The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 983: Power distribution and conspiracy

The underground world is very wide, forming a regular circle with a diameter of more than three thousand miles. The passage through the barrier is in the core of the Demon King Hall.

"The Demon King's Palace lives in a Tier 3 bone dragon. Because it is an undead creature, its strength is not as good as before. It controls a group of skeleton soldiers, not to mention, because the predecessor of the dragon race can drive the beasts."

"The passage through the customs is in the Demon King Hall. Just like its name, the Demon King Hall is a huge underground palace with a strong defense force. Moreover, the exit of the customs clearance is behind the Demon King Throne in the depths of the Demon King Hall. If you want to pass the customs, you must face the bone dragon. "

"By the way, behind the Demon King's Throne is a passage that needs to go through layers of tests to reach the exit, and this passage is not accessible to non-passengers and followers. The bone dragon controls the entrance of the passage but has not been able to enter. Its purpose is only to Turn this underground world into its private property."

"The underground world originally had some aborigines. Although they were small in number, they gradually developed with the help of barrier-breakers. There are dozens of them, large and small, as many as a thousand people, and a few hundred or two. When a certain number is reached, the bone dragon will send an army of monsters to conquer, forcing the large tribe to have to live scattered."

"This method of breaking into parts is not complete. The Bone Dragon will randomly select a village tribe to be destroyed every once in a while, and this time the Shadow Tribe has unfortunately become this goal." Speaking of this, Lena was slightly sad. , I lived in this village by myself for more than a year, and I still have some feelings.

"Are you trying to kill chickens and monkeys? It's really a clever bone frame." Little Ville didn't think that the skull dragon had enough power to destroy all the aboriginal villages, but it has never done so. It is very likely that It understands its own situation, and also knows that if the aborigines here are destroyed, what awaits it will be a great purge, or unscrupulous destruction by passers-throughs, which is obviously not what it wants.

Think about it carefully. If there is no Shadow Tribe to hold back and run to the Demon King's Palace with Lena's strength to perform an assassination, who can stand the bone dragon? One day and two days are fine, how about three to five years?

This is also the reason why bone dragons occupies the exit channel of the customs clearance, but often selectively leave a little bit to allow the capable passers to pass. It cannot leave the Demon King Palace temporarily. It is a guard that passively awaits annihilation. If you don’t To let a single passer pass the level, then you can only wait for the passer group to push it.

"It's really a clever bone frame." When Ville exclaimed for the second time, Lilith also wanted to understand the joints. What would happen if she was a guard in a different place? The two of them will definitely choose to unify the underground world directly, collect all the intelligent creatures under their command, and then issue tasks to the passer as a task manager, deliberately making things difficult for them, and allow them to enter the customs clearance exit channel after completing the task.

However, the bone dragon does not have such conditions. Its origin determines that it can only be the opposite, not the mission issuer.

"The underground world is vast, with a diameter of more than three thousand miles. It is centered on the Devil’s Hall. There are people living in four directions: east, west, north and south. There is a geothermal extinct volcano in the south, and aboriginal people dominate the land fire tribe. The barriers have reached Tier 2 in strength, and they have basically been able to equal or even outperform the monsters in the south."

"To the west is a dense jungle, with a large tribe with over a thousand people. They are good at defensive. Although they can’t fight out, they are very stable. They live in a big mountain and have repelled the army of the Demon King’s Palace several times. If there is more than enough progress, they can only defend one side, and they don't have much ambition."

"The north is a vast ocean with a large Xuanshui tribe with more than a thousand people. They live underwater and have basically controlled that area. They have conquered most of the beasts. They are the most stable tribe, but their combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced if they leave the water. , They couldn’t attack the Demon King’s Palace at all. They once wanted to dig a river that leads to the Demon King’s Palace, but they were attacked by the Demon King’s army and suffered heavy losses. Later, the Demon King’s celebrity moved the mountain and the sea and scared the Xuanshui tribe. For more than ten years, an agreement was finally reached, not to change the terrain, but the disputes will not go away."

"We are located in the east, and the terrain is the most complex and changeable. The forests, grasslands, swamps, hills, and Gobi are very messy. There are no really strong tribal village chiefs here, but there are more than 20 small villages because of the terrain. It's complicated, and there are many types of monsters, but there is no group of monsters that are too powerful. The two-headed flying dragons before are already the overlords of this area."

Little Will took out his ears, nodded very casually, and said, "Their lair has a lot of good things, and I can see that I have a pretty good life."

Lena was stunned when she heard the words, and then she reacted: "You copied the Lair of the Wyvern? That's right, you are all Saint-level masters. How could the two Tier 2 Yalongs be your opponents. How? Do you want to unify the entire east?"

"I'm not interested. A group of trash fish-like opponents, except that they can get a little good stuff from their nests, other so-called villages should be similar to this? Dry meat, lack of sun-dried food without much fragrance, even ore. The quality is also very low, what is worth collecting?"

"Magic crystals, how about the magic crystals that these tribes have collected for thousands of years?" Rena was still living in a small bag, with more than 20 magic crystals in it, feeling very comfortable: "This is only my hunting for a year, you can think about it. How much can these tribes accumulate in thousands of years?"

Little Ville touched his chin. This thing is not important to him, but it is a precious resource that the construction wizard likes very much. Julian has already clamored for him to rob all the villages.

Ville's gaze suddenly fell on a dozen little girls not far away, her eyes flashed brightly, Rena immediately blocked his vision with her body, and said vigilantly: "Don't hit their minds, be careful that I turn your face with you."

Little Ville looked at her flat in front of her, couldn't help but curled her lips, Rena naturally saw his eyes clearly, the veins on her forehead were exposed and she wanted to go up and beat him up, but she could consider the comparison of the strengths of the two sides again. , I really couldn't beat him at that time, and the other party was not at all polite to her, and he did not actively reveal his identity, and there was no reason to take advantage of him.

Do you want to confess the identity of Dad Troy? In this way, he becomes his own person, and at least he can help him do some things for free, instead of being called by them for free as if he were a subordinate.

Lena didn’t know at all. She put Little Ville and Lily Ribbon here on the first day. The two of them stayed invisible and listened to her story completely. They already knew her secret, but they were just this kind of thing. Just don't say, want to see how long she can bear it.

And the stubborn personality Rena hesitated again and again, and finally decided not to rely on her father's connections. Now that she has decided to strive for self-improvement, why should she rely on that nasty father?

"Now, Lena, how far is this place from the Demon King's Palace? Is there any other village in between? Is the information you got accurate? Is it the habit of the monster group?" Lilith suddenly asked several questions~www. Lena froze for a moment. Before, she was shocked by the news brought by the village chief, and she was also shocked by the power of the Demon King's Palace. Many things were not considered carefully at all. At this time, I think about it. problem.

"The Shadow Tribe is close to the southeast. It is already a very remote area. It is thousands of miles away from the Demon King's Palace. There are also two or three villages in the middle that pass directly, and there are five or six on the side. Wait, you guys Means, fake Daofang?" Lena was shocked. This kind of cross-border attack seemed to have never been heard before. What on earth is the Shadow Tribe worthy of the Demon King Palace?

If there is, there is only one person!

Some of the aboriginal people have taken refuge in the Demon King’s Palace. This idea can no longer be erased as soon as they appear. In order to survive and betray their own clan, will there be fewer such intelligent creatures? And the bone dragon in the Demon King Palace is obviously a wise and cunning monster, and it seems to be a bit too strong in the control of the underground world, and there is absolutely weird in it.

"And I'm very curious, is the army of warcrafts thousands of miles away really come to crusade against the Shadow Tribe? How was this news confirmed? When and who confirmed and communicated it to you? And that is, the so-called ten-day time. How is it determined? The distance and speed? Don't you think that the Warcraft army is a bit too slow to travel a hundred miles a day?" Lilith raised questions one by one, making Lena overwhelmed.

"what do you mean"

"There is a conspiracy we don't know about, and the target of the conspiracy is likely to be you from the beginning!"

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