Negotiating continued, Charles put forward his own needs after confirming the needs of the other party: "First of all, I plan to recruit five hundred people as my guard after eliminating the undead here. Members, wages are calculated independently."

Canelva's eyes lit up. What he worries most is that this transaction is a one-off deal. It would be a loss if Charles doesn't come often in the future.

Now he is recruiting members of the guards here. This business will take at least several years, or maybe several decades.

He immediately said: "We promise to select 500 of the best warriors for the adults to send. I think other tribes will agree."

Those chiefs said they would definitely send The best warrior in the tribe, or go by yourself, just enough food and wine.

Well, Charles has nothing to say. These are all human beings, and they went to his kitchen and wine cellar.

Canelva's face is not very good, thinking how can these guys be like this? How can I run after you all run?

Charles thought, I'll let them clean up these guys slowly when the instructor arrives, otherwise one or two of them will think their salary is easy to get.

Canelva shut up those guys, and then said: "My lord, our tribes often hire warriors from other tribes. The price you hire for the guards is based on our tradition."

"The hired warrior must be full, and the cost is three times the amount of food. If the warrior is injured, he needs to give another five to ten times the amount of food a month. The warrior's death will cost five times a year. Times the food."

Charles nodded, the price is no problem. The warrior here is not Altria, so I can afford it.

He said: "Well, when the time comes, pick out the five people who can eat the most and see how much the one who eats the most can eat. When the time comes, everyone’s price will be calculated based on him. "

"The monthly salary is ten times the price to feed him. I will be responsible for healing if he is injured. At the same time, I will give five to ten months of money according to the injury. If he dies, I will pay Twenty years of wages."

Canelva opened his mouth, and finally said: "My lord is kind."

Charles also said: "If the family members of the guards agree, they I can live in my territory, and at the same time, I can do some work within my capacity to earn some money."

Canelva immediately agreed. In his opinion, this is Charles’ "hostage taking." After all, members of the guards Must be loyal.

Charles asked: "What else can you provide to me?"

Canelva replied: "I think we can provide adults with magic core, Fur, copper, iron and magic crystals, and some gold."

Charles was a little surprised, so he asked casually. Originally thought that only the magic core of devil beast and fur are almost the same, I guess the metal here The output is limited, so I didn't think much about it.

But he then thought about it, this place used to be the residence of the gods, the magic power is so rich that it is not surprising that there are magic crystal mines.

He asked: "I don't know how much metal minerals and magic crystals can provide?"

Canelva said: "We dig up the copper ore and iron ore here. It’s summer to go to the river to fish for gold, but we can’t use that much."

"The magic crystal is pretty much, I don’t know what the adults will pay."

Charles corner of the Mouth twitched, he thought this place was short of natural resources and didn't expect it to be a place with mines.

The most unacceptable thing is that they actually said "We can't use that much" and he was about to cry.

But he immediately thought that this is his own land. This time he is a person with a mine at home.

If you think about it further, they are right.

There is no way to grow food in this place. All you eat are hunting and gathering. So many mines can’t be transported and there is no need to rust. Is it fun?

The most important issue is transportation. If the transportation channel is opened up and minerals are exported and grains are exported, this might be an important heavy industry base.

It's just that a large area of ​​this place is full of high mountains, and there is still frozen soil on the flat ground. I am afraid it will take a long time to build the railway.

Don't even think about taking the waterway. The sea is full of ice in winter, and there are many ice floes in summer.

He still remembers that he crossed the Arctic Ocean not long ago because of global warming sea ice melting and the Arctic channel appeared. Before that, there was too much ice and ordinary cargo ships could not go.

Now this world is even more tragic, with almost zero shipping capacity, so the girls on the transport ship can run here from underwater.

But the girls are not free. They also talk about "meat consumption per hundred kilometers".

Moreover, there is still a lot of potential to be tapped in the mines on the other side of the human settlement. It is too expensive to run so far to mine.

Charles thought for a while, explained the difficulties to Canelva and the others, and then said: "I think I will use the best animal skins and magic crystals as the payment, otherwise I cannot guarantee my own Profit."

Canelva agreed, after all, the other party has the final say on what to buy.

Then Charles and Canelva had a friendly exchange on how many animal skins and magic crystals to exchange for how many weapons, and finally reached a consensus.

In the end, Charles generously stated that he could take credit first, and then pay after the necromancers are eliminated.

At this time, the chiefs are all sighed in relief. They can see that Charles has made a lot of profit in this business, at least they know the transportation cost.

Although they don't know how Charles got here, it must not be easy.

Charles is there to plan for the next actions.

The instructor’s affairs are easy to handle. Just transfer a company directly from the space gate, and choose the company of Genia and Sonia.

Weapons will take some time. There are all the supplies needed to fight against the undead in the Kingdom of Rurik. The navy can call at any time, but it will take several trips with teleportation. Transport routes have to be opened up.

Fortunately, all the tribes have migrated to the city. The city wall has been renovated under the efforts of everyone. It is not a problem to rely on their strength to defend for a while, and there is still enough time.

As Charles was thinking about the subsequent ammunition being airlifted from the Rurik Kingdom to the northern seaside, and then letting the transport ship girls take it over by the sea, Canelva asked him for something.

Canelva said to him: "My lord, we have a precious gift for you."

Charles hurriedly asked: "What is it?"

If you don't ask, what will you do when they send yourself a girl with the biggest bladder and the roundest waist?

Canelva rolled up his sleeves and said: "We are sending you the best set of Battle Mark."

Charles looked at the azure black tattoo on his arm. A little embarrassed: "This, on our side, it’s not so good to have this tattoo on my body."

Many people and demon race have tattoos, but most of them are adventurers. The mercenary and the soldier make a mark for themselves so as not to be confused about which corpse belongs to them when they die without a whole corpse.

If the whole body is covered with patterns like circuit diagrams like theirs, it will be too far ahead of the trend. Not only is it difficult for the world to accept, but also cannot pass the test in my heart.

When he was in elementary school, he used breakfast money to buy water stickers tattoos, and asked his classmates to help him put a dragon soar into the clouds and mount the mists on his chest in the school toilet.

I went home and showed off to my family coaxingly, but was beaten by grandfather, and then pulled to the shower room to clean it with a shoe brush.

At his current psychological age, he is no longer cold about tattoos and the like.

He has seen a few small bosses on the construction site, and his hands are all white, which are traces of washing off the previous tattoos.

Not to mention that Diana's thoughts are conservative. She tattooed this body with a circuit board-like pattern. It would be strange not to kick her out of bed.

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