Far command them to complete the task.

Then, the barbecue they cooked was disliked by Ville and Lilith, and they were dismissed as **** that pigs and beasts did not eat. They let them destroy it by themselves, and the two of them personally made Renna's mouth water. I swaggered in front of me and enjoyed it.

The gate of the village was broken, and the two big demon kings didn’t mean to mend it, and they didn’t even allow them to do it. Lena shouted that the village chief had left to avoid the upcoming beast tide. The Demon King’s Palace already knew that this place was about to be invaded, but There is no way for Little Vil and Lilith to react at all. They should eat and sleep.

One day passed quickly, and Ville and Lilith turned around a dozen little girls to build a slightly decent house. A blazing bonfire rose in the middle of the village, which made it a lot warmer, Lena told them This is very dangerous, and it is easy to attract Nightwalking Beasts, but they are completely ignored.

As night fell, a dozen little girls brought warm animal skins to Rena, and they fell asleep around Rena, and the bonfire was burning, making them sleep more comfortable than usual.

Today’s food is more delicious than usual. They can’t even think of the seasonings. Although they are denounced as pig food, they are the best food they have eaten so far. Even the fresh water is so sweet. The village tonight is very delicious. warm.

After eating the food carefully prepared by the children, the long-lost flavor of the seasoning made Rena miss very much. The seasoning in her hand was used up half a year ago. There are so many things today that she is a little overwhelmed, but when the surroundings are silent When she was really free, she began to think about everything she met today, and then thought a lot.

In the end, I came to a conclusion that I might have been tricked. The two **** were just retaliating against themselves and asking them to help them withstand the disaster. What cannibalism is simply a lie. As for the torture of Tanya , Seeing the hole under her feet return to normal, and the little girl whose feet were detoxified by the dragon, she also vaguely understood what was going on.

These two people are much stronger than themselves, and the methods are even more powerful. Tanya’s poison is helpless. The village head only knows to use the double-footed dragon's egg white to detoxify, and this young man can do it with a few slaps.

They should be harmless, they just wanted to teach themselves a lesson, and their hearts were burning with anger, but seeing the way these little girls were sleeping, she really couldn't vent it.

Boy, I wrote down this grandma Chou. If you can’t give me a satisfactory answer, I’ll make you regret it.

Ville, who was kneeling on the washboard in the house, almost fell asleep, suddenly sneezed, and Lilith, who was meditating, opened her eyes and looked at him.

Little Ville shook his head, "I don't have a cold, nor is it a hell. It should be some stupid who wakes up and is now scolding me behind his back."

Thinking of Lena, Lilith almost laughed, then glared at him, "You deserve it."

Ville hurriedly raised his hand to surrender, "I was wrong. I really know that I was wrong. I will never dare to do it anymore. Even if the blood is boiling, even if the **** spirit is poured into my mouth, I will not do it again."

"Hmph, remember what I said today, forget it this time, if you do it again, don't blame me for relaying this to Xiao Weiya, Nicole, Léa, and Xiaoye, and finally let the mother come to comment." Lilith can use it. After all the resources were used up, Ville could only vowed not to do it again, which barely calmed Lilith's anger.

"Would you like to put her down, how can she be the daughter of Teacher Troy?" Lilith felt a little unbearable.

Little Will shook her head and said, "If you don't suffer a bit, she won't wake up. Teacher Troy got the two of us in to save this girl, but he didn't tell us clearly, and Professor Wetzel was backed by the circumstance. The black pot, if it hadn't been for overhearing the story she told last night, I really don't know the reason."

"I have to say that Teacher Troy's heart is really big, and he really didn't mention a word to us." Little Will was really convinced by the shadow dragon Troy, and he would convince you without the wall.

"It doesn't have to be a big heart, but the result has already been known." Lilith suddenly thought of something. The shadow dragon's abilities seem to be a little more special, such as divination calculations, maybe the Trojan demigod has already calculated it. , As long as he and Xiaowei enter the path of the dragon, they can save Lena.

The reason why he didn't say anything was not because of a big heart, but because it was unnecessary.

"This is in line with Professor Witzel's habit. It feels a little different from the person of Mr. Troy, but this is the only explanation." From the story of Reina, Mr. Troy still cares about her.

I never know what I get and cherish it. I regret it if I lose it. This girl should suffer a little bit. This can be regarded as educating her daughter for Teacher Troy. According to age, Reina is older than the two of them remembered. .

But age does not mean everything, strength and wisdom are the most important.

Early in the morning of the next day, Lilith personally untied the magic chain, and used a magical technique to help her recover a little, making Lena more sure that yesterday’s episode was a drama. A man is too stingy, and he is the first to move, not I just pitted him casually.

The bad guys are made by Ville, and the good guys are herself. Lilith is very satisfied when she sees Reina's angry eyes watching Ville. This is the result she wants. There are enough girls around Ville. If we continue to increase Going down, this eldest woman myself can't control her.

"Vilsta Mountain, third-tier paladin, third-tier holy wizard." After Ville introduced herself, Reina went crazy on the spot, because she had heard Ville's name. From Troy's mouth, this **** turned out to be Troy. His disciple, even if it is an anonymous disciple, is still a disciple.

In front of Lilith, Ville would not pity Reina and suppress her, deliberately pretending not to know her identity, and even threatened her, and Reina obviously did not want to use her father’s name to make a relationship, just Looking at him coldly, Lilith finally came forward to mediate.

"I want to know the detailed information of this level, according to the equivalent exchange between wizards, these dozen little girls can give it to you."

"They were originally mine."

"When they fall into my hands, they are mine. Do you like this deal or not."

"You **** isn't a Tier 3 master, you have such a strong strength, why don't you just sweep the Demon King's Palace and just pass it horizontally? Let's ask for detailed information."

"It's easy to pass the level or something. I just want to know if there are any good things worth collecting." Little Ville said indifferently, "If you have strength, you can be willful."

Seeing Ville's triumphant look, Lena was speechless, and at the same time she understood the importance of strength more deeply.

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