Everyone thinks what Charles provided is good, but Charles said that if the number of weapons is small, they can be given, but now it seems that the demand for weapons is very large and they have to be bought.

It's just a group of chiefs who have a bitter face, they have no money.

Charles inquired and learned that the tribes here are basically self-sufficient and have limited resources. There are only a few things that need to be exchanged, all of which are bartering.

As a general equivalent, gold is not so much currency as it is an "IOU".

For example, this tribe and another tribe exchange fur for pig iron, but the other party does not have enough pig iron, but they need all the fur to provide winter clothes for the tribe, then gold comes in handy.

When they have enough pig iron, they will drag the tribe to exchange the gold.

Charles was confused when he heard it, so he gave up thinking and just bartered.

He believes that someone is creditworthy in doing business. He can't do things like trading glass balls for gold.

Before discussing business, he showed everyone a movie in the previous house.

This is a movie about the customs and customs of the entire East, which Charles commissioned the Chaowei Lanlong consortium to shoot. The demon race language version is ready to be played in the Kingdom of Rurik, and the lingua franca is ready to be broadcast as a science and education film in Dongtu.

Oston I and Ji Shijun watched this film, and then Panting with Rage bought the broadcasting rights on their respective sites from Charles, and prepared to use them for education in schools on their respective sites. student.

A group of chiefs sat there watching the movie intently. This was the first time they had seen the world outside of Xuelin.

Charles is to let them have an understanding of the outside world, knowing that the price they are waiting for is reasonable.

They watched it once is not enough, they did it five times before they started eating dinner.

During the meal, Canelva cautiously asked Charles: "My lord, are you the richest person in the world?"

Megadon Family and them are mentioned in the movie. Charles also appeared several times in his territory, and now ordinary chiefs dare not talk to him.

Not for anything else, it's just a mention of the "Xinba Hundred" thing in the movie.

Now these chiefs look towards his expressions all with fear. They all have two or three hundred thousand people. If he angers him, this is not enough to kill him.

The chiefs did not dare to talk to Charles. Everyone unanimously passed a bill with eye-to-eye exchanges. Afterwards, Warchief Kanelva will talk to the adult. If he gets angry, he will be taken. Top the pot, so perhaps the anger of the adults can be extinguished.

Charles just answered Canelva's questions calmly, beckoning him not to be so nervous.

Fortunately, I didn't show them the movies about the local customs of the Rurik Kingdom, otherwise the chiefs would definitely recruit the tallest and strongest beauties from all tribes to serve them.

Everyone ate as quickly as possible, and it probably took less than fifteen minutes.

Next, business negotiations officially began.

The chiefs are responsible for the negotiations between the tribes, so it is the chief chief Canelva who is talking to Charles.

At the beginning of the negotiation, Charles looked at the chiefs who were witnessing in the house, and then said solemnly: "Everyone, just now everyone saw that the formidable power I can provide is huge, so I have a Requirement. I ask you to use these weapons only for hunting and protecting the Wei Family Park, and it is forbidden to use them in mutual struggles."

Canelva immediately replied: "On behalf of all Kewen People agree to your request."

"We will form a special army to use the weapons provided by the adults. This army is dedicated to the outside world and is commanded by the chief. Whoever is the chief will listen to whoever is. "

Charles looked towards the young chief who tried Gatlin for the first time, and asked: "Buck, do you agree with the chief's plan?"

The young man The chief stood up and saluted Charles and said: "Our tribes have a tradition of forming coalition forces to resist the animal tide. Now the monarch has informed that all tribes can settle in Holy City. We have discussed the formation of an army dedicated to defending the Holy City. ."

Charles nodded, now feel relieved, he is most afraid that these people will die in the civil war the next time he comes.

In the past, tribes of two to three thousand people suddenly gathered to settle in a city. There was no friction and contradiction in the city of two to three million people. It was impossible for him to fear that the conflict would escalate. civil war.

"Don’t worry, adults." Canelva said with a faint smile, "We know that adults are in place for our sake. We are very happy because we feel that adults treat us as a family. ."

"We can live in the city of adults, and we will naturally follow the arrangements of the adults."

Charles heart startled, do they know that they are the masters of this city?

Canelva continued: "Shortly after the lord left, thanks to the gift of my god, Mika of the Buck tribe became the Saintess of my god. She told me the identity of the lord."

The "weng" rang in the house, not only Charles was surprised, but even the chiefs were also surprised.

Charles learned from their conversation that Saintess was indeed involved, but no one knew that he was a "landlord" before.

"Call! Call!"

"What happened again?"

"Did you find Saintess?"

"Other home There are Saintess, and you don’t want to be a Saintess in women’s clothing, so I found one."

"so that's how it is."

"You can help her a little bit. "

"No problem!"

Charles ended the hotline, sighed in relief, and now he is not afraid of being turned into a girl by Reimu to act as Saintess.

He said to everyone: "I didn't intend to talk about this, so as not to put pressure on everyone."

"But now that everyone knows, I will raise some expectations, then It means that when you encounter a conflict, you have something to say and don’t hurt each other."

Canelva leaned slightly to Charles and said, "Don’t worry, my lord, we’ve already decided. The bottom line when resolving the conflict is Use your fists to solve the problem and don't use weapons."

Charles smiled and didn't talk. Let's take it easy. Using weapons is a big improvement.

He continued: "Then we start commercial negotiations. In the following negotiations, you and I are equal. If you have any objections, you can speak frankly."

After Canelva saluted Charles in agreement, Charles asked: "First of all, I want to know how many troops you plan to organize?"

"Five thousand." Canelva replied.

Charles nodded. On average, fifty-sixty people support a professional soldier. This ratio is probably their limit.

He said: "Later, I will provide you with the equipment needed for an army of five thousand people. At the same time, I will send instructors, that is, the two companions who came with me last time and their comrades in arms. Teach you how to use these weapons, do you have any comments or suggestions."

"No." Canelva shook his head decisively.

These people who have been fighting for a lifetime naturally know that it is one thing to have a sword in their hands, and another thing to learn sword skills. Having a sword without a sword but not knowing it will only hurt or even kill you. Own.

He had originally planned to ask Charles to teach the skill of using guns. The two girls who were able to catch the deep sea eel emperor left a deep impression on him last time. good.

Charles relax. He is also afraid that the other party will refuse to provide the instructor's advice. I am afraid that when the time comes, he will kill himself before he kills the dead.

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